The source code:


<button disabled>Click</button>
<button>Click Me</button>
Copy the code

The effect is as follows:

A button’s disabled property is false by default so the button is enabled.

When we add the Disabled attribute to the button, we actually set the button’s Disabled property to its initial value of true.

When you add the disabled attribute, you are initializing the button’s disabled property to true which disables the button.

Test Button

Adding and removing the disabled attribute disables and enables the button. However, the value of the attribute is irrelevant, which is why you cannot enable a button by writing Still Disabled.

Setting the disabled property to false enables button:

To control the state of the button, set the disabled property instead.

var oEnabled = $0; 10:53:01.273 undefined constant 10:53:03.086 oEnabled 10:53:03.089 <button>Click Me</button> 10:53:09.699 oEnabled. Attributes 10:53:09.718 NamedNodeMap {length: 0}length: 0__proto__: NamedNodeMap 10:53:23.227 var oDisabled = $0; 10:53:23.245 undefined 10:53:25.284 oDisabled 10:53:25.288 <button disabled>Click</button> 10:53:32.870 Odisabled. attributes 10:53:32.882 NamedNodeMap {0: disabled, disabled: disabled, length: 1}0: disabledLength: 1disabled: disabledbaseURI: "file:///C:/Code/git/angular/smallPiece/013-disabled-attribute.html"childNodes: NodeList []firstChild: nullisConnected: falselastChild: nulllocalName: "disabled"name: "disabled"namespaceURI: nullnextSibling: nullnodeName: "disabled"nodeType: 2nodeValue: ""ownerDocument: documentownerElement: buttonparentElement: nullparentNode: nullprefix: nullpreviousSibling: nullspecified: truetextContent: ""value: ""__proto__: Attr__proto__: NamedNodeMap 10:53:57.071 oEnabled. GetAttribute ('disabled'); 10:53:57. 104 null 10:54:15. 874 oDisabled. GetAttribute (" disabled "); 10:54:15.879 "" 10:54:54.618 oDisabled. 10:54:54.620 "false" 10:54:59.600 oDisabled. 10:54:59. 638 ""Copy the code

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