
Redux: JS application state container, provides predictable state management, when you have data to manage globally, and rendering, you can consider her.


  1. CreateStore create store
  2. The reducer state function is initialized and modified
  3. GetState Gets the status value
  4. Dispatch delivers more updates
  5. Subscribe change more subscribe

Use steps:

1. Preparation (processing logic and subscriptions)

import { createStore, combineReducers } from 'redux'

// I. reducer
const counterReducer = (state = 0, action) = > {
  switch (action.type) {
    case 'counter/ADD':
      return state + action.payload || 1
    case 'MINUS':
      return state - 1
      return state

const todoReducer = (state = 'todo list', action) = > {
  switch (action.type) {
    case 'todo/ADD':
      return state + 'add'
      return state

// II. createStore

const rootReducer = combineReducers({
  todo: todoReducer,
  counter: counterReducer

const store = createStore(rootReducer)

// III. subscribe

function render() {
      <ReduxPage />
    </React.StrictMode>.document.getElementById('root')); } render() store.subscribe(render)Copy the code

Tips: combineReducers can combine multiple Reducer, which facilitates code decoupling and division of labor and cooperation; The input is an object, and when getState is called, it returns the state value after the corresponding reducer of the object.

2. Consumption and distribution

const ReduxPage = props= > {
  / / for the state
  const state = store.getState()
  return (<>
    <button onClick={()= >State store.dispatch({type: 'counter/ADD', payload: 2})}}>counter ADD</button>
  </>)}Copy the code

Tips: The type of dispatch must be unique, otherwise all that meet the conditions will be triggered

Tips: At this point, you'll find that the react-Redux doesn't work very well for updating data, hence the react-Redux

Redux model