In 2021, the competition in the Internet industry is becoming more and more severe, and the interview is becoming more and more difficult. I have been trying to compile a perfect set of interview guidelines for a long time, but IT is difficult to spare the time. I have prepared this set of 1000+ Channels Java interview manual for a whole month, and uploaded it to Github
This set of Internet Java engineer interview questions includes: MyBatis, ZK, Dubbo, EL, Redis, MySQL, Concurrent Programming, Java Interview, Spring, Microservices, Linux, Springboot, SpringCloud, MQ, Kafka Interview topics
Alibaba P8 spent a month developing the 32W word Java interview manual, which is available in PDF here for screenshots
Java Interview questions directory
MyBatis interview article
- What is Mybatis?
- Advantages of Mybaits:
- Disadvantages of myBatis framework:
- MyBatis framework applicable occasions:
- What are the differences between MyBatis and Hibernate?
- What’s the difference between # and $?
- What if the attribute name in the entity class is different from the field name in the table?
- Fuzzy query like words how to write?
- Usually, an Xml mapping file will write a Dao interface corresponding to it. This Dao interface works on tDa
- How does Mybatiz do pagination? How does paging plug-ins work?
- How does Mybati S encapsulate the sq execution result as the target object and what mappings are returned?
- How do I perform batch inserts?
- How do I get automatically generated (primary) key values? 14. How to pass multiple parameters in Mapper?
- What is Mybatis dynamic SQL? How does it work? What dynamic SQL is there?
- Select Xm1 mapping file, in addition to the common | insert lupdae | delete tags, there are
- Mybati Z is a semi-automatic dynamic ORM mapping tool. What’s the difference between it and automatic?
- – Pair – and – Pair – Associated query all
- MyBati s implementation – yes – how many ways? How does it work?
- MyBatiz implementation – There are several ways to implement MyBatiz. How does it work?
- Does Mybatiz support lazy loading and if so, how does it work?
- Mybati S level 1 and level 2 cache:
- What is the interface binding for MyBati S? What are the implementation methods?
- What are the requirements when using MyBatis mapper interface?
- How can YOU write a Mapper?
- Describe how Mybati s plug-in works and how to compile it
Zookeeper interview article
- ZooKeeper surface J 考 试?
- What does ZooKeeper offer?
- Zookeeper file system
- ZAB agreement?
- Four types of data nodes zNodes
- Zookeeper “Atcher mechanism – Data change notification
- The client registers the Watcher implementation
- The server handles the Watcher implementation
- The client calls back atcher
- ACL permission control mechanism
- Chroot feature
- Session management
- Server role
- Zookeeper Server running status
- Data synchronization
- How does ZooKeeper keep the order of transactions consistent?
- Why is there a Master in a distributed cluster? 16. What can I do if the ZK node is down?
- Zookeeper load balancing differs from NGINx load balancing
- What are the deployment modes of Zookeeper?
- How many machines are required for a cluster? What are the clustering rules?
- Does the cluster support dynamic addition of machines?
- Is Zookeeper’s wat ch listening notification on a node permanent? Why not yongfa?
- What are the Java clients of Zookeeper?
- What is Chubby and how does it compare to Zookeeper?
- Here are some common ZooKeeper commands.
- The relation and difference between ZAE and Faxos algorithm?
- Typical application scenarios of Zookeeper
Dubbo interview article
- Why Dubbo?
- What are the layers of Dubbo’s overall architectural design?
- What communication framework is used by default, and what other options are there?
- Is the service invocation blocking?
- What registry is commonly used? Is there any other option?
- What serialization framework is used by default, and what else do you know?
- What is the principle that service providers can achieve invalidation? How does the launch of the service not affect the old version?
- How to solve the problem of long service invocation chains? 10. What are the core configurations?
- What protocol does Dubbo recommend?
- Can a service be directly connected to multiple registrations of the same service?
- Draw a flowchart for service registration and discovery?
- How many options are there for Dubbo cluster fault tolerance?
- Dubb. Service degraded, failed to retry what to do?
- Dubb. What are the problems encountered in the process of use?
- How does Dubbo Monitor work?
- What design patterns does Dubbo use?
- How is the Dubbo configuration file loaded into Spring?
- What is the difference between Dubbo SPI and Java SPI?
- Dubb. Are distributed transactions supported?
- Can Dubbo cache the results?
- How can the service be compatible with the old version?
- What packages must Dubbo rely on?
- What does the Dubbo Telnet command do?
- Is Dubbo support service degraded?
- How does Dubbo stop gracefully?
- The difference between a Dubbo and a Dubbox?
- What’s the difference between Dubbo and Spring Cloud? What other distributed frameworks do you know about?
Redis interview article
- What is Redis?
- Redis data type?
- What are the benefits of using Redis?
- What are Rediz’s advantages over Memcached?
- What are the differences between Memcache and Redi S?
- Is Redis single-process or single-threaded?
- What is the maximum capacity that a string value can store?
- What is the persistence mechanism for Redi S? What are their strengths and weaknesses?
- Redi s common performance issues and solutions: redis expiration key deletion policy?
- Redis’ recycling strategy (Obsolescence strategy >?
- Why does EDIz need to put all data in memory? 13. Redi Z synchronization mechanism?
- What are the benefits of Fipeline and why pipeline?
- Have you used Redi Z clustering and how does clustering work?
- Redi S Cluster solution When can the entire cluster become unavailable?
- What are the Java clients supported by Redi S? Which is the official recommendation?
- What are the pros and cons of Jedi Z versus Redi Sson? 19. Redi S how to set and verify the password? 20, Redi s hash slot
- What is the master-slave replication model for a Redi Z cluster? 22, Redi = will some operations be lost in the cluster? Why is that? 23. How are Redi Z clusters replicated between clusters?
- What is the maximum number of Rediz cluster nodes? How to select database for Redi Z cluster? 26, How to test the connectivity of Redis? How to understand Rediz transaction?
- What are the commands related to Redi Z transactions?
- How to set the expiration sample and permanent validity of Redis key respectively?
- How does Redi S optimize memory?
- How does the Redis recycle process work?
- What are some ways to reduce memory usage in Redi S?
- What happens when Redi S runs out of memory?
- How many keys can a Redi Z instance hold? List, set, Sorted set they can save at most
- There are 2000W data in MySQL. Redi =, there are only 20W data in redi =, how to ensure that data in REDis is hot
- The best scenario for Redi S?
- There are 100 million keys in Rediz and 10W of them start with a fixed known prefix
- If a large number of keys need to be set to expire at the same time, what should I pay attention to?
- Have you used Rediz to do asynchronous queues? Key, where there are 10W kes. fixed known prefixes
- Used Redi S distributed lock master is needle art still thing to learn”
MySQL interview article
- What types of locks are available in MySQL?
- What are the different tables in MySQL?
- Introduce the difference between My SAM and InnoDB days in MySQI database
- InnoDB supports four transaction isolation levels in MysQL, and what are the differences between them?
- The difference between CHAR and VARCHAR?
- What’s the difference between primary keys and candidate keys?
- What is Myisamchk used for?
- What happens if a table has a column defined as TIMESTAMP?
- How do you see all the indexes defined for the table?
- What do you mean by % and _ in the LTRE declaration?
- What is the column comparison operator?
- What’s the difference between BLDE and TEXT?
- What is the difference between MysQL_fetch_array and MySQL_fetch_object?
- Where will the MyISAM table be stored and its storage format provided?
- How does MySQI optimize DISTIHCT?
- How do I display the first 50 lines?
- How many columns can be used to create an index?
- What is the difference between Now () and CURRERT_DATE ()?
- What is a nonstandard string type?
- What is the general sQI function?
- Does MySQL support transactions?
- What is the best field type in MysQL to record currency
- MySQL > select * from ‘MySQL’ where ‘privileges’ are stored.
- What can be the string type of a column?
- MySQI teaching data library for release system storage, a day more than 50,000 increase in the estimated operation and maintenance of three years?
- Optimization strategies for locking
- The underlying implementation principles and optimizations of indexes
- When is an index set but not available
- How to optimize MysQL in practice
- Methods to optimize the database
- In MySQL, the difference between index, primary key, unique index and joint index affects the performance of the database
- What are transactions in a database?
- What is the cause of SQL injection vulnerability? How to prevent it?
- Select the appropriate data type for the fields in the table
- Storage period
- Indexes are an important concept for relational databases. Please answer some questions about indexes:
- Explain the difference between external join, inner join and self-join in MySQL
- Overview of the transaction rollback mechanism in Myql
- What are the parts of SQL and what are the operating implications of each part?
- What are integrity constraints?
- What is a lock?
- What is a view cursor?
- What is a stored procedure? With what?
- How to understand the three paradigms popularly?
- What is a basic table? What is a view?
- I Describe the advantages of views?
- What does hui.l mean
- Differences between primary keys, foreign keys, and indexes
- What can you use to ensure that fields in a table only accept values in a specific range?
- What are the methods for SQL statement optimization? “Choose a few.”
Java concurrent programming
- Three elements of concurrent programming?
- What are the ways to achieve visibility?
- The value of multithreading?
- What are the ways to create a thread?
- How do you compare the three ways to create threads?
- Thread state flow diagram
- Jave threads have five basic states
- What is a thread pool? What are the ways to create it?
- Four types of thread pool creation
- What are the advantages of thread pools?
- What are the common concurrency classes?
- Difference between Cycli cB arr I er and CountDownLatch
- What does Synchr oni Zed do?
- The role of the volatile keyword
- What is the CAS
- The problem of the CAS
- What is the Future?
- What is the AQS
- A0S supports two synchronization modes:
- What is Re adYri teLock
- What is FutuwreTask
- The difference between Synchr oni ze d and Reentr antLoc
- What are optimistic locks and pessimistic locks
- How does thread B know that thread A has changed the variable
- Syn. CHR oni Zed, Volatile, CAS comparison
- What is the difference between the Sleep method and the WAI T method?
- What is ThreadLoca1? What’s the use?
- Why the WAI T 0 method and noti FY 0/ Noti fyAll(
- Method to be called in a synchronized block
- What are the methods of multithreaded synchronization?
- Scheduling policy for threads
- What is the Concurr entHashMap concurrency
- How do I find which thread is using the most CPU in Linux
- Java deadlocks and how to avoid them?
- Cause of deadlock
- How do I wake up a blocked thread
- How can immutable objects help multithreading
- What is multithreaded context switching
- What happens if the thread pool queue is full when you submit a task
- What is the thread scheduling algorithm used in Java
- What are Thread Sche duler and Time Slicing?
- What is a spin lock
- What is the Lock Face in the Java Concurr ency API
- Thread safety in singleton mode
- What does Semaphore do
- Executors?
- The constructor of the thread class, the static block, is used by which thread
- Which is a better choice, synchronous method or synchronous block?
- What exceptions can be caused by too many Java threads?
Spring interview article
- What is spring?
- What are the benefits of using the Spring framework?
- What modules does Spri NE consist of?
- Core container (application context) module.
- BeanFactory a BeanFactory implementation example.
- XMLBeanF actory
- Explain AOP modules
- Explain the JBC abstraction and DAD modules.
- Explains the object/relational mapping integration module.
- Explain the WEB module.
- Sprinr configuration file
- What is the Spring IOC container?
- What are the advantages of IOC?
- What’s the usual implementation of Appli cati onContext?
- What is the difference between Bean Factory and Application Contexts?
- What does an APPLICATION of Spr ine look like? Dependency injection
- What is Dependency injection in Sprine?
- What are the different types of I0C (dependency injection) approaches?
- Which dependency injection method do you recommend, constructor injection or Setter injection?
- What are Spring beans?
- What does a Spring Bean definition contain?
- How do I supply Spring containers with 2-byte metadata?
- How do you define the scope of a class?
- Explains the scope of several beans supported by Spr ing.
- Are singleton beans in the Spring framework thread-safe?
- Explains the life cycle of beans in the Spr ing framework.
- What are the important bean lifecycle methods? Can you reload them?
- What is the internal bean of Spri NE?
- How do I inject a Java collection in Spring?
- What is bean assembly?
- What is bean autowiring?
- Explain the different ways of automatic assembly.
- What are the limitations of autowiring?
- Can you inject a NU11 and an empty string into Spring?
- What is the Jav based Sprine main solution configuration? Give some examples of annotations.
- What is annotation-based container configuration?
- How to start annotation assembly?
- @ Required annotations
- The @autowired annotation
- @ the Qualifier annotations
- How can I use JDBC more effectively in the Spr ING framework?
- JdbeTemplate
- Spring’s support for DA0
- How to access Hi Bernate using Spr ing?
- Spring supports 0RM
- How to combine sping with Hibernate via Hi bernateDaoSuppor t?
- The type of transaction management supported by Spring
- What are the advantages of transaction management in the Spring framework?
- Which transaction management style do you prefer?
- Explain the AOP
- The Aspect Aspect
- What is the difference between concerns and crosscutting concerns in Spring AOP?
- The join
- notice
- Point of tangency
- What is introduction?
- What is the target object?
- What is agency?
- How many different types of automatic agents are there?
- What is weaving in. What are the differences in weaving applications?
- Explains the XML – based Schem approach to the implementation of facets.
- Explains annotation-based aspect implementations
- What is the MYC framework for Spr ine?
- DispatcherSerlet
- WebApplicati onContext
- What is the Spring MVC framework controller?
Kafka interview article
- How do I get a list of topi C topics
- What is the producer and consumer command line?
- Is consumer push or pull?
- Talk about how Kafk maintains consumption status tracking
- Talk about master-slave synchronization
- Why do you need a messaging system? Doesn’t mysQ1 fit the bill?
- What does Zookeeper do for Kafka?
- What are the three transaction definitions for data transfer?
- What are the two conditions for Kafka to determine if a node is still alive?
- There are three key differences between Kafka and traditional server messaging systems
- Talk about the three mechanisms of KAFks AC
- How to solve the problem of consumer failure and live lock?
- How to control the location of consumption
- How can messages be consumed sequentially in a distributed (not stand-alone) Kafka scenario?
- What is the high availability mechanism of Kafks?
- How does Kafka reduce data loss
- How does Kafka not consume duplicate data? For example, deduction, we can’t double deduction.
Micro service interview
- What do you know about microservices?
- What are the advantages of microservices architecture?
- What are the features of microservices?
- What are the best practices for designing microservices?
- How does the microservices architecture work?
- What are the advantages and disadvantages of microservices architecture?
- What are the differences between monolithic, SOA and microservice architectures?
- What challenges do you face when using the microservices architecture?
- What are the key differences between S0A and microservices architectures?
- What are the features of microservices?
- What is Domain-driven design?
- Why domain Driven Design (DDD)?
- What is the ubiquitous language?
- What is cohesion?
- What is coupling?
- What is REST 1 RESTfu and what is it used for?
- What do you know about Spring Boot?
- What is a Spring-booted executor?
- What is Spring Cloud?
- What problems does Spring Cloud solve?
- What is the use of the W ebMvcTest annotation in a Spring MVC application?
- Can you give me some key points about breaks and microservices?
- What are the different types of microservice testing?
- What do you know about the Distributed Tr ansacti on?
- What is I Dempotence and where is it used?
- What is bounded context?
- What is two-factor authentication?
- What are the credential types for two-factor authentication?
- What is a customer certificate?
- What is the use of FACT in the microservices architecture?
- What is a 0 auth?
- What is Conway’s law?
- What do you know about contract testing?
- What is end-to-end microservice testing?
- What is the use of Container in microservices?
- What is DRY in microservices architecture?
- What are consumer-driven contracts (CDC)?
- What is the role of Web, REST ful apis in microservices?
- What do you know about semantic monitoring in microservices architecture?
- How do we do cross-functional testing?
- How do we eliminate determinism from testing?
- What’s the difference between a Mock or a Stub?
- How much do you know about MikeCohn’s test pyramid?
- What is the purpose of Docker?
- What is canary Release?
- What is Continuous integration (CI)?
- What is continuous monitoring?
- What is the role of the architect in the microservices architecture?
- Can we create state machines with microservices?
- What is reactive scaling in microservices?
Elasticsearch (24 tracks) Memcached (23 tracks) SpringBoot (22 tracks) SpringCloud (8 tracks) Linux (45 tracks) MQ (12 tracks)
The following is a list of all the interview questions in Java. If you are interested in this 1000-lesson Java interview book, you can click here to get a screenshot