HR strongly recommends a candidate who has worked for 3 years with a current annual salary of $20 +.

Look at his resume, from HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Vue. Js, and React, there is no lack of one, cross-platform PC, mobile terminal, small programs have also been exposed to, like a practical person!

Anxious choose and employ persons, hurriedly call a person to interview, wish 70 to pass. The result is unexpected, technical 1 side kneel!

The hash and history routing modes of Vue Router are implemented.

Hash urls with hash numbers, history not, blah, blah…

If he can name a few features of the Hash and history routing modes, a brief explanation of how to get router attributes on Vue instances in the install method, and how to trigger updates, he will not be killed.

Technical principle topic, the topic is not difficult, answer bad direct exposure is the short board of the underlying technology!

A work experience of more than 3 years of the front end, the answer is not comprehensive, it is absolutely!

In fact, companies are trying to bring in a cadre of engineers from medium-sized Internet companies and some small factories.

No requirement for business ability, project experience 100% JD, but at least 80 points in some important technical points. Such as:

  • JavaScript language basics;
  • The use and internal principles of Vue3.0, React and other frameworks;
  • Server-side development, front-end understanding back-end
  • Web front-end engineering
  • Node.js full stack development

These are basic business requirements. But this simple requirement has turned hundreds of applicants away from big factories!

In addition, some job seekers are worried about project experience. Now the mid-sized Internet companies and some small factories, achieving revenue balance is already excellent, there is no more money to build large projects! Everybody knows that.

Therefore, entering dachang is not as difficult as imagined! The key is technology!

Opportunities are left to prepared people, understand the job requirements, early preparation, do enough preparation, you can take detdetments, online all kinds of surface by pen, learning courses.

The following share with you a “front-end development engineer essential information pack” I organized.

269 pages of the front-end factory interview treasure book

Front end test summary




Front-end data summary

Due to the lack of space, a complete version ofEssential data pack for front-end development engineers“Friends directlyClick here to get it for free, I wish you a smooth wind and smooth water god of wealth!


No matter what you do, you should have your own ideas and thinking, so that you can do things well and do them deeper. Otherwise this is like a dream, wake up or very moved. Hope you readers, look at the above topic is not back the answer, but to understand it, and can be used, do similar things in the future, there is a reference train of thought. If I meet with the same interviewer, of course, the topic is not exactly the same, at this time need to play their own accumulation and flexible use.

Finally, if you have seen the universal situation and understood the universal phenomenon, then if everything is the same as others, won’t it finally become the universal level? If you want to break away from the current status quo and achieve a breakthrough, then the goal should be to become a person with personality, characteristics and distinction, to become a different front end, a different person.