1 arroy.from () converts a pseudo-array to a true array
2array.isarray () is used to check whether a variable is an array
3.pop() removes the last array element
4. Add one or more elements to the end of push() array
5. Reverse () reverses the array
Shift () removes the first element of the array
7. The unshift() element is added to the first element in the array
8. Concat () merges arrays
9. Sort (function(a,b){return a-b})
10. Splice (start, count, item) Deletes one item or adds it to a position. Start Specifies the position where the deletion starts
11. Join () joins all elements to a string
12 forEach() loop array
13 Filter (callback (item, index, array)); 14 Map (callback ()) Each element of the array executes the provided callback function once and returns the value. The number of arrays does not change
15 reduce(callback (initial parameter accumulation, current element, index, array), init) Each element executes the provided callback once, returning a new array
16 find() returns the first value in the array that meets the criteria. If not, underfind
17 findIndex() returns the first index in the array that meets the criteria
IndexOf () returns the index, or -1 if not
19 lastIndexOf() searches backwards, returns the index, if no -1
20 every() 判断是否都满足条件 就是true ,否则false
21 At least one element of some() satisfies true, otherwise false
22includes() determines whether an element contains a specific value, returning true if so or false otherwise