About the author: Program Monkey Stone (ID: Tangleithu), currently alibaba technology expert, tsinghua underachiever, former DJI backend Leader. Welcome to pay attention, exchange and guidance!

This article was first published on wechat public account, original link, reprint please retain the full text. Background reply keyword “1024” to obtain programmer factory interview guide.


Before I saw Baymax and others to share the record of buying a house in the Imperial Capital, Stone brother also to share how I bought a house in the Imperial capital.

Of course, I also very much hope that I buy the story as follows:

Stone is an ordinary program ape, after graduating from university to the imperial capital Beijing, began to live in the north, his monthly salary of 8000, but he used a year in the imperial capital to buy a house, look how he did:

During this year, he went out early and came home late every day, and took the subway to work and back. Because it was expensive to eat outside, he learned to cook by himself. He never went to bars or nightclubs, and lived a hard and simple life.

A year later, he saved 20,000 yuan, plus his parents gave 6.66 million yuan, in the Imperial capital is still a good location to have their own house……

Hahaha, this is a joke after all, envy envy, but after all, most people don’t have such good luck. If the family has a certain economic basis, coupled with their own efforts, to get on the car is naturally good; No good luck, we can not be discouraged, as long as their kung fu is deep enough, as a program ape, in this “high salary” line, or there is a chance, it is not line, we can second line.

Dreams still have to exist

To tell the truth, in fact, stone, never thought I could first in the imperial city to buy a house, especially in such a short time, because I know his family background, his and objects are born in rural areas, are no savings in the home, even out yourself and parents object to 4 a purse, is also far away from the goal of in the misty.

Of course, if you have the resources at home, you don’t have to say, “Well, no, I have to be on my own.” You know, the time difference is money. For example, just after graduation, the lab students’ parents and their families paid $75W to support each other, with a total of $150W down payment and a loan of $150 to buy a two-bedroom apartment. When I was ready to open two years later, the value of my classmate’s house had increased to nearly 600W.

I remember that before I graduated, I once had a discussion with a senior from Tsinghua University. He said, “Don’t worry, you will be able to buy a house in Beijing by then. How long will it take?” , the heart really have no bottom son ah! Did not expect to graduate two and a half years, I really realized, can only say that at the beginning of the division brother see true accurate!

However, when talking about buying a house, stone graduated so far, there have been real operation 3 sets of purchase experience, there are the first tier of the imperial capital, there are second-tier cities CQ, last year also in the 18 line city home county has second-hand housing transaction process, so in the purchase of this aspect, or a little bit of experience. This certainly can’t compare with those real estate speculation, real estate big V. Just look around, and if it helps a little bit, so much the better.

Come to think of it, I do feel pretty good about myself on this journey. In fact, ox X is not, feel good about themselves. Especially after I know and contact more people, I realize that “there are mountains behind mountains and there are people behind mountains”. However, I also encourage myself frequently :(it is good to learn to be content with what you have)

Because people from the countryside, “the poor children early master”, from high school to university, and graduate students, basic no how to spend money at home, and when the graduate also saved a small amount of money (also after students loans, xx to wan, remaining at the time it seems really is a not small number), and then through their efforts, eventually to the first-tier cities have a pouch, It is not easy to solve the problem of “living”.

Let’s cut the bragging and get down to business and share our home-buying experience.


The preparation before buying a house, of course, is to make money.

At the time of going to want to buy this topic, sure hands have certain accumulation, this time is the adjust well calculate, how much cash do you currently own hands have, how much the relatives and friends to gather together, of course, if parents have strength to support better, if not, other relatives or friends this suggest don’t put too much proportion), So you can basically figure out what the budget for buying a house is.

Take Stone for example. After two and a half years of preparation, I have indeed accumulated some savings, plus my partner also has some funds. For the sake of illustration, let’s just say THAT I have exactly 100 dollars of cash. (You don’t have to worry about the exact number, the 100W is just for the convenience of illustration, actually less or more than this, really doesn’t matter.) Then my partner has about 60W in cash, so we have 160W in cash.

In fact, the provident fund account of both sides also has partial cash, although cannot take out directly to use directly as down payment, but this part of the capital can be obtained through short-term turnover, so it can also be calculated inside the down payment capital.

Thank you to my wife, without her support, we would not be so fast, at least not so “simple” in the capital of the car. To know, at the beginning she was carrying the “risk”, after all, before the purchase of marriage, because of the purchase of unmarried, and at the beginning of her name under the field has a mortgage (mentioned above the second-tier city to buy the house), so can not first get a certificate, and the house property certificate can not add her name (this is the “first set of first loan” qualification to force).

Plus let’s say I can borrow 10 from a relative

20W, 10 for those of you who played well

20 w. This part of the fund can be investigated in advance, because the determination of the down payment is the premise, determines the scope of the house behind you.

When it comes to borrowing money, you need to be careful. If you are the borrower, you should estimate the time to pay back the money, explain to others in advance, and so on, so as to be trustworthy. As the lender, we must evaluate whether the other side is reliable, if there is idle funds, trusted friends we can help or help, the premise is that the other side must be in place, trustworthy character. If you have no confidence in the other person’s character, if it doesn’t affect you to “lend this money and it may not come back in a short period of time,” then lend, otherwise don’t lend.

In addition, there is a channel for the capital, in fact, credit loans (consumer loans), of course, this is a little high-end players. Generally, a bank may be able to apply for 30-50W consumer loans, find a good time window, operation or can operate;

One explanation is that when applying for a mortgage, the borrower had better not have a loan under his name, so you need this consumer loan in the name of others, can be your object and so on (in this case, your object can not be a co-lender).

Of course, this article mainly said that the loan to buy a house ha, tuhao full payment is not discussed.

Learn about local purchase policies

Want to see you have qualification to buy above all. You say irritating no, the money is not necessarily can buy, but also have to be qualified first. But it doesn’t matter, generally speaking, the difference is the money, hurt the heart.

Policies vary from place to place. Take Beijing as an example:

  1. Have a Beijing hukou
  2. Have Beijing Work and Residence Permit
  3. He has no house in Beijing and has paid social security or individual income tax in Beijing for five consecutive years

Satisfy above condition any can have buy a house qualification.

In Chongqing, for example, people with no household registration, no business and no job can buy, but there will be an extra property tax. Specific no longer enumerated, you can go to the website of local housing construction committee or telephone consultation.

Additional, the proposal everybody prepares before buying a house to be able to understand government policy house property first, see you are in the city to have similar welfare.

Such properties are government “welfare” properties, which have certain eligibility requirements for purchasers, such as so-called affordable housing, price-limited commercial housing and rehousing. For example, when she just graduated, Stone was still thinking about “self-occupancy commercial housing” in Beijing. The first few phases were really suitable. The low-end was suitable and the price was basically 50% off of the surrounding area, and 100% of the property rights belonged to you. It’s like the license plate shake stone mentioned before, it depends on personality.

But it has since evolved into a “co-ownership property”, where you may own only half of the property and the value for money has become less and less.

Compared with ordinary commercial housing, this kind of policy-based housing is different from ordinary commercial housing in terms of loans and sales. The down payment requirements are often relatively low, and the second resale (sale) may have certain requirements, such as the requirements must be over five years and so on. I’m not going to talk about that.

If you need the first house, you can also check whether there are similar policy properties in the local area. If the capital is limited and the house is suitable and qualified, I recommend buying it.

Down payment calculation

Take 🌰, above get down payment funds 160-200 W, the highest can buy the total price of the house?

Is the corresponding range 457(=160/0.35) ~ 571(=200/0.35) W calculated according to the 35% down payment ratio of the first set in Beijing?

The stone thought so at first, but that’s not how it works. It’s much more complicated than that…

[Emoticon harmony]

Let’s take a look at the loan part.

The bank will use your salary statement to assess your ability to repay. Generally speaking, the monthly payment of the loan shall not exceed half of your salary (after tax), for example, the after-tax salary is 2W, then your monthly payment shall not exceed 1W, and the loan period shall not exceed 25 years (Beijing has the highest policy, other may have 30 years), so that your loan amount can also be calculated.

Sure, the loan can be shared by two people, but it is important to know the local housing policy in advance, for example, your partner (married) has a mortgage history? That sorry, you still do not conform to the first set of policies, can only be handled according to the second set.

The provisions on the length of loan also need to see the age of the specific house, taking Beijing as an example:

The longest loan fixed number of years does not exceed 50 – room age, assuming that the house is older (Beijing this kind of house too many too many), the 90’s house, has been 30 years, so the loan can only loan 20 years. Such, the amount of your month reimbursement went up again, the salary that expects you cannot become bottleneck.

In fact, it also depends on the age of the borrower, the loan term is not more than 65- age, assuming your 55-year-old father to help you buy the loan, generally only 10 years.

By the way, this article said that the loan said is mainly commercial loans, provident fund loans, can certainly use, but:

  1. According to Beijing’s latest policy, the maximum amount of loans for each social security payment is 10 million yuan per year. This is a bit of a pit, but fortunately stone caught up with the old policy of the last bus.
  2. The total amount of loan should not exceed 120W (both husband and wife);

If you buy a house in different places, the general provident fund is to support the loan policy of different places, specifically related to local policies, stone last year just ran a CQ provident fund loan process (Beijing pay provident fund, CQ loan to buy a house).

If the fund is available, try to arrange it, because you can’t find it anywhere else with such low interest rates. Accumulation fund is related problem, suggest to call 12329 to inquire directly.

Do you find it so complicated that you can’t… Then look at.

Assuming that the maximum loan can be calculated according to the salary of 200W, in this way, the total price range of the house price is directly added to the down payment of 160-200W, and the total price is 360-400W?

The answer, of course, may not be quite right.

First of all, the loan amount of the bank is appraisal * loan proportion, which ≠ the transaction price. The total market price is 500W, the bank will give a discount of 10%, so the bank only thinks that your house is worth 500

0.9= 450W, assuming that your salary does not affect the calculation of your loan amount, the theoretical loan amount is: ‘450W

0.65 = 292W, so the down payment is 500-292 = 208 W ‘, sorry, not yet.

There’s room for rent-seeking, and if you want to be more likely to take out a larger loan, you might want to have your home rated highly by an appraisal company.

High evaluation means can borrow more, corresponding duty fee may also be appropriate a few higher.

It also depends on whether the house you are looking for is an ordinary residence or a VIP residence. What is an ordinary residence? Taking Beijing as an example, it should also meet the following requirements:

  1. Plot plot ratio is above 1.0(inclusive)
  2. The building area shall be less than 140 square meters (inclusive)
  3. There are also government-guided prices:
    1. Inside the fifth Ring Road: the unit price shall not exceed 39600/㎡ or the total price shall not exceed 468W.
    2. Fifth ring to sixth Ring: unit price shall not exceed 31680/㎡ or total price shall not exceed 374W;
    3. Outside the sixth Ring road: the unit price shall not exceed 23760/㎡ or the total price shall not exceed 280W;

Ordinary housing and non-ordinary housing, the down payment ratio requirements are not the same, the loan interest rate is not the same, the tax ratio is not the same. In general, we may all expect to deal in accordance with ordinary housing (assuming the first two meet the standard of ordinary housing), then:

This 500W house:

  • In the 5 ring, the total price is not more than 468W, the net sign price has to be calculated according to 468W, the loan proportion has shrunk again.
  • 5-6 rings, net signing price 374W, loan ratio:374 * 0.65 = 243 wThe down payment becomes $257.

The down payment also includes the following:

Individual income tax, value added tax, deed tax, if the purchase is affordable housing, there are other high comprehensive land price or land transfer fees. This one is a little more complicated, using this picture from the Internet:

Do not look at the above individual tax and so on theory is assumed by the seller, in the actual trade process, can directly turn over to the buyer. In an ideal situation, only 500*1%=5W deed tax is required for a “full five unique” house.

Stone Tip: When you first need a house, try to focus on the “full five only”.

Intermediary fee, this relatively more fixed, general 2.? , different intermediaries are not the same, and they can even conclude a deal without intermediary fees. We calculate with 2%, 500*2%=10W.

The rates may vary from agent to agent, and the owner (seller) may have the listing of the house on multiple agents at the same time. There is room for negotiation, but not much. If there are channels or conditions, in fact, you can also make a deal by yourself.

By oneself clinch a deal the risk to buyer is met bigger a few, this needs oneself to evaluate. If you are interested in the details, you can talk to me privately. I have the experience of self-transaction of two houses.

The big one is actually the top one, but there may also be: loan service fees, appraisal fees, mortgage registration fees, stamp duty and so on.

Let’s go back to the down payment, the total price of 500W house, outside the fifth Ring Road, the maximum loan of 243W, the down payment is: 257 + 5W(deed tax) + 10W(intermediary) + 1W (other) = 272W. What about 35% down payment (175W) as agreed? It went from 175 to 272W, which is an extra 100.


Oh, my God, I realized I wrote so much that I basically wrote down the down payment budget, so let’s do it in two pieces.

Let’s summarize, before buying a house, the most important is to count the down payment funds, and then understand the local loan policy, convenient to determine the total price range of the house, so as to lay the foundation for the back of the house.

Let’s talk about the next issue, when 💰 is ready, how to look at the house, choose the house, transfer transaction, as well as the acceptance of the house and other processes and matters needing attention. Some are quite important. Some of my former colleagues did not pay attention to the rules and regulations. They were also involved in lawsuits, lost money, wasted time and energy, and affected their mood.


Finally, for attention, attention, attention, this number will regularly share some technical dry goods, workplace experience, etc., if you are interested in Ali or other big factories, you can also ask me to push, I can help provide resume review, etc., I hope to communicate with you actively, learn together, common progress.

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About the author: Program Great Stone (ID: Tangleithu), currently alibaba technical expert, tsinghua university student with poor academic performance, former DJI backend Leader, welcome to pay attention to, exchange and guidance!

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