With the increasing number of CPU cores, it is inevitable to use multi-threading technology to make full use of its computing power. Therefore, multithreading is a technology that server developers must master. Thread creation and destruction, both involving system calls, consume system resources, so the thread pool technology was introduced to avoid frequent thread creation and destruction. The Executors tool class in Java creates a thread pool for us, essentially creating a ThreadPoolExecutor object. Thread pools are almost certainly an interview question. This section takes a look at how ThreadExecutor works with the source code
Create a thread pool
Let’s look at the most complete constructor for ThreadPoolExecutor:
- CorePoolSize: Specifies the number of core threads in the thread pool. In other words, there are corePoolSize threads waiting for tasks even if there are no tasks in the thread pool.
- MaximumPoolSize: maximumPoolSize is the maximum number of working threads in the thread pool, no matter how many tasks you submit.
- KeepAliveTime: indicates the keepAliveTime of a thread. When the number of threads in the thread pool is greater than corePoolSize, the thread exits if no task is available for keepAliveTime.
- Unit: This is used to specify the unit of keepAliveTime, such as timeunit.seconds.
- WorkQueue: A blocking queue to which submitted tasks will be placed.
- ThreadFactory: a thread factory used to create threads, mainly for the purpose of naming them. The default factory’s thread name is Pool-1-thread-3.
- Handler: The rejection policy called when the thread pool runs out of threads and the queue is full.
These are the parameters used to create a thread pool, which is often asked in interviews.
Thread pool execution process
Here is a diagram to illustrate the thread pool execution flow
When a task is submitted to a thread pool, it checks whether the current number of threads is smaller than corePoolSize. If it is smaller than corePoolSize, it creates a thread to execute the submitted task. Otherwise, the task is put into the workQueue. If the number of threads is smaller than maximumPoolSize, a thread is created to execute the task; otherwise, handler is called to indicate that the thread pool rejects the task. Here take jdk1.8.0_111 source code as an example to see the implementation.
1. Take a look at the executor methods of thread pools
- Determine whether the current number of active threads is smaller than corePoolSize. If so, call addWorker to create a thread to execute the task
- If not less than corePoolSize, the task is added to the workQueue queue.
- If the workQueue fails to be placed, a thread is created to execute the task, and if the thread fails to be created (if the current number of threads is at least maximumPoolSize), a reject(internal call to handler) is called to reject the task.
2. Take a look at the addWorker method implementation
This code is created when a non-core thread is created, i.e. core equals false. Check whether the current number of threads is greater than or equal to maximumPoolSize. If it is greater than or equal to maximumPoolSize, return false. The second half of the addWorker method:
- The Worker object is created, and a Thread object is instantiated.
- Start Starts the thread
3. Go to Worker to see its implementation
You can see that threadFactory is called to create a thread when the Worker is created. Starting a thread in ② above will trigger the Worker’s run method to be called by the thread.
4. Let’s look at the logic of the runWorker method
The thread calls runWoker, and the getTask method is called in the while loop to read the task from the workerQueue and then execute the task. As long as the getTask method does not return NULL, the thread will not exit.
5. Finally, look at the getTask method implementation
- Let’s ignore allowCoreThreadTimeOut, which defaults to false. Wc >corePoolSize determines whether the current number of threads is greater than corePoolSize.
- If the current thread count is greater than corePoolSize, the poll method of workQueue is called to get the task and the timeout is keepAliveTime. If the keepAliveTime is exceeded, poll returns null, the while exits sequentially, and the thread completes.
If the current thread count is less than corePoolSize, the take method of workQueue is called to block at the current time.