Author: Xu Xiaoxi


I have been writing articles on the technology platform for almost a year, and I have written more than 150 articles in total, covering basically every corner of the front-end, which is also the accumulation of practice and learning in the author’s 4 years of work. I have stepped on many pits in the middle and accumulated many methods and ideas to solve problems.

Although the sacrifice of a lot of spare time, but also brought me a lot of harvest. In the last few days of 2020, I would like to take a good look back at what I have learned and what I have learned from writing this year.

Technical background

Graduated nearly 4 years, working for more than 5 years, ordinary university non-computer major student.

I used to study industry, 3D design and product design. I also used sketchboards to draw part drawings every day, and occasionally got basic computer skills.

Several months of military training in the army.

At the front of a wild road

The above is before I entered the technology, and technology seems to be incompatible.

Fortunately, I got in touch with the front end in college, and built many websites for the school with the execution ability of training in the army. I joined an Internet company as an intern too early, and won awards in college. After graduation, I successfully entered a large company to do technical research and development (but my skills are still poor).

Blog before 2019

Before 2019, THE author successively worked in e-commerce enterprises, entertainment enterprises and recruitment enterprises as the front-end. Most of the front-end technology stacks have been studied and used since the earliestjquery.zepto.angularvue.reactAnd to theSmall program.Hybrid App DevelopmentSo I accumulated a lot of project experience, which was also the beginning of breaking the ice. I used it for myself during that periodhexoI set up a blog and wrote about 60 articles. Of course, some of them are summative, but I still feel funny when I look at them now. After all, at that time, all the lines of code were tested with tears. Screenshot below:

The most valuable thing at the time was going through the Hexo code, changing the default theme quite a bit, and learning some nodeJS tricks. Blog address is as follows: 2018 | Xu Xiaoxi

At the end of 2019, I came into contact with these platforms and found that writing articles on them was also very sweet, so I began to switch to content platforms.

The tech journey of 2020

So that’s the first stage of my rookie, smooth transition.

From the end of 2019 to the beginning of 2020, I gradually paid more attention to the platform. I also made summaries and reviews on weekends, occasionally wrote H5 games and some small projects, which helped me have a better understanding of the technology and improved my logical thinking ability. Such as

  1. Write an Aidou Patchwork H5 mini game with 200 lines of code

  1. With JavaScript and C3 to achieve a small turntable game

  1. Implement a CMS full stack project from 0 to 1 based on nodeJS

Later, I began to do mind mapping and draw business flow diagrams, through which it was easy to make some complex business and logic simple and clear. I also use this approach in many projects to quickly implement business functions.

Learn new skills quickly

The year of 2020 is the year when MY skills will improve the fastest and I will learn the most new knowledge. Due to the promotion and improvement of the company, I became a technical leader, mainly responsible for solving core technical problems. During this period, I developed:

  • Data central-based browser plug-in
  • Building the overall architecture of the data center
  • Business component library design and development
  • Design and development of rules engine
  • The construction of data visualization platform
  • Technical selection and scheme implementation of graph editor
  • Development of Node crawler platform (from front-end to back-end)
  • Serverless access and function computing applications
  • The establishment of micro front-end system (although it was not used online later due to the particularity of business)

Here are some of the mind maps I’ve drawn for microfront-end applications:

Although it was hard, I did learn a lot of knowledge that I had little or no contact with before. Due to the implementation and application of these programs, I also gained a lot of recognition and encouragement. The author also made a very detailed summary in the blog, so the feeling is full of harvest ~

Solve technical problems

The overcoming of technical problems is mainly a matter of time and thought. The author tries to make the tone of the article more relaxed.

Every company will encounter technical problems, and the solution is nothing more than to do a lot of technical research and design, the premise is to have a basic understanding of the technology, and understand a certain underlying principles. I have also encountered many problems this year, such as the design of rules engine, how to develop complex business components, how to do micro front end, how to do concurrency and control lock crawler, how to optimize web performance and node performance, etc. If you have encountered the same problem, please refer to other articles in my blog. The solutions are basically replications of the entire process from idea to implementation.

Be a true open source project

2020 is also the year when the author opens the most open source projects, with nearly 10 open source projects as follows:

  • Based on theindexedDBA lightweight cache library for encapsulation
  • Based on thelocalStorageA lightweight cache library for encapsulation
  • Based on thenodeDevelopment of a free map bed server
  • Based on thenodethecmssystem
  • Based on thereactLightweight extensible component library
  • jqueryLightweight encapsulation of libraries
  • Native file upload component
  • Based on thereact+redux+redux-thunk+localStorageOpen source actual combat project
  • Based on theReact+KoaImplement an H5 page visual editorDooring

If you are interested, you can study it on github.

I’ve been spending a lot of time working on h5-Dooring recently, so I hope to make a really good and impactful open source project in the last few days of this year and next year.

Writing to harvest

Finally, a look at this year’s writing harvest.

In addition to the visible part, such as in the Nuggets from LV2 to LV6, the whole network fans break through 3W+, but also know a lot of friends who study real technology, exchange technology together. Many friends also suggested that I go to B station and other platforms to make videos, but actually I don’t want to do it, but I don’t have the time! I will consider this later.(The only thing I worry about is that I don’t want people to be attracted by my appearance and ignore my talent.)

Although I have gained some benefits from “we media”, I still focus on technology. In the future, I will continue to accumulate technology and continue to share real technology.

I have learned a lot from Ali Technology, netease Cloud team and Caiyun team, and hope to continue to export valuable things.

In addition to the output, I also read a lot of articles, this year alone I read more than 4,000 articles on the Nuggets.

Outlook 2021,

Many jobs are already booked for 2021, including:

  • Completed the author left in the computer of their own development of 49 interesting front-end combat project articles
  • To study cross-end technology and its application
  • Output 99 valuable technical dry articles
  • Continuously optimize and upgrade H5-dooring
  • Read 10 technical/non-technical books
  • Keep on moving

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