A company

Interview pen

  1. Input New type.
  2. The top and bottom are vertically centered in the CSS.
  3. Postiton values in CSS and their respective roles
  4. Write your own Ajax.
  5. Js kerri implementation.
  6. The bind method in handwritten JS.
  7. Sorting and deduplicating arrays.

Logic problem: be similar to take an examination of public that kind of problem.

Interview: Explain the basics of VUEX yourself. Then the younger brother began to talk about the development of the company and the current projects.

Company B

Pen try:

  1. What is new in HTML5 / CSS3 and what has been removed?
  2. Common CSS options. Which attributes can be inherited. What is the difference between em and PX
  3. What is sass/less and what are its major features
  4. Please write the difference between localStorage, sessionStorage and cookie
  5. What are required packages, what are their features, and what impact do they have on the page
  6. Please write some new methods for ES6
  7. Please write a promise by hand
  8. Write a method to de-duplicate the array
  9. Given two arrays, write a method that returns the intersection of two arrays


  1. The difference between route and router in VUE
  2. Please write down at least 4 instructions and usage in VUE
  3. Write down the role of key in vUE
  4. Vue life cycle
  5. The lifecycle of vUE’s parent and child components
  6. How does VUE implement parent-child access
  7. Mixing effect in VUE.
  8. How to implement dynamic components in VUE
  9. What is vuex, what are its attributes, how to use it and how to use it
  10. How to implement load on demand in VUE.

Interview questions:

  1. Height of collapse
  2. Applet input text error
  3. The applet input text is above the mask
  4. How to use components in applets.
  5. How does a child send a request to a parent
  6. A common layout for the front end
  7. Em, REM, PX, RPX format
  8. New methods in Es6
  9. Features of LESS/SASS
  10. The role of the scoped attribute in vue

C company

  1. Url query processing containing different values with the same name
  2. Synchronous task, macro task, microtask output (note that await is synchronous task, but await is microtask)
  3. Two – dimensional array patting method
  4. The function is currified.
  5. Object continuously add attributes, asking for return values.
  6. Forward proxy, reverse proxy in a word
  7. GC garbage collection marked clear (much used) reference count (trouble with loops)

D company

  1. Vue life cycle
  2. Understanding of VUE
  3. Difference between vUE and applets life cycle
  4. What problems have applets encountered
  5. This company, back and forth three hours of subway, and then, one side is a very general colleague, did not prepare the interview questions, his muddled state to face me, while holding a computer while asking me questions, asked the above several questions. After the meeting, hr kept me waiting for more than an hour because the leader was in a meeting. Finally, HR told me that the leader could not meet today and asked me to go back. I ha ha

E company side

  1. Null == undefined and null === undefined
  2. How to determine null and undefined
  3. Did isNaN use it to determine what 1+ undefined and 1+null return respectively?
  4. What do 1 +null and 1 + undefined return
  5. What is a js package? Closure issues and functions.
  6. Strong and negotiated caching
  7. Flow of events (event bubbling and capturing
  8. H5 new content.
  9. What is the purpose of semantics? SEO
    1. Removing or losing styles allows the page to be clearly structured
    2. Facilitate parsing by other devices (screen readers, blind readers, mobile devices) to render a web page in a meaningful way
    3. Is conducive to SEO
    4. Easy for teams to develop and maintain, following W3C standards and reducing differentiation
  10. Vue vs. React
  11. The difference between the vUE and applets life cycle
  12. How to do vUE component value transfer
  13. Difference between V-if and V-show
  14. Is there a problem with the applet? How to solve.
  15. Applets have their own package components, how to package.
  16. Mobile adaptation.
  17. Do your own projects, how you frame them.
  18. Ways and means of self-learning.

E company second interview

  1. Null and undefined
  2. How to determine null and undefined
  3. The difference between ID and class and their usage scenarios
  4. Seckill system, how to do the front end
  5. The difference between a binary tree and a linked list ***
  6. Object-oriented understanding
  7. Java polymorphism

Side of F Company

  1. Small program login specific process.
  2. Small program home page loading optimization how to do.
  3. Wechat scan how to improve the time and speed.
  4. How is it optimized to get the user’s location?
  5. How to do the part of order? I talked about the checksum and the front and back end.
  6. How to do their own project registration and login.
  7. How do you keep users logged in and unlogged out?
  8. Some common vUE instructions
  9. Vue Router common hooks
  10. The difference between the two routing modes in vue-router indicates the underlying difference between the two modes.
  11. How data is transferred between VUE components.
  12. How to center CSS popovers.