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What is a BootNettyRpc?
BootNettyRpc is a Netty implementation of Rpc framework, suitable for Spring Boot projects, support Spring Cloud. Currently, the supported versions are Spring Boot 1.5.x and Spring Cloud D and E.
How to use it?
It is divided into local boot and boot with Spring Cloud. For details, see the example case. Now the local case is used to illustrate, and the Spring Cloud case is omitted.
BootNettyRpc includes Server and Client.
The Server side
Add dependencies to POM files:
< the dependency > < groupId > IO. Making. Forezp < / groupId > < artifactId > boot - netty xml-rpc - core < / artifactId > < version > 1.0.5 < / version > </dependency>
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In Spring annotated @ EnableNettyRpc Boot startup project, need to open the package scanning, also can not fill out, will scan global, a bit affect the start-up speed, such as in the example ExampleRpcServerApplication:
@SpringBootApplication @EnableNettyRpc(basePackages = "com.forezp") public class ExampleRpcServerApplication { public static void main(String[] args) { ExampleRpcServerApplication.class, args ); }}
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Configure the Netty Server port and Netty Server name in the configuration file. The name will be used as the name invoked by the client.
port: 7001 server
netty.server.port: 6001
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Write a service with the following interface:
public interface IGreeting {
String sayHello(String name);
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The implementation class is as follows:
public class Greeting implements IGreeting {
public String sayHello(String name) {
return "hi "+name;
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The Client side
Add dependencies to the project POM file:
< the dependency > < groupId > IO. Making. Forezp < / groupId > < artifactId > boot - netty xml-rpc - core < / artifactId > < version > 1.0.5 < / version > </dependency>
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Add the @enablenettyrPC annotation to the SpringBoot boot class as follows:
@SpringBootApplication @EnableNettyRpc(basePackages = "com.forezp") @RestController public class ExampleRpcClientApplication { public static void main(String[] args) { ExampleRpcClientApplication.class, args ); }}
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In the Spring Boot configuration file application.yml, add the following configuration, where name is the name of the Server. The same name can be used to configure multiple service instances, and polling load balancing is used by default.
- name: server
host: localhost
port: 6001
- name: server
host: localhost
port: 6001
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The service caller needs to write an interface and annotate @rpCClient on the interface. Name must be the name of the service provider and rpcClz must be the class of the service provider.
@RpcClient(name = "server", rpcClz = "com.forezp.localrpcserver.api.Greeting")
public interface IGreeting {
String sayHello(String name);
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IGreeting greeting;
Object object = greeting.sayHello( "hi" );
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To contact me
If you have any questions or suggestions, please contact me at
Functions that have been implemented
- RPC (synchronous and asynchronous calls)
- Load balancing
- Interface thread pool isolation
- Access had been
- Access link tracing
- Access to the monitoring
- Access alarm mailbox
- Optimizing RPC performance (continuous optimization required)
Future plans
- Access to multiple serialization, configurable
- User-defined protocol. The index of trace does not need to be specified
- Access consule
- Support for Spring Boot 2.0 Spring Cloud F