Avl – CLI (a simple front-end CLI tool)

Build personal front-end scaffolding (VUE) based on Node


  • features
  • Quick start
    • The installation
    • usage
  • contributors
  • maintainers
  • License


  • Simple and easy to use
  • Custom templates can be added or deleted

Quick start

The installation

$ npm i avl-cli -g               # install cli
$ omi init my-app     # init project, you can also exec 'omi init' in an empty folder
$ cd my-app           # please ignore this command if you executed 'omi init' in an empty folder
$ avl init [templateName] [yourProjectName]
Copy the code

Installation instructions:

The default scaffold template name is vue-admin

avl init vue-admin [yourProjectName]

New Template Usage

avl add
# select template and github address
Copy the code

  • Note: The template address is the git repository name. By default, pull the master branchowner/name#my-branchThe way of

Delete template Usage

avl delete
# select template
Copy the code

View all template usage

avl list
Copy the code

Initialize the project scaffolding usage

Avl init [templateName] [yourProjectName]Copy the code


  • BigSharkLx


  • BigSharkLx


  • MIT