• Accustomed to successful learning and watching chicken soup, today I will tell you a story of failure, of course, the protagonist of the story is me, this article has no gorgeous rhetoric, no careful logic, only this document to you, still pursuing your dream in 2020.
  • Thank you words or need to say first, along the way, just to list a few, a few friends before college, along the way, no matter what state I am, thank you for your encouragement and support, college also had two very good friends, I wrote in the graduation eve, late night talk about life direction, thank you for your trust. When I left the university, many of my brothers went downstairs to see me off. I felt ashamed and moved. I was in tears when I left.
  • Many times for others to show the way, but to their own but a little can not see the road ahead. I have tried many directions, such as participating in competitions, working in sales, touching products, drawing boards, and playing games. There are many things I want to do and like, which can be regarded as extensive reading, but there is still a lot of depth. Therefore, today’s author is still the most ordinary person.
  • When I left the company, I felt relieved, but I also faced great pressure or depression. At that time, THERE were some difficulties and some could not survive, and my life was bleak. No, this should be called despair.
  • The way of job hunting, is a little confused, some timid, but still dare not stop, have seen panasonic 6 o ‘clock in the morning, LG sunset, Foxconn can not get a car night, has also been to the start-up company of more than 30 people, have seen the headset of 3D printing, also touched the high-tech mechanical arm……
  • I used to think about my career prospects and panic when I was 30 years old. I used to be pretentious, but in the end I was just an ordinary person. I set up a group after leaving my job. They all have a better mentality than me. Some have clear goals to prepare for the postgraduate entrance examination, some fight again after the New Year to rest their strength, and some move forward under pressure. When you are confused and at a loss, reading can fill the void. Desperate things always get worse and worse. Remember, nothing can go wrong if you try.
  • Elementary school, playing soy, junior high school, outstanding students aura, high school, training a “grandstanding” ability, college, die, work, unqualified, incompetent.
  • However, 2020 will be different. I am restless, anxious, powerless and degenerate. I still want to pursue my dream, still want to continue. I hope to put down the seemingly comfortable but not comfortable days, enjoy the restless, enjoy the transformation out of the comfort zone.
  • Destiny from heaven? It’s a myth. Step out is footprints, history is written by people, remember that the place that brings you happiness, of course, will also bring you pain.
  • Always young, always anxious, always on the move, always restless.
  • thank you

Denver annual essay | 2020 technical way with me The campaign is under way…