I interviewed a bunch of Java programmers, including several born in the 1980s. Supposedly, they have nearly ten years of work development time, regardless of experience or technology should be called the old driver. Spring bean postprocessor-related issues:

Me: It says on my resume that I have read Spring source code. What parts have I read specifically?

For example, the source code of Spring’s startup process, such as scanning packages, executing Bean factory postprocessor, Bean generation process, etc

Me: Tell me how a Bean is generated.

The Bean generation process is the Bean life cycle, including the Bean’s instantiation, property injection, initialization, and so on

Me: Well, can you tell me more about what a Bean’s post-processor is? What is the Bean factory post-processor?

Interviewer: Well… I didn’t really go into it.


Thinking of this turn over, it is going to start from practicability and project related technical points, asked the transaction of the database, add a note or can answer, also know is using AOP to achieve. But what parameters are inside annotations, and how do you avoid dirty reads, phantom reads, and unrepeatable reads? Basically bad answer.

Then I felt that it was very difficult for them to build an SSM framework. When I asked them, THEY answered that all the company frameworks they had worked in these years had been built, while I only wrote, read, and deleted business logic.

One of the programmers told me that he was too busy with his work and his wife and children to learn more skills. I felt an indescribable sadness, and perhaps I was not far from it.


Because Spring applies a lot of elegant design concepts, while learning Spring, it is also strengthening the learning of Java basic knowledge. Once you’ve mastered Spring, you’ll understand many of the Java features better.

However, to enter the actual project development, Mysql, Springboot, JVM, etc. So these major technologies as Java development must be familiar with.

Here is to share with you some of the mainstream technology learning information, I hope to help you.

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1, Spring source code learning notes (beginners to advanced)

Mushroom Street Daniel summarized a Spring source learning notes, suitable for Spring entry to advanced friends to learn, as well as knowledge brain map yo

  • Introduction to Spring] and I0C
  • Object dependencies
  • Introduction to AOP
  • JDBCTemplate and Spring transactions
  • Spring Transaction Principle
  • A thread-safety issue with Spring transactions
  • I0C review and face questions again
  • AOP review again


Two, Spring Boot classic learning notes (advanced to advanced)

Jingdong Daniu summarized a Spring Boot learning notes, suitable for advanced Java development learning

  • Spring Boot development environment setup and project startup
  • Spring Boot returns Json data and data encapsulation
  • Spring Boot uses S1F4J for logging
  • Configure project properties in Spring Boot
  • MVC support in Spring Boot
  • Spring Boot integrates Swagger2 to present online interface documentation
  • Spring Boot integrates the Thymeleaf template engine
  • Global exception handling in Spring Boot
  • Facet AOP processing in Spr ING Boot
  • Spring Boot integrates MyBatis
  • Spring Boot Transaction configuration management
  • Use listeners in Spring Boot
  • Interceptors are used in Spring Boot
  • Spring Boot integrates Redis
  • Active MQ is integrated in Spring Boot
  • Shiro is integrated in Spring Boot
  • Lucence is integrated in Spring Boot
  • Spring Boot builds the architecture in the actual project development


High Performance MySql (3rd Edition)

The pinnacle of MySql, Java programmers must read

  • MySQL architecture and history
  • MySQL Benchmark
  • Server Performance Profiling
  • Schema and data type optimization
  • Create high-performance indexes
  • Query performance optimization
  • MySQL Advanced Features
  • Optimizing server Settings
  • Operating system and hardware optimization
  • copy
  • Extensible MySQL
  • High availability
  • The cloud of MySQL
  • Application layer optimization
  • Backup and Restoration
  • MySQL User Tools


Deeper Understanding of the Java Virtual Machine: Advanced JVM Features and Best Practices (Version 3)


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