
For most programmers, front-line Internet work experience is a lifelong pursuit. In fact, the requirements of large companies for education are far from as high as we imagine. In recent years, Internet companies pay more attention to technology, so improving their technical level is the key to win the offer. First-line Internet represented by Ali, it is necessary to make clear what technology is popular, what degree we need to learn and how deep we have mastered it.

There are five core contents in the 283-page PDF sorted out today. If you can stay up late and finish it, there will be no problem in grading Alibaba P7.

Five core contents, including:

  • Concurrent programming
  • Performance tuning
  • Spring buckets
  • Nosql cache architecture
  • Distributed & microservices

Of course, I don’t have enough space to cover all of these five key points, but I can only outline them below. If you want the full PDF, you can click here.

01 Core content of concurrent programming

1. Multithreading basic introduction

2. High-concurrency scenarios

3.CAS and explicit locks

4. Concurrent container source code interpretation and actual application

5. Uncovering the thread pool bottom

6. Concurrency security solution

Additional content: Advanced interview questions for concurrent programming

  • Synchronized? How does it work?
  • You mentioned a lock on an object. What exactly is this “lock”? How do I determine the lock of an object?
  • What is “reentrant” and why is Synchronized reentrant?
  • What optimization has the JVM made to Java’s native locking?
  • Why is Synchronized unfair?
  • What is lock elimination and lock coarsening?
  • Why is Synchronized a pessimistic lock? What is the implementation principle of optimistic lock? What is CAS and what are its features?
  • Is optimism lock necessarily good?
  • How is the implementation principle of ReentrantLock different from Synchronized?
  • So what is the AQS framework?
  • Compare Synchronized and ReentrantLock in as much detail as possible
  • How does ReentrantLock achieve reentrancy?
  • Besides ReetrantLock, what other concurrency tools in JUC have you been exposed to?
  • Talk about ReadWriteLock and StampedLock.
  • How do I synchronize Java threads with each other? What synchronizers have you learned about? Please introduce them separately.
  • CyclicBarrier and CountDownLatch look very similar.
  • How is thread pooling implemented in Java?
  • How many core construction parameters to create a thread pool?
  • How are threads created in a thread pool? Was it created initially with the start of the thread pool?
  • Since you can create different thread pools by configuring different parameters, what are the default thread pools implemented in Java? Please compare their similarities and differences
  • How do I submit a thread in a Java thread pool?
  • What is Java’s memory model, and how do threads in Java see each other and each other’s variables?
  • What are the characteristics of Volatile? Why does it guarantee that variables are visible to all threads?
  • Since volatile guarantees variable visibility between threads, does that mean that operations based on volatile variables are concurrency safe?
  • Compare volatile to Synchronized.
  • How does ThreadLocal address concurrency security?
  • A lot of people talk about being careful with ThreadLocal, what do you think? Talk about your understanding; What do I need to know about using ThreadLocal?
  • Now there are three threads: T1, T2, and T3. How do you ensure that T2 is executed after T1 and T3 after T2?
  • What are the advantages of Lock interfaces over synchronized blocks in Java? You need to implement an efficient cache that allows multiple users to read, but only one user to write, in order to maintain its integrity. How would you implement that?

02 Performance tuning of core content

1. Start performance tuning

2.I/O and network tuning

3. Algorithm tuning

4. Deep and shallow JVM tuning

5. Build efficient storage (MySQL tuning)

600 million high concurrency scene tuning actual combat

Additional content: Tuning interview questions (Mysql performance tuning +JVM performance tuning)

  • SQL query statement to determine what type of index to create, how to optimize the query?
  • MySQL > alter table B+Tree Hash index
  • What is the concurrency of a transaction?
  • Talk about transaction isolation levels. What problems do each level cause? What is MySQL’s default level?
  • What are overwritten and clustered indexes?
  • What are the most left prefix optimization principles in Mysql?
  • Mysql index optimization specification?
  • MySQL high concurrency environment solution
  • Memory model and partition, need to be detailed to what is in each partition?
  • What is the parent delegate model of a class loader?
  • What are the JVM garbage collection algorithms and collectors?
  • How do you tell if an object is alive?
  • What are the GC collectors?
  • What are the characteristics of the CMS collector versus G1 collector?
  • How many partitions are there in the JVM memory, and what does each partition do?
  • How can high-concurrency systems optimize performance based on the G1 garbage collector?

03 Core content of the Spring family barrel

1. Half an hour to quickly master Spring (basic)

2.Spring Progression Guide


4. Source code analysis of Spring.5x core mechanism

  • SpringMVC framework process and principle analysis
  • Spring I0C source code analysis
  • Spring AOP source code analysis
  • Spring transactions and source code analysis

Additional content: Advanced interview question Spring family bucket

  • What are the benefits of using the Spring framework?
  • What is inversion of Control (IOC)? What is dependency injection?
  • Please explain IoC in the Spring framework.
  • What’s the difference between BeanFactory and ApplicationContext?
  • How many ways can Spring be configured?
  • How do I configure Spring in an XML-based configuration?
  • How do I configure Spring in a Java-based configuration?
  • How to configure Spring with annotations?
  • Explain the life cycle of Spring beans?
  • What are the differences between the scopes of Spring beans?
  • What are Spring inner beans?
  • Are singleton Beans in the Spring framework thread-safe?
  • How do you inject a Java Collection into Spring?
  • How do I inject a into a Spring Bean?
  • Explain the autowiring of Spring beans?
  • Explain the difference between auto assembly modes?
  • How do I turn on annotation-based autowiring?
  • Please give an example of the @required annotation?
  • Can you give an example of the @autowired annotation?
  • Can you give an example of the @qualifier annotation?
  • What is the difference between constructor injection and set injection?
  • What are the different types of events in the Spring framework?
  • How is FileSystemResource different from ClassPathResource?
  • What design patterns are used in the Spring framework?
  • What are the advantages of Spring Boot?
  • What is a JavaConfig?
  • How do I reload changes on Spring Boot without restarting the server?
  • What is a monitor in Spring Boot?
  • How to disable THE SECURITY of the Actuator in Spring Boot?
  • How do I run a Spring Boot application on a custom port?
  • YAML is what?
  • How can Spring Boot applications be secured?
  • How to integrate Spring Boot and ActiveMQ?
  • How do I use Spring Boot for paging and sorting?
  • What is Swagger? Did you implement it with Spring Boot?
  • What are Spring Profiles?
  • What is Spring Batch?
  • What is a FreeMarker template?
  • How do I implement exception handling using Spring Boot?
  • Which Starter Maven dependencies do you use?
  • What is a CSRF attack?
  • What is a web sockets?
  • What is the AOP?
  • What is Apache Kafka?
  • How do we monitor all Spring Boot microservices?
  • What are the advantages of using Spring Cloud?
  • What do I mean by service registration and discovery? How is Spring Cloud implemented?
  • What does load balancing mean?
  • For SpringMVC process?
  • Is SpringMvc’s controller a singleton? If so, what’s wrong with it and how to fix it?
  • If you’ve used Struts2, what’s the difference between springMVC and Struts2?
  • The controller annotation in SpingMvc usually uses that, is there another annotation that can replace it?
  • What does the @requestMapping annotation do for a class?
  • How do I map a request to a particular method?
  • What if I want to intercept methods submitted by GET in the interception request?
  • How do I get a Request or a Session in a method?
  • I want to get the argument from the foreground in the intercepting method. How do I get it?
  • If there are many arguments passed to the foreground, and they are all of an object, how do you get the object quickly?
  • What is the return value of a function in SpringMvc?
  • How does SpringMVC set up redirection and forwarding?
  • What object does SpringMvc use to pass data from the background to the foreground?
  • SpringMvc has a class that merges views and data together. What’s it called?
  • How to put ModelMap data into Session?

NoSql cache architecture for core content

1. Basic knowledge of Redis (data structure + persistence + pipeline operation + handwritten Jedis)

2.Redis Advanced Advanced (slow query + transaction + master/slave replication + Sentry + High performance cluster)

300 million level flow Redis actual combat

  • Distributed lock based on Redis
  • Session consistency solution and
  • Redis cache and database consistency problem
  • Redis+ Lua implements traffic limiting
  • Cache breakdown, cache penetration, cache avalanche prevention

4.MongoDB (Getting started — Advanced — Practice)

Redis+MongoDB interview questions

  • What advantages does Redis have over memcached?

  • What data types does Redis support?

  • What data elimination strategies does Redis have?

  • Why does Redis need to put all data in memory?

  • What should Redis cluster solution do? What are the options?

  • When does the Redis cluster solution cause the entire cluster to become unavailable?

  • MySQL has 2000W data, redis only 20W data, how to ensure that the data in Redis is hot data?

  • What scenarios are suitable for Redis?

  • What are the pros and cons of Jedis versus Redisson?

  • How to understand Redis transactions?

  • What is the use of pipes in Redis?

  • What are the Redis transaction related commands?

  • How does Redis optimize memory?

  • How does the Redis recycle process work?

  • Do you know of any Redis partitioning implementations?

  • Redis persistent data and cache

  • .

  • What do you mean by NoSQL database? What is the difference between NoSQL and RDBMS directly? Why use and not use NoSQL databases? What are the advantages of NoSQL databases?

  • What are the types of NoSQL databases?

  • What are the basic differences between MySQL and MongoDB?

  • How do you compare MongoDB, CouchDB, and CouchBase?

  • What makes MongoDB the best NoSQL database?

  • Should I start a sharded or non-sharded MongoDB environment?

  • How do sharding and replication work?

  • At what point does data expand into multiple shards?

  • What happens when I try to update a document on a chunk that is being migrated?

  • A:{B,C} A:{B,C} A:{C,B} A:{C,B}

  • Does MongoDB support stored procedures? If so, how to use it?

  • How to understand the GridFS mechanism in MongoDB and why MongoDB uses GridFS to store files?

  • .

Distributed core content & microservices

1. What are microservices?

2 SpringBoot fast advance (source code + core annotations + data routing + handwritten SpringBoot)

3.SpringCloud advances rapidly

  • Eureka service registration and discovery source code analysis
  • Details on distributed coordination service Zookeeper
  • Client load balancing Ribbon source code analysis
  • Feign declarative service invocation in detail
  • Service fault tolerance degraded circuit breaker Hystrix
  • Zuul implements the microservices gateway
  • Distributed configuration management Config
  • Bus Message Bus
  • Stream message-driven microservices
  • Distributed services track SpringCloud Sleuth

4. Easy mastery and actual combat of Docker

  • Docker images, containers, and repositories
  • Docker File build
  • Docker builds private libraries
  • Docker Compose deployment script design
  • Docker Redis distributed deployment
  • Spring Cloud project docker-oriented practice

5. Distributed combat solution


To change your life, there is no shortcut at all. This road needs to be taken by yourself. Only deep thinking, continuous reflection and summary, keeping the enthusiasm for learning, and building a complete knowledge system step by step are the ultimate winning ways and the mission that programmers should undertake.

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