The incubation of VueDialogX was determined by the nature of the author’s work. In daily work, the author often receives a variety of simple H5 page requirements and active page requirements. These requirements have one thing in common, that is, the business is not complicated, and there is no need to use a large number of components in the component library, only Dialog and Toast have high frequency requirements. So during development, pass out the component library. Hope to have a good, beautiful, and meet the needs of the popover library. The VueDialogX hatched.
Making address… The demo presentation a62527776a. Making. IO/vue – dialog -… A62527776a.github. IO /vue-dialog-…
What can it do
In addition to the basic alert, comfirm, prompt, we have horizontally extended actions for the group of options, as well as custom dialogs to populate images or content.
In addition to meeting the basic requirements, we also extended the asynchronous loading capability of popover vertically, so that it could meet the scenario of loading data after clicking and closing popover only after loading.
For Prompt, we also provide lightweight extensible text field validation and error prompts.
Since this component is targeted at small projects as well as non-engineered projects, we provide umD packaged versions as well as Windows packaged versions to meet the needs of all piecemeal projects.
For developers, we provide a complete type derivation file (D.ts). Make it a better experience in the development process. Being developed on Typescript, our components have complete affinity for Typescript projects.
Rich popover types
Complete type derivation
Based on the Promise
Graceful asynchronous shutdown
Classic iOS design style
Support for rendering HTML
Script tag introduction is supported
The basic function
Support for basic alert, confirm, prompt has been extended
Multiple tabs
Asynchronous closing
Methods: {// demonstrate asyncfetchData () {
this.$dialog.actions({// can be actions Alert Prompt confirm message:'Click OK to get data', next: async (next, result)=> {// other async popups use the same method as await fetch(''// Start loading data: Result / / result for prompt result is content in the input box, for the actions the result is the user click on the button of the subscript}), next () / / end loading status, close the pop-up window)}}}}Copy the code
- Custom popover components
In addition, support HTML template rendering, custom Prompt text field inspection and other functions to meet the majority of popover scenes
VueDialogX supports the introduction of script tags for non-engineered projects
// index.html
<script src=""Vuejs <script SRC = must be introduced first""<script> var Dialog = new window.vuedialogx (window.vue) dialog.alert ({title:'tip',
message: 'test'
}).then(() => {
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For engineering projects, VueDialogX provides umD introduction
$ yarn add vue-dialog-x
$ npm install vue-dialog-x
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VueDialogX provides two mounting modes: one is mounted using vuue. Use
// main.js
import App from './App.vue'
import Vue from 'vue'
import VueDialogX from 'vue-dialog-x'
const globalOpt = {
title: 'tip',
okText: 'confirm',
cancelText: 'cancel'} // Using this method, one will be mounted on the Vue prototype chain$dialog// calls this within the business.$dialog* vue. use(VueDialogX, globalOpt) new Vue({render: h => h(App)}).$mount('#app')
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VueDialogX can also be introduced to initialize instances on its own
// main.js
import App from './App.vue'
import Vue from 'vue'
import { VueDialogX } from 'vue-dialog-x'
const globalOpt = {
title: 'tip',
okText: 'confirm',
cancelText: 'cancel'} const dialogX = new * / dialogX = new * / VueDialogX(Vue, globalOpt) // Or attach the instance to the Vue prototype chain // then use the same effect as vuue. Prototype.$dialog = dialogX
new Vue({
render: h => h(App)
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Detailed documentation
A62527776a. Making. IO/vue – dialog -…
The demo presentation
A62527776a. Making. IO/vue – dialog -…