In the “Settings” option of Alipay, there is a “about” option, which shows the information of all open source software used in the copyright information. Don’t see don’t know, a look startled, originally pay treasure unexpectedly used more than 30 open source software…

The following monkey sister sorted out the alipay Android client used open source components, feel helpful to you can see:

1, the FFmpeg

FFmpeg is an open source computer program that can record, convert, and stream digital audio and video. It includes the current leading sound/video coding library libavcodec. FFmpeg was developed under Linux, but it compiles on most operating systems, including Windows. It can easily realize the conversion between a variety of video formats, for example, it can convert the recorded video avi into FLV format used by video websites now. (Project address:…)

2, AChartEngine

AChartEngine is a library of drawing tools designed for Android applications. The library currently supports drawing more than a dozen types of charts, each containing multiple sequences, displaying the X-axis horizontally or vertically, and many custom features. The diagram can be built as a Viewl or as an Intent — which can be used to launch an Activity (project address:…).

3, CircleImageView

CircleImageView is an easy library to help you achieve a circular image. CircleImageView is based on the ImageView extension, so it has all the properties of the ImageView control, easy to use and worth your use. (Project address:…)

4, TheMVP

An MVP framework (project address:…)

5, Android-query (AQuery)

Android-query (AQuery) is a lightweight development kit for implementing asynchronous tasks and manipulation UI elements on Android, making Android application development simpler, easier, and more fun. (Project Address:…).

6, Gson

Gson is a Java class library provided by Google for mapping between Java objects and JSON data. You can turn a JSON string into a Java object, or vice versa. (Project Address:

7, DiskLruCache

DiskLruCache implements a disk-based LRU cache for Android compatibility via Java. (Project address:…)

8, tagsoup

TagSoup is a SAX-compliant HTML parser for Java development (project address:…).

9 ViewPagerIndicator.

ViewPagerIndicator indicates where the ViewPager is when using it. (Project address:…)

10, Wire

Wire is a very simple interface with a sense of science and technology and very cool chat application, support Web, Windows OS, Android, OS X, group function, can voice call, send photos and its original greeting PING. (Project Address:

11, okio

Java IO Framework :Okio is a new library that complements and java.nio, making it easier to access, store, and process your data. (Project Address:

12, XRecyclerView

A RecyclerView to support drop-down refresh and drop-down loading (project address:…)

13, ijkplayer

Ijkplayer is a lightweight Android/iOS video player based on FFPlay. Realize cross-platform function, API easy integration; Compilation and configuration can be tailored to facilitate the control of installation package size; Support hardware accelerated decoding, more power saving; Provide solution of application danmu integration under Android platform (project address:…)

14 and dagger

Dagger is a lightweight, stable running webu-automated testing framework developed by QA team of netease Hangzhou Research Institute. The Dagger is mainly based on Selenium and TestNg, which can be considered as a framework for secondary encapsulation of Selenium (commonly known as building wheel). (Project address:…)

15, Jackson – databind

Jackson (2.x) Universal Data Binding package: For streaming API (core) implementation (project address:…)

16, Jackson – core

Jackson’s core support library, defining the Streaming API and basic shared abstractions (project address:…)

17, Jackson – annotations

This project contains generic annotations for the Jackson Data Processor for value and handler types. (Project address:…)

In the 18th and DanmakuFlameMaster

DanmakuFlameMaster is on Android open source barrage resolution rendering engine project, is also the best open-source Android barrage engine barrage of flame. Its structure is clear, simple and easy to use, support a variety of efficient drawing method selection, support a variety of custom function Settings. (Project address:…)

19, the android – stackblur

Android StackBlur is a library that performs blur effects on bitmaps based on gradients or radii and returns results. The library is based on Mario Klingemann’s code. (Project address:…)

20, the Android – Charts

Open source native Android graph/chart framework includes line chart, stick chart, candlestick chart, pie chart, spider web chart, etc. (project address:…)

21, android – supprt – library

Google support library (project address: developer. The android. Google. Cn/index. The HTML)

22, NineOldAndroids

NineOldAndroids is an Android library that lets you use the Honeycomb animation API on Android 1.0 and up. (Project address:…)

23, Leakcanary

Memory leak detection library for Android and Java. (Project address:…)

24 and EventBus

EventBus is a lightweight synchronized event framework written for C++11. (Project address:…)

25, androidannotations

AndroidAnnotations are an open source framework for accelerating Android development. (Project address:…)

26, fastjson

Fastjson is a very good Performance Java language implementation of JSON parser and generator, from Alibaba engineers development. (Project address:…)

27, okhttp

Okhttp is a Java HTTP+SPDY client development package that also supports Android. (Project address:…)

28, OpenSSL

OpenSSL is a powerful secure Socket layer password library that Apache uses to encrypt HTTPS and OpenSSH uses to encrypt SSH, but you shouldn’t just use it as a library. It’s also a versatile, cross-platform password tool. (Project address:…)

29, duktape

Duktape is an embedded JavaScript engine with an emphasis on portability and simplicity. Duktape can be easily integrated into existing C/C++ projects by adding duktape.c and duktape.h. (Project address:…)

30, ProgressWheel

This is a custom component of Android designed to replace the progress bar. (Project address:…)

31, android – GIF – drawable

Let Android display Gif (project address:–/and…)

32, zlib

The Zlib package contains the Zlib library, which is used by compression or decompression functions in many programs (project address:

33, libyuv

Libyuv is Google’s open source library for converting, rotating, and scaling RGB to and from YUVs (…).

34, CSS layout

Css-layout is a subclass of CSS in pure JavaScript that is translated into C and Java because it implements a small, independent library to layout elements. It doesn’t rely on DOM at all. (Project address:…)

35, aspectj

AspectJ is an aspect-oriented framework that extends the Java language. AspectJ defines the AOP syntax so it has a specialized compiler for generating Class files that comply with the Java byte-encoding specification. (Project address:…)

36, the libjpeg – turbo

Libjpeg-turbo is an improved version of high-speed libjpeg optimized for x86 and x86-64 processors. (Project address:…)

Incidentally, attached is the open source software information of the iOS version of Alipay:

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