
This is my first gold digger article, using my seven years of mistakes as a programmer as a warning to young people starting out in the industry. Few people share their failure experience, but most people are failure and ordinary, dare to face yourself, maybe can get better results.

Into the line

I graduated from a second university in Tianjin in 2012, majoring in integrated circuit design and integrated system. I was born in a rural area. When I chose my major in the college entrance examination, I did not have the guidance of a senior person, nor did I know the current situation of China’s integrated circuit industry. I simply felt that this major seemed to be of high quality, so I chose this major. After graduating from university, I was recommended by my teacher to enter a small workshop of more than 20 people and began to be a layout engineer. First, the monthly salary of 4K is pitifully low. Second, I am poor in professional knowledge. Later, I accepted the advice of my high school classmates and prepared to join the ranks of iOS programmers. In April 2014, I quit my job and borrowed some money to attend a training course of an iOS training institution. Because I am interested in iOS development, I am very happy to learn it. Because is not a formal training background, is a half – way monk, basically is a half – level.

First iOS development job

The first stage

At the end of September 2014, I got a job in a group purchasing company with a salary of 11K per month by falsifying my resume. The main responsibility of this job is to make the company’s internal office App, and the work content is to write some simple pages. The three colleagues around me, including the group leader, are not good at it. I am satisfied with the salary of this job, but I am not satisfied with the 2B (not an expletive) project. I want to do the well-known 2C project to improve my self-recognition. During this work, I also tried to read third-party frameworks to improve my level, but my level was limited.

The second stage

In January 2015, I was transferred to the 2C retail project team by virtue of never talking back with the team leader. Familiar with page development and common SDK integration. What was more embarrassing was that I couldn’t use Git at first, and the code I wrote in a day was erased.

Second Job

In August 2015, due to the disagreement between the retail project partner and the company, half of our project team followed the partner to set up a company of 30 people. They worked in this company for three years, with a salary of 13K ~ 16K +30% performance and 13 salary. The company atmosphere is more relaxed, colleagues are good friends. The company’s problem is that its business model and products are immature. In these three years, I did not find or seriously look for learning methods to improve myself. I just passively hoped that time would bring me added value with the increase of working years. The reality is that time has depreciated my value. After three months of hard work, I finally understood H5 development. As I only learned iOS development, it was really difficult to understand H5 development.

First job loss

At the end of December 2018, I was unemployed for the first time. As the retail project received little profit, the company announced to dissolve, and I began to take the N+1 compensation to accompany the birth. At first, I didn’t have a sense of crisis. I thought this job was low in income, so I just changed it. However, the following interview was a shock to me. I failed to pass the basic knowledge and lacked project experience. I didn’t get an offer. I am then crazy to find online information for tutoring, but little effect. After three months of interview, I had no choice but to work for my wife’s outsourcing company.

Third Job

The third job was resident implementation, and I was responsible for the basic maintenance of App in a bank. This job was very easy, because it was mainly about H5 development. The salary is also very low, 13K per month. During this period, I only did a small amount of work except to learn the basic knowledge of iOS and read third-party frameworks. I just wanted to jump ship as soon as I mastered the knowledge, but I still gained little due to the lack of project support.

Second unemployment

At the beginning of 2020, due to the epidemic, iOS outsourcing in the field was not many, I spent most of my time at home, and my income also decreased. It’s the same thing as unemployment. During this period, I found a pirated course of a training institution in Xianyu for learning. When I was looking for a job in June, the offer of some start-up companies had been successfully obtained, but the big factories still did not go in.

Fourth Job

In July 2020, I joined an online education company with a salary of 24K, 13 salary, and the salary is uncertain. The company finally had the opportunity to develop large projects. It was tough at first, but eventually I got through it and gained some confidence in my ability to develop. But the mobile team were all bad people, snobbish, stubborn, selfish, and trying to make ends meet. It didn’t matter. Unfortunately, I failed to become the iOS development leader and didn’t get the opportunity to transform Flutter, which was caused by my lack of confidence in my ability. My colleagues who got the opportunity also ended up making a mess of themselves. In my work, I learned how to do a good job of program development, and learned algorithms, design patterns, and technical management in my spare time.

Third unemployment

At the end of August 2021, I was unemployed for the third time. Due to the influence of national policies, the company began to downsize. I was introverted and deliberately alienated from the team leader (the team leader was talkative, sarcastic and bragged), so I was fired. In this unemployment, I spent a month to review the basic knowledge of the past. 80% of resumes sent to medium and large companies will receive an interview opportunity, and the pass rate is 1/5. I got an offer of 28K from a developing company (I rejected it) and continued my job hunting.


My career was definitely a failure. I think I really became an iOS developer on my fourth job. There are many reasons that affect my development.

  1. Non-professional background: Non-professional background does not have the knowledge base of network, algorithm, compilation principle, database and so on, so it is difficult to understand new knowledge and the learning effect is poor.
  2. No awareness of learning: do not know how to learn knowledge from the project, do not pay attention to summary, do not try to find a good way to learn, once I have a job to relax learning, once there are trivial things in life, learning is thrown into the cloud.
  3. No career planning: when the monk hit the bell day by day, work for the sake of work, without considering their own career path, the first job is actually a good endorsement, they did not cherish, the second and third let their background become worse.
  4. Stick to a line: did not switch to the tuyere, former colleagues through switching to H5 into dachang, he has been doing iOS and previous colleagues have a big gap.

I’m a 33-year-old iOS programmer looking for a job.