There are a lot of keyboard shortcuts on Windows. Here’s a selection of the most frequently used ones to keep in mind to increase your productivity:

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1, lock screen: Windows key +L key, this function is very long used when going to the toilet between work.

2, quick display desktop: Windows key +D key, when you are in the water when the boss suddenly come over this shortcut is very practical ~

3. Create a folder: Press Ctrl+Shift+N on the desktop to create a folder immediately

4. Quickly switch input method: Windows+ Space

5, Quickly bring up the task manager: Ctrl+Shift+Esc, one hand can be called

6, Quick open file Explorer: Windows+E

7, switch in multiple Windows: Windows + Tab, no need to operate the mouse can change the window

8. Minimize all Windows: Windows +M

9. Restore the minimized window: Win + Shift + M

10. Delete the selected item without going to the recycle bin: Shift + Delete

11. Close the current window: Alt + F4, Ctrl + W

These shortcuts are used frequently in daily life and work.