This is the fourth article in “Open Source Lost Things”, and I really don’t want more lost things in the future, sincerely.

Originated from open source projects

Since 2017, I have written some open source projects and put them on the open source website, all of which are actual combat projects for everyone to practice their hands. There are basic integration demo, there are Spring Boot blog project, there are Spring Boot mall project, there are also front and rear end separation project, Vue 2.6 and Vue 3.0 also wrote several projects, because of the project is more than two, so created two GitHub account, warehouse as follows:

  • Zhenfeng13 Open source project address:

  • Newbee-mall Open source project address:

In the past few years, because of these open source projects, there have been several things that make me laugh or cry, which are basically very ridiculous, so I have written several articles, the causes and results of which have been written in the article, the article is as follows:

“Open source embarrassed (a) make a mess, write a bug by the national information security vulnerability sharing platform caught?”

“Open source embarrassing things (2) Finally, I was still they made a breakdown”

“Open source embarrassing matter (3) open source project in idle fish, B station is resold? What SAO operation is this?”

Recently, a few things have come up, and they are also very engaged in the mentality, so there is “open source lost” series of the fourth article.

A record of all the embarrassing events

One day in April 2021, I received a friend request, like the one below. Because I left my QQ number and mailbox in the open source repository, I often receive emails or friend applications.

I’ve had people buy graduations, but I’ve never sold them

Good boy. I’m good boy. When I saw the words of graduation design, I felt wrong. I thought it was another person who could not find a seller. I have never sold my graduation design.

A graduation project targeted at poverty alleviation? What???

As shown in the picture below, MY direct reply is clear that I have not done any graduation project.

The friend then posted a screenshot of what he said was a project of a targeted poverty alleviation management system, with my QQ number in it.

To be honest, I laughed.

Then, I reiterated that I didn’t do a graduation project. And asked him where he got this project, and even wrote my QQ number. But there was no useful information.

End the conversation

After that, the friend added the time of the project code, as shown below:

However, I’ve lost interest in replying. Because I haven’t done it and I don’t know what it is. So, I ended the conversation directly and did not ask any further questions, because there was no more information to pay attention to.

The whole chat process and the content, are also expected, not very unexpected, is a little upset.

Oh, by the way, I didn’t seem to get a friend request, so it doesn’t matter.

Difficult to express back pan

I remember that it was very late to talk about this, so I didn’t take it to heart. After thinking about it, think this thing some funny and very ridiculous, and then do the event of the disc, the picture is the next day to intercept.

I don’t know who made some changes on the basis of my open source code, and then developed a so-called “targeted poverty alleviation management system”. After do not know through what way, was taken by others to do graduation. Then the friend may not start the project or what can not deal with the problem, through the code left in the QQ number, found me, ha ha, really interesting. In the end, the above dialogue took place, neither laughing nor crying.

That’s the whole story, and I didn’t know it.

This “graduation” may be a money transaction, or it may be directly on a website for others to download, these are not important.

Let me headache and think impassability most is, you pour leave your own QQ number!!

Open source code you download, code you are also changed to their own, that you leave my QQ number why??


You sell code, can not leave my QQ number? whammy

Of course, writing this article, is not only this matter of leaving QQ number, a similar thing happened before.

Similar to what happened here. One day, someone in my QQ group suddenly asked me why I closed my Taobao store. No accident, this friend bought the so-called paid project, spent the money, because I wrote all the projects are open source, free for everyone to use and learn.

When I heard taobao store, that moment, I was also a face meng, the code is all open source, I have not sold the code ah.

With the friend mentioned in the previous section of the small difference, this Taobao shop to buy the code, inside the left is my QQ group number. Then, the Taobao store closed, and then, some people who bought the code came to my group looking for me.

Oh, no conscience.

When it comes to open source projects, it has happened many, many times before, but they also leave their contact information. A couple of guys I met selling code this year did a really good job of leaving my contact information in their code.

When selling open source code to make money, I want to put my project related things far away, project name change, preview change, code package name change, logo picture change, code name change, and then say they do it. Have an accident, leave my QQ number or group number, really nima bamboo shoots.

Why should I leave contact information? The above mentioned open source projects are my work. I stay to be responsible for the users. It is logical for them to tell me if they have any questions or good suggestions.

I don’t want to talk about the people who make money selling other people’s open source code. You can leave your contact information, but why would you leave mine?

Really unlucky.

I told these things to a friend, no accident, was laughed at.


This is the fourth article on open source embarrassment, and I really don’t want more embarrassment in the future, sincerely.

Five years ago, when I was working on my first open source project, I wrote this:

In the blog I will share the code and the way and method to solve the problem, will give you an intuitive project deployment good feelings, if not satisfied you don’t have to continue to waste time to see, if you feel can also, just read on, as to why I wrote a blog, but also open code, and deployment, because I also am coming from a novice, I know the feeling of being helpless and at a loss when I want to learn, because my knowledge is not wide, and I am deeply confused and frustrated because I have no direction. I have experienced all these, so I will do all I can to make up for the empty regret of my knowledge at that time.

This is the reason why I do open source project, because I also come from the novice, I taught myself Java at that time, the practical project can be too little too little, want to find practice demo can not find, very suffering. When I have the ability to do this thing, I will seriously do, page to do beautiful, complete function to do, the code to all open source, rather than to learn some garbage projects, or to post bar, forum, network disk, QQ group, to ask others to share a practice hand project.

Plus, some guys, you guys, you guys, you guys, you guys, you guys.

Ok, that’s all for temporary, I only want to see the friends of the article, if you need the code, go directly to the open source web site search when you, when I was open source also considers the network problems, is more than a lot, I also have on domestic open-source platform Gitee code backup, you like to download it directly, I hope you don’t get ripped off.

Thank you for watching. I am thirteen. I would like to share with you an embarrassing event, which I hope will give you a few minutes of happiness and relaxation in the boring work.

Write in the last

Some recent open source projects I have been maintaining are recommended:

Spring Boot open source e-commerce project (including mall end and background management system) :…

Spring Boot + Vue3 front and back end separation mall project:…

Vue3 +Element Plus Background management system actual combat project:…

Interested friends can pay attention.

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