Chrome DevTools comes with built-in shortcuts that developers can use to save many days of development time on their regular workdays. The following lists the corresponding keys for each shortcut on Windows/Linux and Mac. Some of these shortcuts are available globally to DevTools, while others can only be used within a single panel.

Open the DevTools

You can access DevTools in any of the following ways:

  • Open the Chrome menu in the upper right corner of your browserThen choose “More Tools” – “Developer Tools”.
  • Right-click on any element on the page and select Review Elements.
Windows / Linux Mac
Open developer tools F12 , Ctrl + Shift + I Cmd + Opt + I
Toggle review element mode and browser window mode Ctrl + Shift + C Cmd + Shift+ C
Open developer tools and navigate to the console Ctrl + Shift + J Cmd + Opt + J
Inspect the Inspector (undock first one and press) Ctrl + Shift + I Cmd + Opt + I

All panel

Windows / Linux Mac
Displays the Settings dialog box ? , F1 ?
Next panel Ctrl + ] Cmd + ]
Previous panel Ctrl + [ Cmd + [
Last panel Ctrl + Alt + [ Cmd + Opt + [
First panel Ctrl + Alt + ] Cmd + Opt + ]
Changing docking location (tests found conflicts with bookmarking) Ctrl + Shift + D Cmd + Shift + D
Turn on Device mode Ctrl + Shift + M Cmd + Shift + M
Switch the console/close the Settings dialog box Esc Esc
Refresh the page F5 , Ctrl + R Cmd + R
Refresh the page (ignoring cached content) Ctrl + F5 , Ctrl + Shift + R Cmd + Shift + R
Current file or panel lookup Ctrl + F Cmd + F
All resources Ctrl + Shift + F Cmd + Opt + F
Find by filename (Exclude Timeline panel) Ctrl + O.Ctrl + O Cmd + O.Cmd + O
Zoom in (when DevTools gets focus) Ctrl + + Shift + +
narrow Ctrl + - Shift + -
Restores the default text size Ctrl + 0 Shift + 0

The Elements panel

Windows / Linux Mac
undo Ctrl + Z Cmd + Z
redo Ctrl + Y Cmd + Y , Cmd + Shift + Z
navigation Up , Down Up , Down
Expand/collapse the node Right , Left Right , Left
A node Single-click on arrow Single-click on arrow
Expands/collapses the node and its children Ctrl + Alt + Click on arrow icon Opt + Click on arrow icon
Edit properties Enter , Double-click on attribute Enter , Double-click on attribute
Hidden elements H H
Switch to edit HTML F2

Right click on the element you can:

  • Changing element state (:active.:hover.:focus.:visited);
  • Breakpoints are set on elements (changing child elements, changing attributes, and deleting nodes)
  • Clear console

Style Sidebar

Windows / Linux Mac
Edit the rules Single-click Single-click
Insert new properties Single-click on whitespace Single-click on whitespace
Navigate to the style property definition Ctrl + Click on property Cmd + Click on property
Navigate to the attribute value definition Ctrl + Click on property value Cmd + Click on property value
Cyclic color values (RGBA, HSL, etc.) Shift + Click on color picker box Shift + Click on color picker box
Edit the up/next property Tab.Shift + Tab Tab.Shift + Tab
Increase/decrease values Up.Down Up.Down
Increase/decrease the value by 10 each time Shift + Up.Shift + Down Shift + Up.Shift + Down
Increase/decrease the value by 10 each time PgUp.PgDown PgUp.PgDown
Increase/decrease the value by 100 each time Shift + PgUp.Shift + PgDown Shift + PgUp.Shift + PgDown
Increase/decrease the value by 0.1 each time Alt + Up.Alt + Down Opt + Up.Opt + Down

Imitation element pseudo-state (:active.:hover.:focus.:visited)

Add a new style picker

Sources panel

Windows / Linux Mac
Pause/resume the script F8.Ctrl + \ F8.Cmd + \
Step over next function call F10.Ctrl + ' F10.Cmd + '
Step into next function call F11.Ctrl + ; F11.Cmd + ;
Step out of current function Shift + F11.Ctrl + Shift + ; Shift + F11.Cmd + Shift + ;
Select next call frame Ctrl + . Opt + .
Select previous call frame Ctrl + . Opt + .
Toggle breakpoint condition Click on line number.Ctrl + B Click on line number.Cmd + B
Edit breakpoint condition Right-click on line number Right-click on line number
Delete individual words Alt + Delete Opt + Delete
Comment a line or selected text Ctrl + / Cmd + /
Save changes to local modifications Ctrl + S Cmd + S
Save all changes Ctrl + Alt + S Cmd + Opt + S
Go to line Ctrl + G Ctrl + G
Search by filename Ctrl + O Cmd + O
Jump to line number Ctrl + P + :<number> Cmd + P + :<number>
Jump to column Ctrl + O + :<number> + :<number> Cmd + O + :<number> + :<number>
Go to member Ctrl + Shift + O Cmd + Shift + O
Close active tab Alt + W Opt + W
Run snippet Ctrl + Enter Cmd + Enter

Don ‘t pause on exceptions

 Pause on All exceptions (including those caught within try/catch blocks)

 Pause on uncaught exceptions (usually the one you want)

Code editing shortcuts

Windows / Linux Mac
Jump to the matching position Ctrl + M
Jumps to the specified row Ctrl + P + :<number> Cmd + P + :<number>
Jumps to the specified column Ctrl + O + :<number> + :<number> Cmd + O + :<number> + :<number>
Switch the annotation Ctrl + / Cmd + /
Select the next occurrence location Ctrl + D Cmd + D
Undo last action Ctrl + U Cmd + U

The TimeLine panel

Windows / Linux Mac
Start/stop record Ctrl + E Cmd + E
Save timeline data Ctrl + S Cmd + S
Loading Timeline Data Ctrl + O Cmd + O

Profiles panel

Windows / Linux Mac
Start/stop record Ctrl + E Cmd + E

The Console Console

Windows / Linux Mac
Accept suggestion Right Right
Previous command/line Up Up
Next command/line Down Down
Console get focus Ctrl + ` Ctrl + `
Clear console Ctrl + L Cmd + K.Opt + L
Multiline input Shift + Enter Ctrl + Return
perform Enter Return

Right click the console:

  • XMLHttpRequest Record: Open to view XHR logs
  • Navigate to save logs
  • Filter: Hides and displays information about script files
  • Clear the console: Clears all information on the console


Windows / Linux Mac
Pinch zoom in and out Alt + Scroll.Ctrl + Click and drag with two fingers Opt + Scroll.Cmd + Click and drag with two fingers
Inspect element tool Ctrl + Shift + C Cmd + Shift + C


Windows / Linux Mac
Pinch zoom in and out Shift + Scroll Shift + Scroll

Other Chrome shortcuts

Here are some additional shortcuts that are useful in browsers (plus: All Windows/Linux/Mac shortcuts)

Windows / Linux Mac
Find the next one Ctrl + G Cmd + G
Find the last one Ctrl + Shift + G Cmd + Shift + G
Opens a new stealth mode window Ctrl + Shift + N Cmd + Shift + N
Toggles whether to display the bookmarks bar Ctrl + Shift + B Cmd + Shift + B
The history page is displayed Ctrl + H Cmd + Y
The download record page is displayed Ctrl + J Cmd + Shift + J
Open the browser task Manager Shift + ESC Shift + ESC
TAB page History next page Alt + Right Opt + Right
TAB page History page Backspace.Alt + Left Backspace.Opt + Left
Select the address bar F6.Ctrl + L.Alt + D Cmd + L.Opt + D
Put one in the address bar? Allows you to enter content for search (using the default search engine you set up) Ctrl + K.Ctrl + E Cmd + K.Cmd + E