If someone were to ask me, in 2020, what is your most consistent habit? Without thinking, I would say “running.” This question is also thrown at you. How would you answer it?

In the blink of an eye, it is the end of the year, and the unforgettable 2020 is about to pass. It’s time for my end-of-year review, and I’m following the trend. It’s just a “running review”, and I share my feelings and experiences of running for the past year.


Once upon a time, I thought I was the kind of body that does not eat fat, from small to large are relatively thin crowd. During the whole university period, the weight is also extremely stable, 17 several height plus less than 120 catties of weight, at that time very want to go up 10 catties of meat.

After graduation, personal habits have changed a lot. I gradually eat more take-out food, do not exercise much, and often sit for a long time at work. Grow like this before, weight begins to rise gradually, go to supermarket shopping once, weigh next weight incidentally, the weight that discovers oneself surprisingly already broke through 130 jins. Every time I go home, my relatives and friends say I eat fat, at this time I did not pay special attention to the original too thin, fat point is also very good. I originally thought that my weight would gradually stabilize, but it still kept growing. In October 2019, my peak weight reached over 140 kg. However, only two years after graduation, my weight increased by 30 kg. As I looked at my bulging face and bulging belly, I decided it was time to start exercising and getting in shape.


Running is probably the easiest sport to get started with. Anyone can run, almost without time or space. I started running in the middle and late October of 2019. At the beginning, running was always boring and tiring. It was difficult to run for two or three kilometers, and I was out of breath every time AFTER running. At that time, I also wanted to give up, but I wanted to give up at the beginning, but also the te line, so slowly insisted on down.

Gradually, found that as long as adhere to progress. I was able to run 5km without getting out of breath and gradually realized the fun of running. After running for more than a month, the average pace of 5km finally reached 6 minutes, which was the record of friends circle at that time.

There is a saying that if you do something regularly for three weeks in a row, you have made it a habit. Running, too, seems so much easier when you get into the habit. I gradually began to enjoy running, and when it was time to run, I would unconsciously think of running. With the accumulation of running, my pace was raised to within 5 minutes. Even in the hot summer, I often went out to run. These moments of friends recorded my state of mind at that time.

Running a lot, sometimes I need to break through myself. When I was in college, there was a men’s 10,000-meter race in the school sports meeting. At that time, I thought the students who could run over 10 kilometers were very good. One weekend afternoon, I decided it was time for a break, so I ran my first 10k ✌️✌️. By mid-December, I had run over 1,000 kilometers, which took me more than a year.


For more than a year, I have been running every month, except that I stopped running for over two months due to the epidemic. People are inert, develop good habits must be maintained, once interrupted may interrupt for a long time.

Running also let me gain a lot, in addition to weight loss, it can enhance our heart and lung capacity, exercise our willpower. At the same time, running will relieve pressure, and we will get a sense of achievement when we make progress. We will develop regular running exercise, and our life will be more regular.

Here also pull wave hate, put down my weight loss curve 😉, a year down, weight loss nearly 20 catties oh! If you want to lose your shape, run!


For running, I am also a wild road background, some experience and lessons are their own grope. As an amateur runner, here dare to share a few running experience, want to start running partners can refer to the next.

Indoor or outdoor

I run outdoors, so if you have a treadmill at home, you can run indoors. My advice is to run outside when the weather permits, it feels more open and you can see the scenery.

You may be asking, how do you choose outdoor running venues? My advice would be if there is a school playground or park running track nearby. If you don’t have it, you can run on the street, but pay attention to pedestrians. Don’t choose a place too remote.

Warm up and stretch before and after your run

Whether you are a beginner or an experienced runner, you must do a warm-up exercise before running. You can follow the warm-up tutorial on some running software. The warm-up should last about 10 minutes before running. After your run, walk slowly for a while, then do a post run stretch to stretch your ankles and thighs.

Don’t overthink it in the beginning

Start jogging two or three kilometers and stop when you feel tired. If you move, you succeed. If you stick to it for a month, you get started. Don’t expect to see immediate results. Run for a month without losing weight for a few more months.

On running time

Everyone has different free time, and running time varies from person to person. If you’re a morning person, run in the morning, in the evening if you have time, or in the evening if you have a free weekend. No matter what time, as long as the run will have harvest.

There are some opinions on the Internet that which running time is better, but we are all working people, so we can’t spare time to run at any time. It is suggested to explore the running time slowly. I usually run in the evening, and on weekends I run at 4 or 5 PM. After the meal is unfavorable to run, want to choose after the meal at least after an hour commonly.

About running Gear

When it comes to running gear, I don’t do much research. If you are just getting started, you can try the basic running shoes of all the major sports brands first. After you have run for a while, you can choose running shoes according to your own situation.

Running clothes generally choose quick-drying clothes. If the temperature is higher than 15°, you can wear shorts and short sleeves. If the temperature is about 10°, you may wear long sleeves and trousers. Especially running outdoors in winter, we should pay attention to running and add clothes in time after running. Outdoor running is not recommended when the temperature is below 0°.

About the running process

Running at a constant pace is recommended. A steady pace will make it easier for you to stick with it and allow you to recover faster after a run. Don’t overdo the pace.

In winter, the body is cold, you can choose to jog, and after the body is fully warmed up, you can increase the pace. If you want to improve your endurance, try “LSD training,” called Long Slow Distance, where you Slow down and run for 10, 15 or more kilometers.

About running frequency

More running is not always better. Learn to run should also learn to rest, excessive exercise is very easy to injury. If you’re running 5km, you can do one or two breaks, usually three to five times a week. Of course, if you are very experienced and in good physical condition, you can run more.

About running injuries

In the process of running, we must pay attention to avoid injury, when the body abnormal, immediately stop running. Running will cause certain wear and tear to the knee joint, so pay attention to protection. If your shoes don’t fit properly, you may also have blisters or black toenails.

Running is not for everyone

By the way, running is just one type of exercise and not for everyone. People with knee joint loss or excessive weight are not suitable for running. For the crowd with too much weight, the impact of running on the knee joint will be greater, running should be more attention, you can also choose to walk and other sports.


Thank you so much for reading this. After writing so much, I still want to make a record and share some of my running experience. I am very happy if I can help you.

Here’s a reminder that losing shape isn’t just about running, it’s also about eating. Personally, running is very easy to lose weight, and after you form a habit, you will feel that running is a kind of fun, both physical exercise and pleasure yourself, why not?

2020 is coming to an end. How about setting a flag for 2021? Hopefully when asked, “What is your longest-lasting habit in 2021?” Without thinking, you will also say “running”!

If you have any sports experience to share, or want to set a flag, feel free to comment in the comments section.