Project description

React-templates is a set of front-end templates projects based on the React&React-Native stack. The projects are divided into five branches (except the Master branch), covering common front-end project types. For example, management system projects (admin branch and single-SPA-Admin branch), mobile Web side projects (WebApp branch), APP projects (native bottom-tabs branch and native drawer branch).

Each template in the project uses popular technology stacks such as the React Family bucket and the React – Native family bucket. If you’re planning on learning react or React-native, this might help. If you are already an experienced driver, this program may save you a lot of preparation work. Read the branch description for details and check out the README for the branch.

Function Component + React hooks – function Component + React hooks If you have any functional requirements or suggestions, please leave a message on issues page. I will reply as soon as I see them.

Branch instructions

A,Native – bottom – tabs branch

Branch introduction: Based on the react-Native, react-Native Elements, React-Navigation, Redux, AXIos technology stack implementation of the bottom tabs layout of the APP template project

Template preview:

Second,Native – branch of the drawer

Branch introduction: APP template project of drawer layout based on react-Native, react-Native Elements, React-Navigation, Redux, AXIOS and other technical stacks

Template preview:

Three,Webapp branch

React, React-router-DOM, Redux, ANTD-Mobile, Axios and other technology stacks implement the mobile Web side template project

Template preview:

Four,Admin branch (under construction)

React, React – router-DOM, REdux, ANTD, AXIOS and other technology stack implementation management system template project

Five,Single-spa-admin branch (under study)

Branch introduction: Management system template project of micro-front-end architecture implemented by single-SPA was added on the basis of admin branch

Future plans

  1. Developing supporting scaffolding to simplify initialization (in progress)
  2. Added server rendering templates based on next.js
  3. Added a desktop application template based on electron. Js
  4. Add templates using the typescript language


The author

👤 sun walkers

  • Github: @SunXingZ

🤝 contribution

Suggestions and code contributions are welcome!

Use Issue to report bugs or consult. issues page.


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