
Graduation more than four years, this section is very tortuous. Web development is a big project, which involves countless knowledge points, I thought this road is inexhaustible, but the road is coiled up; The paper comes zhongjue shallow, at the beginning of the look often do not know what, must be the overall realm to improve, to fine taste which means. Really should “bitter melon” that sentence, “probably this life some things are early can not understand its beauty”.

At this point, I arranged a new round of Web development knowledge completion plan for myself.

The body of the

For Web developers, Linux has always been a tough one to get around. Of course, you can code in Windows, but you have to go online when the code is developed. Besides, for some complex system structures, it is necessary to the server environment, such as deploying a queue, cron, etc., you do not use Linux, these tasks you can not do, so how can you continue to fight weird upgrade (promotion)?

As for the mastery of Linux system, I think the requirements for Web developers are not too high, at least compared with operation and maintenance personnel and Linux developers. Therefore, I have some emphasis in the process of completing the knowledge of Linux.

In terms of Linux distributions, I chose CentOS for the simple reason that it is so common that it is used in almost every company I have worked for and in most domestic companies.

Although this book under the banner of finishing finishing, but after all, it is only a small book, certainly can not compare with those big books outside. Therefore, the focus of this book is on the body of knowledge that a Web developer needs. In addition, for some necessary concepts, or not commonly used commands, the book only provides the search keywords, as a knowledge index for your reference.

A CentOS book for Web Developers

  • Star: github.com/Array-Huang…
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  • My friend reminded me that the Gitbook platform was unstable, so I put a copy on the cloud platform in China as a backup, but the subsequent updates may not be as timely as those on the Gitbook platform: www.kancloud.cn/array_huang…

Contents of articles

  • The cover
  • Chapter 1: the system service management system of CentOS
  • Chapter 2: CentOS file system
  • Chapter 3: CentOS process system
  • Chapter 4: CentOS system user and user group management
  • Chapter 5: The use of Vim
  • Chapter 6: Install RPM packages or source packages
  • Chapter 7: Shell related
  • Chapter 8: The Magic Xargs command
  • Chapter 9: CentOS history commands
  • Chapter 10: Monitoring the system status of CentOS
  • Chapter 11: SSH Remote Login
  • Chapter 12: Backup tool Rsync

Update record

2018-02-27 Gitbook platform is not stable, so put a copy in the domestic cloud platform as a backup, but the subsequent update may not be as timely as gitbook platform.