In the company as a front-end interviewer for a period of time, found some candidates in the interview often make some mistakes, including looking back at their own previous mistakes, so to sum up.


Your resume should be 1-2 pages long and no longer than 2 pages. Don’t think that writing too little is a lack of skill. A resume is not about writing a composition. HR and interviewers are busy, and no one has the patience to read three or four pages.

Be neat and to the point, and let the HR and the interviewer see your strengths at a glance. For a front-end resume, there are three major frameworks, build tools, NodeJS and so on. HR screening resume how to screen, nothing more than to compare the number of years of work, graduate school, education, professional, technical stack, project experience, if there is an important role in the project can also be described in two sentences. If you’re investing in advanced front-end stuff, you don’t need to write basic HTML/CSS stuff.

Make sure to put something on your resume that you’re good at. If you just hear the name and the interviewer doesn’t know anything about it, that’s a minus. Pay attention to the words you use in your resume. The description of a technology is “know”, “familiar” or “proficient”, but “proficient” is rarely used. If you say “proficient” and then get asked twice, it’s awkward.

It’s best to use a PDF. If your resume is in.doc or.docx format, and you don’t know if the HR is using WPS Office or MS Office, 2003 or 2016, what might look great on your computer will be a mess on your computer. Therefore, it is recommended to use PDF for resumes. PDF files are generally generic and have the same performance on various platforms.

The interview

For questions you don’t know, answer no. To the knowledge point that oneself do not know, answer directly do not know, general this problem went. If forced to answer, answer for a long time did not answer to the point, but will lead to the interviewer impressed by your knowledge of this hole, and then the interviewer several questions back to the original form.

Organizational language is important. When the interviewer asks a complicated question, you don’t need to answer it immediately. You can organize your language a little bit to make your answer more organized. Don’t talk a little bit here and there, which will cause you to forget to answer many important points.

That’s all we can find so far, because we’re only looking at the technical side.