At the forefront of

Why is 2018 the beginning of me? Because, in this year, is my very important year.

  • In this year, I went from school to society.
  • Over the course of the year, move from back end to front end.
  • During this year, I started my first front-end job.
  • Over the course of the year, there was a small open source project, although the star count was not very high.
  • In this year, also got their own domain name.
  • During this year, I also had my own blog.
  • In this year, there is a struggle with the female ticket.
  • In this year, there are like-minded friends who struggle together.
  • Over the course of the year,…..


I went to a very, very average university, which meant I had to work a lot harder to keep up with the good ones. To this end, I am also more self-discipline in the university, serious self-study. After all, BORN in an ordinary family, THERE is not so much money for me to squander.

However, in school, I was lucky to participate in some competitions (related to the Internet of things) with my teachers, because I learned C# by myself. I went through months of isolation training. Finally, his efforts paid off and he got some places.

Later, after the competition, the summer vacation, the teacher saw our skills are good, they asked us to do the project together, but also willing to pay. Asked the teacher is about what project, the teacher said it was related to smart home project. This smart home related is also my knowledge blind area. I think it’s a great learning opportunity. He promised the teacher.

In this project, I was mainly responsible for the development of the back end, providing intelligent device control and viewing interfaces for the front end and App by combining hardware interfaces. In this process, I learned how to communicate and develop with the team. Technically, I have a deeper understanding and learning of.NET MVC. Net Core, etc.

But the good times did not last long, came to the graduation season. The school began to hold school admissions. Because the school is an ordinary school, so to recruit computer related companies are not many, turned for a long time did not find recruitment. Net related companies. But there are companies that find recruiting front end because of learning. Net, learned some front-end basics. So I tried to interview the front end. Maybe the interviewer saw that I had participated in some competitions during my study and also had a little project experience. I passed the interview. Later, there was also a logic test, which also passed smoothly.


It was time for my internship. In this internship company, I began to step into the front end field. I thought the front end was HTML, CSS, JS, jQuery, etc., but after I started working, I found that what I knew was years ago. Today’s front end is growing at a tremendous pace. It’s already in the engineering stage, with new terms like Webpack, Node.js, Vue, React, Promise, etc. I’ve never heard of them before. At first, I was very resistant to having to learn a lot of things from back end to front end. But I have to use it at work. Only study.

During the internship, I learned new knowledge whenever I could. Every day is more substantial, and then I found that those things that do not understand gradually began to be familiar with. And the use of Weback + Vue for project development, compared with the previous use of jQuery for project development, the development efficiency is not a point or two. I immediately fell in love with Vue for development. Gradually, I learned how to use some plug-ins in the Vue ecosystem.

In this internship stage, is my front little white entry stage.

Work stage

After the internship, I finished the graduation ceremony of the school. Because the internship place is a remote place, I prefer first-tier cities, so I quit the internship and started to look for a job in Guangzhou.

After I came to Guangzhou, I asked a classmate to leave my luggage at his home and started to apply for a job. Fortunately, I had internship experience in work projects before and some companies were willing to invite me for an interview. In the morning, I went to a company for an interview and asked some questions related to the project and some basic questions about VUE. Went to another interview in the afternoon. I met two companies and got one offer. I also thought for a long time whether to continue the interview or go to this company.

  • Because oneself boarding in classmate’s home, also embarrassed bother somebody else too long
  • The company provides accommodation
  • In addition, I just came out to look for a job, and I was also happy after getting an offer

And so on a few other factors, or decided to go to this company.

After I came to the company, I continued to expand my thinking, got in touch with the nuggets community, read many nuggets articles every day, got deeply familiar with Vue and some plug-ins in its ecosystem, learned what Vue SSR is, also made my own summary of what Vue SSR is, and wrote two related articles

  • Build an SSR application with VUE-CLI3
  • Based on vuE-CLI3 SSR program to achieve hot update function

I’m doing my part for the community

In my spare time, I also made a blog project with other partners, starting from 0 to the final launch. It took a long few months, a couple of tweaks. But after the final line, there is still a little joy in the heart. After all, it’s a homemade product. Here is my blog at Lentoo.

Also created a own public number “code development”, welcome to pay attention to

In 2019,

2018 is the beginning of my career, and 2019, I believe, will be the stage of my growth. Come on!

It’s time for a new summary of 2019. A simpler summary plan would look something like this

  • Improve your blog
  • Develop mobile blogs
  • Learn wechat applets
  • Online a small wechat program
  • Write a few small projects open source
  • Learning the React
  • Learn Vue source code
  • A promotion and pay increase

So the plan for 2019 is really about basic learning and project development. Learn as much as you can. Haha, after all, it’s never too late to learn.

Happy New Year to you all! Wishing you all the best in the New Year!

Denver annual essay | 2018 technical way with me The campaign is under way…