Put a National Day, I do not know whether everyone has gone out to play National Day? I don’t have a happy at home code, anyway. Today, there was a problem. This error occurred when we opened the familiar vscode

__VLS_2 cannot be used as a JSX component. \ "{$: ComponentInternalInstance; its instance type $data: {}; $props: Partial<{}> & Omit<Readonly<{ title? : unknown; backFlag? : unknown; back? : unknown; } & { title: string; } & { backFlag? : string | undefined; back? : (() => void) | undefined; }> & VNodeProps & AllowedComponentProps & ComponentCustomProps, never>; . 10 more ... ; $wa..." Not a valid JSX element. ts(2786)

If you delete node_modules and try to download it again, you will still get the same error. Therefore, I suspect that there is something wrong with the vscode plug-in that parses the vue file. I degraded the version of volar and tried it one by one. From the latest 0.27.28 to 0.27.26, it is finally ok. It is probably because the plugin has not been properly tested in the new release. However, it is best to gracefully downgrade and wait for the official bug to be fixed before upgrading.