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By Dmitri Pavlutin

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We use two objects to describe the wages of two code farmers:

const salary1 = {
  baseSalary: 100_000,
  yearlyBonus: 20_000
const salary2 = {
  contractSalary: 110_000
Copy the code

And then write a function that gets the total wage

function totalSalary(salaryObject: ???) { let total = 0; for (const name in salaryObject) { total += salaryObject[name]; } return total; } totalSalary(salary1); // => 120_000 totalSalary(salary2); / / = > 110 _000Copy the code

If yours, how do YOU declare the salaryObject argument to the totalSalary() function to accept objects with string keys and numeric values?

The answer is to use an index signature!

Next, let’s look at what TypeScript index signatures are and when they are needed.

1. What is index signature

The idea of index signature is to classify objects whose structure is unknown when only the key and value types are known.

This is exactly what happens with the Salary argument, because the function should accept a salary object of different structures, the only requirement being that the attribute value be a number.

We declare the salaryObject parameter with the index signature

function totalSalary(salaryObject: { [key: string]: number }) { let total = 0; for (const name in salaryObject) { total += salaryObject[name]; } return total; } totalSalary(salary1); // => 120_000 totalSalary(salary2); / / = > 110 _000Copy the code

{[key: String]: number} is an index signature that tells TypeScript salaryObject must be an object with a string key and a number value.

2. Index signature syntax

The syntax for index signatures is fairly simple and looks similar to the syntax for attributes, with one difference. We simply write the type of the key in square brackets instead of the attribute name: {[key: KeyType]: ValueType}.

Here are some examples of index signatures.

Strings are keys and values.

interface StringByString { [key: string]: string; } const heroesInBooks: StringByString = {'Gunslinger': 'Jack Torrance': 'Wang Dachi'};Copy the code

The string type is a key, and the value can be String, number, or Boolean

interface Options { [key: string]: string | number | boolean; timeout: number; } const options: Options = { timeout: 1000, timeoutMessage: 'The request timed out! ', isFileUpload: false };Copy the code

The signed key can only be a string, number, or symbol. Other types are not allowed.

3. Precautions for index signatures

There are a few caveats to index signatures in TypeScript.

3.1 Non-existent attributes

What happens if you try to access a nonexistent property of an object whose index signature is {[key: string]: string}?

As expected, TypeScript extrapolates the type of a value to string. But check the runtime value, which is undefined:

As TypeScript prompts, the value variable is a string, but its runtime value is undefined.

Index signatures simply map a key type to a value type, nothing more. If this mapping is not done correctly, the value type can deviate from the actual runtime data type.

To make the input more accurate, mark the index value as string or undefined. In this way, TypeScript realizes that the property you’re accessing may not exist

3.2 String and Number keys

Suppose there is a dictionary with numeric names:

interface NumbersNames {
  [key: string]: string
const names: NumbersNames = {
  '1': 'one',
  '2': 'two',
  '3': 'three',
  // ...
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Values accessed through string keys are as expected:

Can I get an error if I access a value with the number 1?

No, it works fine.

JavaScript implicitly enforces numbers as strings when used as keys in property accessors (names[1] is the same as names[‘1’]). TypeScript does this as well.

You can think [key: string] and [key: string | number].

4. Index signature andRecord<Keys, Type>contrast

TypeScript has a utility Type Record

, similar to index signatures.

const object1: Record<string, string> = { prop: 'Value' }; // OK
const object2: { [key: string]: string } = { prop: 'Value' }; // OK
Copy the code

Here’s the problem… When to use Record

and when to use index signatures? At first glance, they look very similar

As we know, index signatures only accept string, number, or Symbol as key types. If you try to use, for example, a union of string literal types as a key in an index signature, this is an error.

Index signatures are generic in terms of keys.

But we can use a union of string literals to describe the keys in Record

type Salary = Record<'yearlySalary'|'yearlyBonus', number>
const salary1: Salary = { 
  'yearlySalary': 120_000,
  'yearlyBonus': 10_000
}; // OK
Copy the code


is for key-specific problems.

It is recommended to use index signatures to annotate generic objects, for example, where keys are strings. But, when you know in advance, to use Record < Keys, Type > annotation for a particular object, such as a string literal ‘prop1’ | ‘prop2’ is used in the key values.


If you don’t know the structure of the object you’re dealing with, but you know the possible key and value types, then index signatures are what you need.

The index signature consists of the indexName and its type enclosed in square brackets, followed by a colon and value type: {[indexName: KeyType]: ValueType}, KeyType can be a string, number, or symbol, and ValueType can be any type.

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