JavaScript Framework | Library Back
The following table is generated as per the classification of JavaScript frameworks, or libraries which I have met or used.
Categories | |||
MVVM, MVC | Vue | React.Redux | Angular |
Google Closure | mobx (state management) | nerv | |
superfine (only view layer) | pjax (pushState + ajax) | ||
Mobile (cross through platforms) | framework7 | ionic | react-native |
eletron | |||
Animation | GreenSock | Walkway | Dynamics |
svg.js | rellax (parallel scrolling) | anime | |
dynamics.js | particles.js (particle animations) | contour (drawing SVG) | |
sketch.js | |||
Bundle Tools | Webpack | parcel | |
Widgets | Interact | ScrollMagic | watermarks |
Sortable | PhotoSwipe | handsontablew | |
split | clientjs (device information) | downshift (input components based on React) | |
consola (console tools) | strip-indent | iframe-resizer | |
hammer.js.touchemulator.Touchy.js (touch) | moment.moment-timezone | keymaster (keyboard handler) | |
chromatism (utility functions for colors) | browserslist | cropper.Croppie (image cropper) | |
Clamp.js (overflow ellipses) | react-dnd (Drag and Drop for React) | shake.js (shake event for mobiles) | |
swiper (swiped banners) | imagesloaded (check image loading status) | jquery-locationpicker-plugin | |
Lint (or tools for conventions) | ESLint | jsdoc | husky.git-commit-message-convention.commitlint |
Functional | jQuery | lodash | underscore |
rxjs | Classie | number-precision | |
Browser Compatibility | Modernizer | phatomjs (simulated browser environment for testing) | es3ify |
babel | |||
Node | csv-writer.csv-parser (csv) | iconv-lite (encoding) | node-glob.glob-stream |
node-properties | node-uuid | node-zip | |
glslify | through2 (file stream) | puppeteer (Chrome API) | |
emailjs-mime-builder.emailjs-mime-parser | utf8.js (utf8 encoder/decoder) | node-sketch | |
node-cache | node-sass | exceljs | |
speedracer (test performance for Node modules) | pkg (package executables) | devtool (run Node.js programs with Chromium DevTools) | |
chrome-remote-interface (Chrome Debugging Protocol interface or Node.s) | jsdiff (diff text) | falcor (for data fetching) | |
lerna (multiple packages management) | svgexport (SVG to PNG/JPEG for Node) | remove-markdown (strip Markdown stuff from text) | |
cli-table | node-apn | node-progress (progress bar for Node) | |
Syntax Highlight | pygments.js | prism | highlight.js |
Graphic (VR, AR etc.) | three.js (3D) | viro (AR and VR) | zdog |
d3.d3-graphiviz | aframe | tracking.js | |
gm (GraphicsMagick for Node) | sharp (based on Node) | html2canvas | |
rough (hand-drawn generation) | | pixi.js | |
VivGraphJS | mojs | Polyvia | |
tesseract.js (text extractor from images) | webvr-boilerplate (based on three.js) | konva (Canvas Framework) | |
canny-edge-detection | sigma.js | StackBlur (Gaussian Blur) | |
smartcrop.js | |||
Video | video.js | flv.js (flv player) | ccapture.js (based on Canvas) |
jPlayer | |||
Audio | howler.js | Rythm.js | aurora.js (audio decoding framework) |
flac.js | beats-audio-api | ||
Data Visualization | | | |
echarts | grafana | Chart.js | |
fusioncharts-jquery-plugin | react-vis (based on React) | ||
JavaScript Parser | acorn | UglifyJS | jstransform |
Markdown Parser | marked | unified.remark | remarkable |
markdown-it | |||
Security | retire.js | js-xss | crypto-js |
aes-js | |||
Editor | simplemde-markdown-editor (Markdown) | kindeditor | react-ace (based on React) |
ace | monaco-editor (code) | react-page (based on React) | |
slate | |||
HTTP / Socket Client | ky (based on window.fetch) | | axios |
Parsers | psd.js | htmlparser2 (HTML and XML) | mailparser (MIME parser) |
Data Training | brain.js | tfjs | |
Automated Testing | rrweb (record and replay) | ||
Shim / Polyfill | raf (requestAnimationFrame) | json3 | core-estimator (navigator.hardwareConcurrency) |
core-js | ExplorerCanvas (simulated Canvas?) | history.js | |
Webpack Loaders / Plugins | loader-utils | handlebars-loader | css-split-webpack-plugin |
git-revision-webpack-plugin | vue-loader | mini-css-extract-plugin | |
postcss-loader | less-loader | eslint-loader | |
css-loader | webpack-dev-middleware | analyse (analyse building states) | |
ES3-compatible-webpack-plugin | sass-loader | html-webpack-plugin | |
copy-webpack-plugin | extract-text-webpack-plugin | webpack-bundle-analyzer | |
react-hot-loader | babel-loader | ||
Book | vuepress | docz | mdx-deck |
gitbook | |||
UI | YUI | jquery-ui | element (based on Vue) |
ant-design (based on React) | bootstrap | wired-elements | |
Font-Awesome (icon toolkit) | |||
Optimization | cssnano | UglifyJS | optimize-js |
css-blocks | prettier | clean-css | |
Template | nunjucks | handlebars.js | |
Test | mocha.chai | jest | jasmine.karma |
Note: strong links mean there are corresponding notes for those frameworks or libraries.
Aleen ®
More than a coder, more than a designer
20 issues reported
How should Handlebars templates be preprocessed
#32 [全 文] A Collection of Problems Met when Developing JavaScript under IE2019-07-25 15:50:30
How do I design JavaScript functions when I need to pass more than one variable parameter? The 2017-05-29 09:42:07
304 Header information under Status Code
Do you think JavaScript doesn’t have data structures? The 2018-03-19 12:25:04
#27 high performance of JavaScript
#26 Microtasks? Macrotasks? The 2017-02-26 18:05:36
#25 gitbook-edit plugin ignores book.json root configuration element2017-02-24 18:53:37
#24 [翻 译] Align SVG Icons to Text and Say Goodbye to Font icons2017-02-07 10:39:42
#23 Discover the Full Story of City’s Buildings2017-02-04 03:17:33
#22 All books has opened a button for editing on Github2016-11-21 09:38:58
#21 Mingtocat2016-10-22 12:42:38
#20 Enhancement of Gitbook Treeview2016-10-20 11:59:22
#19 [翻 译] Google Interview University2018-10-29 18:58:52
[标 题] EVALUATION SVG Content with Styling
#17 Drawing in JavaScript2018-05-11 17:03:36
#15 Learning React Redux2016-08-29 14:22:55
#14 Learning React Router2016-08-25 10:55:38
#13 Learning Webpack + React2016-08-25 10:47:15
#12 GitBook Community in Google+2016-08-19 10:16:16