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A series of literate data structures: sequence tables
Key words: data structure, basic structure, linear table, sequence table, structure implementation \
The article directories
- A series of literate data structures: sequence tables
- What is a data structure
- Data and data structures
- 2. Logical structure
- 3. Storage structure
- 4. Data operation
- Two, linear table
- 1. Introduction to linear tables
- Table 2. The order
- Third, structural realization
- 1. Interface definition
- 2. Function realization
- 3. Invoke the test
What is a data structure
This column is a sub-column of “Manual Tearing Algorithm” column: “Data Structure”, which will describe some basic and classical data structure, and the implementation of conventional operations. Before this, we need to understand the relationship between data and structure, and what characteristics they have respectively.
Data and data structures
- data
Data is the carrier of information. In the field of computer, it can be considered that all symbols that can be input into the computer and processed by the computer can be called data. It can be a string, audio, video, and so on. This column focuses on numeric data (combined with data structures).
- The data element
A data element is each individual in the data and is the basic unit of the data (set). Sometimes a data element contains more than one piece of data, so we can think of a data element as a single piece of data or a node in a data structure.
- A data item
A data item is a component of a data element and a specific item. Data items can be divided into simple data items and combined data items, such as name, age and other indivisible descriptions belong to simple data items. Data items such as date can also be divided into smaller data items, which belong to combined data items.
- The data object
A data object is a collection of data elements with the same nature. It is usually used as a general name for data to be processed, such as integers and positive integers. It can also be data that conforms to custom rules, such as data tables with the same data dimensions.
- The data structure
Data structures can be used to characterize and describe the relationship between data elements, such as: linear, tree, etc. At the same time, it can also be regarded as a collection of data elements that conform to one or more specific relationships.
2. Logical structure
Logical structures are used to describe eachThe data elementThe logical relationship between data elements, mainly describes the organization of data elements, includingThe number of adjacent elements.Start node,The terminal node,precursor,The subsequentAnd so on. Where: set, tree and graph can also be collectively referred to asNonlinear structure.
- Loose structure (set)
If there is no relationship between data elements other than belonging to the same set (i.e. having some same property), the relationship can be said to be loose (not the focus of research).
- Linear structure
There is a one-to-one relationship between data elements in a linear structure. In the non-null case, there is one and only one start node and one end node. And the start node has no precursor, it has a successor; An endpoint has no successor, but a precursor; The remaining nodes have one and only one precursor and successor.
- A tree structure
A one-to-many relationship exists between data elements in a tree structure. In the non-null case, there is a node called root, which has no precursor node; Other nodes have one and only one precursor, but can have multiple successors (nodes with no successors are called leaf nodes).
- Graph structure
A many-to-many relationship exists between data elements in a graph structure. In the non-null case, any node may have more than one precursor and more than one successor.
3. Storage structure
The storage structure of data is the realization of the logical structure of data in the computer, which is specifically how to store. Since the smallest unit of data representation in a computer is a binary bit (a bit), the values of data elements are stored in binary mode (a value may correspond to more than one binary bit), and the logical relationship between data elements can be represented in the following four ways.
- Sequential storage
Sequential storage is the storage of all data elements in one piececontinuousIn storage, such that logically adjacent data elements are physically adjacent as well.
- Chain store
Chain storage does not require data elements that are logically adjacent to each other to be physically adjacent during storage. It can be stored in any location, but it needs to be composed of two parts:Data elements themselvesandPointer to the(Used to record the position of adjacent elements).
- Indexes are stored
So storage adds an index table as well as storing elements. The index tables typically record the values of key data items in the data elements, called keywords (which uniquely identify the data elements), along with the corresponding storage addresses (which can be used when sorting by rules).
- Hash stored
Hash storage is also called hash storage. This method creates a contiguous storage space in which the keywords of the data elements are stored according to a predefined hash function.
4. Data operation
Data operation is the processing of data to achieve the desired effect, also known as data operation. After the data structure is determined, the following operations are usually performed on the data elements:
- create
Initialization of a data structure creates an actionable instance of the predefined structure.
- The destruction
The storage structure that has been created is recycled to release space (usually controlled by computers, not as the focus of research).
- insert
Inserts a specified new data element at a location in the data structure.
- delete
Removes a qualified data element from a data structure while preserving the nature of the data structure.
- To find the
Find the data elements in the data structure that meet the criteria.
- Modify the
Modifies the value of the specified data element in the data structure.
- traverse
Each data element in the data structure is accessed in some way or path once, and only once.
Two, linear table
1. Introduction to linear tables
A linear table is a finite sequence of N data elements, where N is the length of the linear table, and when n=0, the linear table is empty. All data in a linear table are of the same type, and there is a linear or one-to-one logical relationship between data elements.
- The first element, which has no precursor, is called the start node.
- The last element, which has no successor, is called an endpoint.
- Other elements have one and only one precursor and successor.
- The order sheet
Sequential storage of linear tables: Sequential storage of linear tables. Each data element in a linear table is stored in a single storage cell with consecutive addresses.
- The list
Chained storage of linear lists: a linear list of chained storage, in which each node contains two parts: a data field and a pointer field. The data field is used to store the value of data elements, and the pointer field is used to store the location information of adjacent elements.
Table 2. The order
- Elements that are logically adjacent are also physically adjacent.
- The storage density is high, and space of corresponding length needs to be allocated in advance.
- Easy random access, according to the address relationship can directly obtain the corresponding location of the element.
- It is not good for insertion and deletion. To ensure linearity, string bits are required for other elements.
Third, structural realization
1. Interface definition
Use Java language implementation, in the interface to define the need to have the function (based on linear table) :
/** ** linear table function interface */
public interface IList {
/** * set the linear table to an empty table */
public void clear(a);
/** * check if the linear table is empty *@returnTrue: empty false: non-empty */
public boolean isEmpty(a);
/** * check the length of the linear table *@returnCurrent number of data elements */
public int length(a);
/** * returns the data element at the specified location, and raises an out-of-bounds exception * if the index is out of range@paramI Index position *@returnThe corresponding data element */
public Object get(int i);
/** * Inserts a data element before the specified location, and raises an out-of-bounds exception * if the index is out of range@paramI Index position *@paramE Data element */
public void insert(int i, Object e) throws Exception;
/** * Removes and returns the data element at the corresponding location, or raises an out-of-bounds exception if the index is out of range@paramI Index position *@returnData element */
public Object remove(int i) throws Exception;
/** * returns the position of the first occurrence of the data element in the linear table, or -1 * if none exists@paramE Data element *@returnIndex position */
public int indexOf(Object e);
/** * traverses all the data elements in the output order table */
public void show(a);
Copy the code
2. Function realization
Use Java code for sequential storage of linear tables, as follows:
/** ** sequential storage of linear tables: sequential table */
public class SequenceList implements IList {
private Object[] elements;// Linear table storage space
private int currentLength;// The current length of the linear table
/** * Creates a sequential table with the specified storage size *@paramSize Storage space size */
public SequenceList(int size){
elements = new Object[size];
currentLength = 0;// The initial data element in the linear table is 0
public void clear(a) {
currentLength = 0;
public boolean isEmpty(a) {
return currentLength == 0;
public int length(a) {
return currentLength;
public Object get(int i) {
if (i < 0 || i > currentLength - 1) {throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException(Index subscript out of bounds);
return elements[i];
public void insert(int i, Object e) throws Exception {
if (currentLength == elements.length){
throw new Exception("Current order table is full");
if (i < 0 || i > currentLength){
throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException(Index subscript out of bounds);
for (int j = currentLength; j > i; j--) {
elements[j] = elements[j - 1];
elements[i] = e;
public Object remove(int i) {
if (i < 0 || i > currentLength - 1) {throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException(Index subscript out of bounds);
Object e = elements[i];
for (int j = i; j < currentLength - 1; j++) {
elements[j] = elements[j + 1];
return e;
public int indexOf(Object e) {
int j = 0;
while(j < currentLength && ! elements[j].equals(e)){ j++; }if (j < currentLength){
return j;
}else {
return -1; }}@Override
public void show(a) {
for (int i = 0; i < currentLength; i++) {
System.out.print(elements[i] + "\t"); } System.out.println(); }}Copy the code
3. Invoke the test
Use the test program to test the data structure as follows:
public class SequenceListTest {
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
// Implement the sequential table with a linear table, initialize a space of length 5
IList list = new SequenceList(5);
// Add 3 elements
// Look at the element in position 1
System.out.println("The element in position 1 is:" + list.get(0));
// Find the data element with the value 20
System.out.println("Where element 20 first appears?" + list.indexOf(20));
// Delete the data element in the third position
System.out.println("Elements" + list.remove(2) + "Has been successfully deleted");
// Iterate over the order table
// Check the current number of data elements
System.out.println("Current number of data elements is:" + list.length());
// Clear the order table
// Check whether the sequence table is empty
System.out.println(list.isEmpty() ? "Order list is empty" : "Sequence list is not empty"); }}Copy the code
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