This article has authorized the official wechat account Guolin_blog (Guo Lin) to publish my own Xiaonan, an aspiring Android developer.

# # # introduction

Today I suddenly want to write an article about my learning experience. Since I want to write, I would like to start writing as soon as possible, just like ancient people started writing poems at once.

Recently I have read a lot of chicken soup articles, including some of my own experience, so today I decided to put down the learning task, concentrate on writing a thick chicken soup. Sometimes I feel that the theories and methods of learning are above knowledge, so I still like inspirational things, so that people around me like to call me inspirational brother, haha. Some people say my language level is not good, in fact, a technical, language level and then good knock out of the code may be toxic, so say what clerical error of what we light spray ha.

The following are chicken soup and learning methods to improve your learning interest and motivation from different angles, after all, we all know that chicken soup is not enough, but also have a good learning method. In addition, this article will be updated from time to time, you are welcome to pay attention to and favorites. Although not what big truth, but no matter all walks of life are applicable, and very practical, plain is the most precious.

Well, without further ado —

# # # chicken soup

Chicken soup or method first, I think it is the former, just chicken soup —

#### Lotus Pond effect – a little bit every day

  • What is the lotus Pond effect?

Please allow me to quote the official explanation from Baidu Baike:

The principle of "lotus pond effect" in economics: Assumptions on the first day, there is a lotus leaf pond, a day after the new grow two pieces, two days after the new four pieces, three days after the new eight piece, may have been to 47 days, we can only see the pond is still less than a quarter of the places with lotus leaf, most of the water or empty, and jaw-dropping, 48 days of lotus leaf to cover half of the pond, In just one more day, the lotus leaves covered the pond. Until the 47-day "tipping point", information may be slow to get noticed, but when it comes to the last day, the impact can be mind-boggling.Copy the code

Many people do not wait for the day when the lotus pond is full of water, because they often choose to give up. The reason I use this example is to get my point across — a little bit every day, yes, five words without any embellishing.

Learning is a long, insipid process, unlike mobile phones and online games, which give you instant feedback and get you high. In essence, playing games is no different from taking drugs. But only 2% of the people will stick to it, spend a little time studying every day, whether it’s an hour or reading an article, and only they can truly feel the joy of success brought by quantitative change to qualitative change. Adhere to, has always been a word of mouth, but really can adhere to, and how many people?

#### Overcome human weakness

When it comes to how To Win People over, you can’t help but mention Dale. Carnegie, one of the greatest success coaches of the 20th century, wrote How to Win People over, and there are many things in his book that I believe in and stick to. For example, I summed it up:

  1. Be neither servile nor pushy in your dealings with others.
  2. Verbal expressions, such as how to please others, how to praise others, how to criticize others without offending others, how to save face for others, how to admit mistakes in time, etc.
  3. Remember people’s names.
  4. Respect and empathy.

We all know that although we call ourselves “human”, we are all human at heart, and that animals have fatal weaknesses such as saving face, liking to be pleased, admiring, not liking to be told what to do, fear of loneliness, love of ease, laziness and so on. I often regard myself as an “animal”, through the phenomenon to see the essence, to know their own weaknesses, to know their own enemy.

Here I mainly mention the lust for comfort and laziness. Take playing games as an example. Although I am also a gamer, I am very aware of myself and will not be able to extricate myself once I get addicted to it. On the other hand, it’s good for you to learn when your competitors are playing games, even if it’s selfish to think so. Here’s an article I recommend you to read:

"If there's no one playing Honor of Kings anymore, It's only going to be harder for you." c6caf2e3747a626deaf22d59cba8823c8507f55c1c4fe517d67ec8dc42bb40b34f40&mpshare=1&scene=23&srcid=0705HeqsvsI03R8BxzbJFhhH#r dCopy the code

People are fond of a comfortable life, lazy is everyone, every animal will exist, but good at overcoming these human weaknesses (in plain English is the weakness of animals) people, often is the best in the population!

######PS: I prefer to study the weakness of human nature, and I have some experiences of my own. My ideas may be extreme, but compared with those crazy philosophers, they are still the tip of the iceberg.

#### Make good use of your habits

You probably have a habit of playing with your phone every day before you take a nap or go to bed at night to help you fall asleep (PS: bad for your eyes, though).

Or it’s a long commute and you pull out your phone to play.

Have you ever imagined that this is actually a good habit that can be used, for example, when we play mobile phones, can we go to some learning, technical aspects of the public to read some articles? If I can make use of this habit, accumulate and make progress a little bit every day, I believe it will be a fortune in life.

#### Act immediately

This opinion mainly comes from myself. When I am learning a new technology, I always hesitate whether to learn it or not, what materials to learn, I already have relevant books, whether to find better videos and so on.

In fact, this is a kind of procrastination performance, any thing, think of immediate action, too much worry, will only waste time!!

#### Invest in yourself

A lot of people study, will find some free video tutorials, but fees also have the benefits of fees, after all, it is someone else’s efforts, why give you free! So I personally advocate paying for knowledge.

A friend once sent me an article that I recommend reading several times in its entirety:

If you are poor, Be sure to read this article. a072d216b3d61be1d78ca4a7860f06e88c677b3f015aa4b7521c5d037c03fa89f1f7&mpshare=1&scene=23&srcid=0705kitCEx9NwRxvGc4FBlh8#r dCopy the code

There is a core point in this article that says why a person is poor:

The main reason you are poor is because you, and the generation before you, were poor.Copy the code

This sentence really hit the nail on the head, lying down also shot!

The rich know how to invest, how to take the money from the family to start a business, will only become more and more rich; Poor people, on the other hand, don’t have much courage, space, or opportunity to try again.

Therefore, to buy knowledge, purchase learning equipment, instruments, is also a way to acquire knowledge, fast learning, from a certain point of view, this is a reflection of their investment! Because we can use what we have learned to earn more in the future.

#### broaden your knowledge

Someone once told me that you can master some things but not deeply enough. You can also master them through your own learning. But once you’ve never heard of it, it’s infinitely difficult! As developers, broadening our knowledge helps us to come up with different solutions to different difficulties, so that we can choose the best solution.

### Learning Methods

So far, that’s all for chicken soup. I will update it irregularly in the future. Rest assured.

The next chapter is learning methods.

#### Holistic learning strategies — concepts

As for learning methods, the author prefers holistic learning strategies rather than rote memorization.

The holistic learning strategy has three important concepts, which are as follows:

Now, imagine your head as a big city:

Inside the city, there are many buildings, some of which are connected by roads, some of which are connected in all directions, but some of which are muddy roads and nobody uses them.

  • Structure is a macro concept, structure is a series of closely related knowledge, a knowledge structure is in all directions, representing your understanding of the better. The better your knowledge structure, the smoother the roads of the big city.
  • A model is every house in a big city, equivalent to every knowledge point. When we learn, we need to be good at describing knowledge as vivid examples, so that we can relate them to the things we are used to. In this process, we build highways.
  • The highway is the connection between knowledge, and the knowledge here is not limited to technology, but also the knowledge of life. For example, when we learn variables, we might as well compare variables to barrels. In that case, we will establish the connection between variables and barrels, and then our understanding of variables will be deepened immediately.

#### Holistic learning strategies – order

Holistic learning strategies have a certain order, but this order is not fixed and can change dynamically according to your understanding of the knowledge.

The general sequence is shown in the figure below:

##### First step, get

The acquisition of knowledge is the first and most important step in learning. Here I advocate is to be good at using the “web disk search engine” to find information, sometimes a good information, such as a good video tutorial, blog articles, will let you get twice the result with half the effort. In addition, it should be noted that the knowledge should be simplified and compressed as much as possible, and the reading speed should be fast with the guarantee of quality.

##### Step 2: Understanding

There is no point in acquiring knowledge without understanding it. Understanding is also divided into many levels, for example, a technology, you know what it does, how to use, but its source code is implemented, that is another level of understanding. (Learning an open source framework is not learning its source code, which is one of the reasons many people don’t get a job and don’t learn enough.)

##### The third step, expand

Development is divided into depth development, horizontal development, vertical development.

The following to learn open source framework as an example to explain the analysis.

  1. Deep development: the origin and development of knowledge. For example, how the source code of the framework is implemented.
  2. Horizontal expansion: The association of similar knowledge. For example, we learned about Small, so why not expand and compare with other plug-in frameworks in the same category?
  3. Vertical expansion: Vertical expansion is more ethereal, requiring high-speed corridors between structures, such as the analogy of variables to barrels, which is a manifestation of vertical expansion. Steam power, for example, is also a form of creative expansion, if you think of trains.

##### The fourth step, error correction

The error correction stage is to find out the connection between some unnecessary or wrong knowledge in the head through practice, that is, the “high-speed channel”. The ultimate way to achieve this is to practice, if the first three steps are done well, this stage can save a lot of time.

#### Step 5, application

Most knowledge doesn’t reach that stage. But for us developers, this step is the most important one, because I don’t need to go into details.

#### Holistic learning strategies — core: metaphor

I believe you will find that I often compare variables to barrels to illustrate my point of view.

Yes, metaphor is at the heart of holistic learning strategies. Metaphor is the best way to build a highway between knowledge and make knowledge have a good structure.

By using metaphor, you can compare and contrast something you are not familiar with (A) with something you are already familiar with (B). So you have A superhighway of these two kinds of knowledge, A connection between unfamiliar knowledge A and knowledge B that you are already familiar with, and A kind of conditioned reflex, where whenever you think of knowledge B, you think of knowledge A. By using metaphors, contrast, and the familiar to help you learn the unfamiliar, you will not only deepen your understanding of knowledge A, but also deepen knowledge B.

The analogy method needs to pay attention to:

  1. Have the desire and urge to find a metaphorical point of entry.
  2. Identify similarities between the two pieces of knowledge and pay attention to the first metaphor that comes to mind.
  3. Refine and practice to eliminate inappropriate metaphors.

# # # postscript

If you think my article is useful to you, welcome to pay attention to my personal blog, welcome to like and reward, original is not easy, the following is my personal blog address:

/ / I'm Jane books at the code

At this point, this article is over for the time being, I will update some chicken soup and learning experience and methods irregularly in the future, welcome to pay attention to.

If you feel that my words are helpful to you, welcome to pay attention to my public number:

My group welcomes everyone to come in and discuss all kinds of technical and non-technical topics. If you are interested, please add my wechat huannan88 and I will take you into our group.