Preamble: The next step is to open up a small volume of knowledge about best practices for applets, which are used as a starting point, but by no means limited to this. There will be several chapters “Naming,” “Single Test,” “Code Style,” “Comments,” “Safe Production,” “Refactoring,” “Code Design,” “Performance,” “Internationalization,” and “Why Applets Development Best Practices.” Each will contain positive and negative examples and detailed explanations.

The examples in this article are typical problems found during CR. Hopefully, you will be able to avoid such problems in advance with this booklet and focus our CR more on business logic rather than such trivialities or lack of basic ideas, resulting in a high quality CR.

Single article đź‘® measurement

How is your code quality measured? How do you ensure code quality? Do you dare to refactor code at any time? How do you make sure your refactored code is still correct? Are you confident enough to release your code at any time without testing? If you don’t have the answers to these questions, or if you don’t have 100% confidence, you need to unit test your code.

— From No. 4: The path of product Engineers

Single test can help developers to consider the boundary conditions in advance, improve code Robustness, have confidence in reconstruction, and give readers a way to quickly understand the code. In addition, from the design perspective, it can force developers to write “good functions” without side effects that meet the SRP principle.

Writing standards

[Suggestion] Complex single test should conform to the following more readable coding mode:

describe('testFunc'.() = > {
  it('should do sth when some conditions met'.() = > {
    const input = 'abc';
    const actual = testFunc(input);
    const expected = 'xyz';

Copy the code
describe('splitSubtitle'.() = > {
  it('Properly separate dollar subheadings'.() = > {
    const input = 'Reward 3000 yuan repayment limit';
    const actual = splitSubtitle(input);
    const expected = ['reward'.'3000'.'Dollar Repayment Limit'];

Copy the code

When the input parameter is long, it is not readable

it('normal src parameter restful url'.() = > {
Copy the code
it('should add zoom into path for restful url'.() = > {
  const input = '*aafffffffffffff/600w_600h';
  const actual = foo(input);
  const expected = '*aafffffffffffff/600w_600h/432w_288h';

  expect(actual === expected);
Copy the code


Divided into branches statements line function The next article will expand into details.

Coverage report

Coverage is the most intuitive measure of code quality. You can configure a coverage threshold so that code running online is always stable. We generally require that new util coverage be above 99%, configuration files be added, and tests fail when the threshold is below 99% to limit code quality from deteriorating after modification.


There are two ways, through the command line or configuration

// @filename package.json

  "scripts": {
    "test": "jest --coverage" // or --collectCoverage}}Copy the code

Or it can be configured to write to package.json or jest.config.js

// @filename package.json

  "jest": {
    "collectCoverage": true,}}Copy the code

đź’ˇ Tips: In order to ensure that the next util modification will not lead to a decrease in coverage, increase the threshold configuration. When it is lower than 100%, the single test will fail to ensure that the code quality does not deteriorate.

// @filename package.json

    "jest": {
    "collectCoverage": true,
+ "coverageThreshold": {
+ "global": {
+ "branches": 100,
+ "functions": 100,
+ "lines": 100,
+ "statements": 100
+}}}Copy the code

Branch coverage

A common mistake for developers who are just starting to write a single test is to list a bunch of cases without adding anything to branch coverage.

How to improve coverage effectively? We must first understand branches statements line function and know how to read the coverage report. Dig a hole and wait for the next article, coverage.