In this post, I took the time to talk to you about the recent change to AAB for Google Play uploads. By the way, there are some simple procedures for changing to AAB.

The topic of AAB

As shown in the picture below, recently I have received a lot of similar articles from friends who don’t understand how serious they are. Zhihu has also received some invitations for similar questions, so I would like to have a chat and give some popular science to outsiders.

As shown in the figure below, we received a notice from Google last year that we need to submit it as an App Bundle in August 2021.

Because the Apk format on Google Play has always supported 100 megabits of submissions, while the App Bundle supports 150 megabits of submissions, In addition, the part over 150M can be delivered through Play Asset Delivery or Play Feature Delivery. Combined with feature-on-feature plug-in support, dynamic dependency management can be better realized.

In fact, as early as 2018, Android has App Bundle packaging mode, so the act of turning APK into AAB is associated with Hongmeng, in fact, the media in order to draw heat to attract traffic hype.

What’s more, huawei app Store submissions themselves support the AAB format, as shown below:

About the commit process for updating to AAB

On Google Play, change the uploaded APK file to aAB file. Note the following during the packaging process:

  • Android App Bundle does not support APK extension (*.obb) files;
  • EnableSplit = true for APK.
  • Reduce application size by removing unused code and resources;

To upload AAB to Google Play, first you need to open the signature on Play App Signing and then you need to upload a Private Key for verification.

This Key can be used through Android Studio. When Generate Signed Bundle or Apk, select App Bundle and select Export * Encrypted Key for uploading.

PS: Here the main attention is not to use the wrong signature Key on the line, otherwise the consequences are very serious!

In conclusion, the issue of Android App Bundle will pull hongyun, mainly marketing and traffic needs, in fact, AAB and Hongyun do not conflict does not affect, you see similar titles, just for fun