“Live up to the time, the creation of non-stop, this article is participating in 2021 year-end summary essay competition”

What is a man doing out in the world? Love the best, the best to hear, the best to look at, the best to eat.

/ Mu Xin, Literary MemoirsCopy the code

One, 2021 balance an hour of nagging

Recall that on December 31, 2020, I opened Luo Zhenyu’s New Year’s Eve speech “Friends of Time 2021” alone in my public rental house in Suzhou. While listening to the New Year’s Eve speech, I picked up a guy and cleaned up my room until more than 2 am.

In the morning of January 1st, I got up early and participated in the 2021 New Year’s Welcome run with my friends. I drew a map of 2021, which was interesting and romantic for runners.

Now it is December 31, 2021. Now I am sitting in the living room of my hometown, watching “Friends of Time 2022” on TV with my family. It is interesting to recall that I wanted to write my annual summary for 2020 in January, but my achievement died after half a month. Flag was set up early this year, which is half finished. For no words and no thinking, only a mind map was completed over the weekend to describe the 2021 annual summary of A Yuan in the form of running books. I want to share with you.

Through mind mapping, I reviewed my own technology learning, work, life and entertainment, sports and health, travel & entertainment, reading & film, financial management, seven sections. Go ahead and make a list of things to do in 2021.

Who knows me, hear me is a “front end development” will be surprised at think I don’t like a programmer, presumably because the love of life ~ (in other words, play is love, love to eat) life and the work needs a measure, the two are complementary to each other, work can realize personal value, life is a seasoning, Try to enjoy the moment and make it worth it.

Suddenly found that forget to introduce myself, I am almost every major platform with “Hecate” ID, with a source of the name of a mixed trace of various social circles of a 2 years half a year work experience of the front-end development program yuan (yes is a girl, a source is a girl, often misunderstood by everyone)

This year is very lucky to know many like-minded good friends, and can work together, together for a goal to strive 💪

Answer 2021

See a small video of Bai Yansong has the following 6 questions, think back to answer these one by one, maybe on 2021 summary?

1. What do you say to yourself relative to 2021?

The source! In 2021, you have experienced valleys and mountains, ups and downs, but you are still so lovely, so serious, so loving! Keep it up! Continue to read and exercise even in the most difficult and bitter days, and everything will gradually become clear!

2. Who comes to mind in 2021 if only one of your most memorable names comes to mind?

The most unforgettable thing in 2021 is the person who influenced me the most in 2020. It’s the beginning of change. Start by wanting to be better. In 2021, the biggest influence on me is my leadership, which enables me to open another door to explore and experience the responsibility that I have never had before

3. What else do you need in 2021 besides money?

Lack of 2021! Lack of money! In addition to the lack of money or lack of money, looking back on 2021, I feel quite happy, surrounded by a group of aspirant and excellent people, they can really influence you a lot, they are my role models, I am very lucky to meet them. There are tired to cry, now look back is very warm very touched.

4. Do you have any regrets that you didn’t get this year?

The little regret that can not be sought, to answer in 5s, should not be, because THIS year I completed a little wish of their own at the end of 2019 and the beginning of 2020 “experience a flight within two years”, in September with me to complete 3000m skydiving 🪂, to help me achieve this goal. Very grateful to

At the last moment of the release, I suddenly remembered that I had a little regret haha, that is, my weight went up and down, and finally I gained 10 kg. I hope I can find another way to deal with the pressure and troubles in the New Year

5. What percentage of the goals you set at the beginning of the year have been achieved?

At the beginning of 2021, I seem to have no plans and goals. I think I can do what I want to do, and it is good if I can stick to it. I remember there is a saying that to cultivate a good habit is to “start from bad”. Don’t expect to do well, as long as you start doing, and persevere, you will slowly explore and meet like-minded people on the road.

I have no vision: READ 17 books in 2021, finish 14. I have experienced a one-day cycling trip around Taihu Lake, a 1,000km run in a year, accompanied my parents to play in Suzhou, experienced a parachute jump, organized 23 running activities for the company together with like-minded partners, and published 19 gold-digging articles, etc., which are listed in the running list

What is your wish in 2022?

Wishes for 2022: Health, peace and happiness, and a raise!

The year 2022 is half an hour away. I need to click publish and celebrate the New Year with my friends. My friends, happy New Year 2022 ❤️ after listing my annual running list, I feel like I made a lot of things. I’m a big foodie and forgot to list what I ate.

You all see here must be very interested in my summary, if you have a careful look at my mind map and the above text summary, I hope you can give me a thumbs-up comment ~ welcome interactive exchange.

A yuan annual current account