“Live up to the time, the creation of non-stop, this article is participating in 2021 year-end summary essay competition”

Current status of

I think this year is quite eventful. I came to my present company in July last year. In January, I passed the six-month probation and became a regular employee. If you count the days, by January of ’22 you’ll have been working here full-time for a full year. In just one year, we have gone through three leadership changes and one mass layoff. Through bad luck or bad luck, I was retained, and our team changed from nine to four, one of whom was still the leader. Before the change, in fact, some colleagues have already chosen to job-hopping, some to B station, some to dewu, and some to byte.

Also is this year began to look at themselves now, coordinates, an Internet company, it is said that years ago got the sequoia capital, a large investment, crazy expansion, coincidence come and try me blind cat with a dead mouse, chatted with the interviewer, eventually passed the company interview, express company just at the outbreak of the authors stage, walk a lot of older workers, Everywhere is also constantly reducing the cost of compression manpower. After talking with the direct leadership, I finally chose to job-hopping and came to the present company. To tell you the truth, this is a junior college student struggling in Shanghai for so many years, and one of the few companies that does not oppression the staff in terms of human resources and labor treatment.

Some think

It has been four years since I graduated in ’17 and arrived in Shanghai. When I look back, I was a little embarrassed that AJAX could not solve the problem of cross-domain request. Now I have been pushed by the tide of technology to contact ES6, Vue2, applets, public account, Webpack, React, Typescript, Flutter, Vue3. In the first year of work, I read “Javascript Advanced Program Design iii” from beginning to end, and then I read teacher Ruan Yifeng’s ES6 tutorial for the implementation of ES6. The following learning is project-oriented, Vue2 project organization, syntax, input transfer, business implementation, problem solving, small program project realization from reading API documents to project landing, APP hybrid project from reading API documents to project landing, Flutter project from reading API documents to project landing. For so many years, I found myself in the programmer industry to learn the most skilled thing is how to scratch API documents, even many times people ask how to achieve JSXXX, subconscious words back to the past, you scratch the document, there is written in the document. At the beginning of the line, feel can do, how to skillfully read the document is the need for more exercise. Now I suddenly realize that the strength of front-end tool chain and related ecology will become simpler, easier to manage, easier to use and more friendly to newcomers, just like the transformation from low-level language to high-level language. There’s a big problem with the argument that you’re improving by the business you can do.

The further I go, the more I find that the realization of many front-end business in the direction of computer needs some basic mathematical demands, and the program is a kind of mathematics (algorithm) + data structure (code implementation). In practical learning, I will find that: for example, the realization of depth of field needs the basis of part of trigonometric functions; The bounce effect of the Bezier curve is used in many places; Graph algorithms may seem remote outside of the game industry, but what do you use to unlock the lock screen on a mobile project? Why should someone be able to do the same set of programs with high cohesion and low coupling, while you can only write the front lines? Next to the old colleague in writing code, clear thinking, hand speed such as flying. Why can’t you figure it out and grind every feature? There will be a bunch of back ends around, every day to advertise, I will have some front end. There are always UI changes, JAVA changes, back-end changes, product managers, testing changes. Is the rice bowl on the front really that easy to eat? So what’s my advantage as an old front end? Why do people always say that the back end to the front end, there are barriers to the back end. We’re all programmers. What’s the difference?

The industry will change, and the current front end is no longer the same as it was a long time ago. Now the front end is called the “big front end”. The front-end is not only doing simple web development, such as mobile APP, client development, and even back-end development (Nodejs) these belong to the category of front-end development. As front-end people, we can not only use web development such a requirement to ask themselves, we should be a programmer to ask. We are not developers of any particular language. We need to realize that developing a language is just a skill. We need to learn the tao. Programmers have some basic, foundational appeal. Many of us go to school for years to study these things, and one thing to realize for those of us who have chosen different paths in our careers is that all roads lead to the same thing. Lifelong learning is not a new term. Those who have chosen different routes will continue to make up for the theoretical foundation and practical training.

Some thoughts on learning

After work, I realized how much time I could save if I had known math and English well. If you knew, it’s not too late.

This time I will list some general directions of myself, and then I will try to integrate some ideas into the following appeals, such as collecting and sorting out common business appeals, and using business appeals to drive the consolidation of my basic knowledge. Or deliberately practice + Feynman learning method to try to output what you know. Later find time to comb through it bit by bit.


Some mathematical basics, such as trigonometric functions, vectors, Bezier curves, matrix transformations, are still to be learned.

Conditional can begin to study from primary school, make up a lesson with respect to specific aim without condition, be no good really, buy a mathematical popular science book to complement mathematical thought is ok also.


English does not require writing, but being able to read articles is the first appeal. I had a plan to make up lessons in tenses from primary School English, but later I failed to stick to it.

Now I only rely on translation, amway is a bilingual translation plug-in: “Colorful Cloud translation”, then I will consciously exercise myself to force Chinese and English to read more, I hope you can gain.

Ps: Everyone has a good English learning plan, welcome to guide ~ ~ ~


Front-end JS or basic, interview, upgrade. Recently a new elevation four, ready to buy read. Here is the relevant comb:

  • JS advanced programming
  • Vue & Vue source code
  • Webpack comb & source code
  • Use the react and project filing | | spare capacity source arrangement
  • Browser dependent
  • Nodejs related comb
  • You don’t know JS
  • TS collation and depth

The front end is really too volume, recently the technical circle hand source code gushing, the successful project of predecessors in the absence of resources is the best learning tutorial, arrangements.


The temporary learning path of the algorithm is to distinguish according to the data structure, go to Leetcode and brush the questions according to the degree of difficulty. (Ok, dig a hole) The knowledge that will be sorted out will be shared in digging gold one after another to make a record, and I hope it can help more people. At present, MY nuggets also combed some topics, welcome to visit the guidance ~

Network based

  • The HTTP request
  • Encryption and decryption related comb

Computer Fundamentals

  • Compilation principle
  • The operating system
  • graphics
  • Design patterns

Other related

  • The Flutter combed
    • Flutter had written a complete project before, but there was no complete set of notes left. It is a pity that Flutter will tidy it up later if possible
  • refactoring
  • Clean code
  • The code of
  • Now it is not a popular meta-universe, I feel VR and AR related front-end technology will rise again, relevant knowledge points are free to arrange.

Set a Flag for yourself, when a programmer, be a qualified programmer. The road ahead is long, little star students will continue to cheer!

This year to complete

  • The new project uses Vue3 + Vite
  • I found a new learning goal for myself
  • Learn to swim – breaststroke
  • Driver’s license. – Two and three in a month
  • Wang Xiaobo – The silent majority
  • Zen and motorcycle maintenance look over
  • The Little Prince
  • .

There may be others. If you can’t remember, forget emMMmm

The last other

To be honest, the constant leadership changes, my detachment from the previous partner atmosphere, strange business needs, urgent schedule, quarterly performance KPI demands, and the intense R&D atmosphere in the group are still under great pressure. Some time ago, I was worried about my early baldness. I really appreciate zhao Gulu and Zhao Tuanzi at home. Will be met at the door of the home after work, will be snoring in the arms at night. Look at the cute little cat, life can have what trouble? Come on duck!!

Zhao Tuanzi classmates town building! Fat people work hard!

Should be an activity of the scene, the author sister ~