The minimalist navigation

A minimalist, custom navigational search home page that supports multiple search engines with local data backup. Simple search home page, all kinds of utility navigation, design navigation, development navigation, technology learning, video shopping navigation, compatible with mobile browser.


The characteristics of

  • Built-in Google, Bing, Baidu, sogou, secret, good search, Quark search engine; Support for search hot words
  • Built-in gentle weather plugin
  • New mimicry UI style page and ICONS
  • The sidebar bookmarks page is a collection of social, news, video, music, shopping, email, visual design, integration, technology learning, utilities, and more

    • Supports local bookmarking of URLs
  • Support to add local todos
  • Customization: Home page style customization, random poetry API, commonly used URL display switch
  • Common web site search statistics, search history query, bookmark web site data backup and export
  • Responsive layout
  • Support PWA, offline caching

The sample

The computer side

The mobile terminal