If you followed my account before this post, you should know that I am not a developer, but a former operation of the Nuggets community. You can also understand that I am an artificial non-retarded “customer service”. Of course, it is ok that you did not know, now you know that I am a former insider. So when I found out that the Nuggets had a new sticker, the one below, and a former colleague offered to give me one on condition, I offered to trade my labor for it, and that’s how this article was born.

Thanks to @Pier for taking this photo for free. Photo credit: juejin.cn/pin/6844910…

Life skill tree

In a community full of programmers, it’s not appropriate to talk about how to run a business (how to run a business without a word), so I’ll just talk about the non-professional skill points I’ve randomly upgraded over the course of the year, and you can make a living picking one.

Excel tabulation technique

Excel also has macros and functions, which can be regarded as a kind of skill. I remember when I attended our company’s salon offline, a sophomore asked me a question: What is the difference between this graph database and the three major databases? When I asked what were the three databases, he replied: Access, Oracle, and another one whose name I forgot. I wondered if it was Excel.

I won’t talk about Excel statistics, deduplication, and other skills, Google will tell you the answer, here is how to make an Excel beautiful, the following picture is inspired by a girl’s Twitter calendar (find twitter 🌚), feel Excel can do so beautiful is also an art, The following is the annual bill of this year, do not know that they can spend so much money 🙇. ️

In fact, Excel is not a completely useless operation skill point. For example, the following chart shows the rights of technical conference (the information in the following table is invalid).

A layman’s designer

Design skills are a plus, but interviews are useless. In 2019, my design skills are also limited to making simple drawings with AI and Sketch, such as drawing with Sketch pen. At least it’s not ugly, right

But I am really a CV designer, from a distant CV programmer (I wrote Java) to A CV designer, found that copy is simple, rarely creative (later famous this is the gold line).

Life skill tree

This year life skills or upgrade very fast, at least to feed their own feed fat.

A simple meal

Since I left the Nuggets, there’s only been a modest meal. Here’s what I’ve learned this year

  • Make a nice steamed fish sauce
    • I don’t like steamed fish soy sauce, but I’m too lazy to go to the “kitchen” to find the recipe. I made an excellent steamed fish sauce with cooking wine, light soy sauce, dark soy sauce and lemon juice, which should be a happy achievement of the year (I love fish after all).
  • Ice skin moon cake achievement
    • Because the little nephew this year has a certain hands-on ability, so thought to do an ice skin and egg yolk filling and he did an ice skin moon cake in the Mid-Autumn Festival
  • The cake
    • Mom is in Hangzhou for her birthday this year, so I made her a cheesecake with cheese, Oreos and cream, which cost 150+. I have to say, the cake is still a good deal to buy outside

Electric electronics and appliances

Like most young people, although I am one of the oldest post-90s generation, I like to buy electronic products and appliances. Of course, it is not the iPhone 11 that lives by faith, but some small daily necessities.

  • Warm by Alice machine | recommended index: u u u u u
    • This small electric appliance is another girl’s recommendation, quote the girl’s original words: warm was used after the machine, like a person to help you warm the quilt was driven away 😂
  • Rongsheng alexipharmic ark | recommended index: u u u u u
    • Of course not to disinfect underwear, used to disinfect the daily use of dishes and chopsticks, in fact, is to disinfect heart bacteria, very useful to me;
  • Samsung 27 “monitor index: | recommend u u u u
    • 27 inch display is very convenient, suitable for me this kind of fat indoorsy claypot drama;
  • Sun electric TaoLu | recommended index: u u u u
    • Can soup, power can continue to boil ingredients, 💯, but the heat is still unable to catch up with open fire;
  • Mei ling three-door refrigerators | recommended index: u u u
    • In addition to the added usable space, the third door of the three-door refrigerator (the thermostat area) is largely unused;
  • Painted painted beautiful bread machine | recommended index: u
    • If you are a baking lover, but it is a hand, knead bad dough, the bread machine can help you knead dough, to three stars is due to not commonly used, ash often need to clean, laborious 🌝
  • Midea air-conditioning fans | recommended index: u u u u
    • In Hangzhou, summer can be safely spent. Compared with air conditioning, air conditioning is indeed insufficient, but natural wind and sleep wind can improve home experience.
  • Painted beautiful divide mite instrument | recommended index: u do
    • The name of the “mite” slogan, in fact, is a small bed vacuum cleaner, in addition to vacuuming basically no egg with, and the need to clean the filter, etc., basically every other day to use;
  • Bear thermostatic humidifier | recommended index: painted u do
    • Atomization humidification is really good to use, the only drawback is the morning up on the door frost seriously hung a layer of water curtain;
  • Kindle the Oasis | recommended index: u u
    • KO does have a lot going for it, but as a user of the low-spec Kindle for years, IT doesn’t provide a reading experience that matches the price increase compared to the low-spec Kindle, although I do love it.
  • Beautiful juicer | recommended index: u do
    • Purchase to now has been half a year, used 3 times to know the recommended index of this thing [manual 🐶 head]

It’s time for the real year-end review

Remember that last year’s year-end summary was written in boiling point # year-end Summary #, 2018 year-end Portal: juejin.cn/pin/6844910… I still remember that in order to expose the topic at that time, SO I reviewed the journey of 2018.

I didn’t expect the history to repeat itself again, the owner really changes every year, this July left from the Nuggets, 😂 who would have thought that my only goal in the current job is: to last three years. When I was digging gold nuggets, although I was not standby 24 hours, I could say I had 12 hours. Although I had two days off, my job responsibilities were endless. I remember playing with my girlfriend chengdu last year and moving bricks with my computer (I guess I am the kind of person who knows he is stupid and makes up for it frequently). I found the most appropriate term is typesetter. From the content distributor of gold diggers, the role of pick quality content has become a typesetter integrating editing, modification and typesetting of content raw materials. To some extent, the designer is also a typesetter 😂.

Remember to change your job, very anxious, but not for a paycheck, but suddenly thought of, such as why a fair death honors the whole life after one hundred (I) of the script fault, married people can have blood, children is a kind of inheritance, as a forced unmarried (Object not found), want to leave something only after the death of his life, After two or three months of such anxiety, IT was also clear to some things, although a bad reputation or immortality is not with me.

After a year, feeling that one’s thinking is more mature, although has always been a failing operations (private thought operation is a need to think about, summarizes the work of the daily do thinks, but I never summarize what), still hanging in the ali’s first, working in @ TXD helped push me ali cloud, is likely to be more mature mind, I didn’t really care (it had something to do with having found my current job). Face to face with a good marketing and management girl to talk about the plan, practical operation, when asked why, I can answer like a model, in fact, daily thinking about why not only work, but also life is beneficial.

Finally, I’m contestant number 222, so vote for me 🙇 🙇

My feelings are not at the end of the article need some nuggets annual essay | 2019 technical way with me The campaign is under way…