1. Elder-ui table column beyond the partial save with a slight suspension hint:

    Copy the code
  2. :show-overflow-tooltip=”true” prop=”sign” label=” signature “width=”200”>

  3. Textarea: style=”resize:none”;

  4. To achieve the same height, just set the parent element to display:flex; Display :table; display:table; Display :table-cell; It can be done).

  5. Text overflow ellipsis: overflow:hidden; text-overflow:ellipsis; white-space:nowrap

  6. Block default events (form or A tag)

  7. this.preventDefault()

  8. Ternary operator;

  9. V -if else, 1 is a coach, otherwise it is an ordinary member: Coach ordinary member

  10. {{scope.row.type == 1? ‘Coach ‘:’ Regular Member ‘}}