1. Verify your phone number (all three carriers)
let reg = /(13\d)|14[0-15-9]|15\d|16[5-7]|18\d|19([18-9])\d{9}/
Copy the code
  1. Mailbox authentication (at least 5 prefixes)
let reg = /[0-9a-zA-Z]{5-30}@(163|126|gmail|qq)\.com/
Copy the code
  1. Password authentication (at least 8 characters in both uppercase and lowercase letters and digits)
letreg = /(? =.*[a-z])(? =.*[A-Z])(? = (. *) [^] [0-9] {30} 8 /Copy the code
  1. Names can contain only lowercase letters or numbers (a strange requirement just encountered today)
let reg = /^([0-9]|[a-z])+$/
Copy the code