A chart library
Professional presentation of various types of charts, such as: bar charts, line charts, pie charts and some simple plane maps.
- ECharts
- Chartist
- Chart.js
Provides encapsulated chart types that can be used with a simple configuration of parameters.
But what a chart can look like is also fixed by preset chart types and encapsulated parameters. It’s relatively difficult to do something very personal in terms of visual presentation.
Second, geographical database
Specialized in dealing with maps and visualization of geographical locations, such as three-dimensional models of traffic routes and buildings of a city, three-dimensional architectural models of a park, etc.
- Mapbox
- Leaflet
- Deck.gl
- CesiumJS
Third, rendering library
Specialising in visual presentation, such as drawing more flexible graphics, images or physical models.
- ThreeJS
- SpriteJS
- BabylonJS
4. Data-driven framework
The organization of data is handled professionally, and the presentation of data is handed over to lower-level graphics systems (DOM, SVG, Canvas) or general graphics libraries (SpriteJS, ThreeJS).
- D3.js
More flexible, easy to expand.
The threshold for use is relatively high.