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  • What exactly is the BFC?
  • What is the BFC? What is the principle of BFC? How do I create a BFC?
  • Position: the use of the sticky
  • CSS – position: static/relative/absolute fixed position
  • 26 common and forgettable CSS tips
  • CSS3 Box-shadow effect (Inner shadow, Outer Shadow, Three Side Shadow, Double Side Shadow, Single Side Shadow, thin Stroke…)
  • Learn about the CSS world
  • Can you answer these 44 CSS knowledge points in 30 seconds?
  • CSS Stacking Context
  • CSS Painting API
  • How does CSS affect the arrangement of browser elements in a document
  • Another way to disable user selection (compatible with IE8)
  • Complete vertical-align vertical center does not work
  • It used to crash your app if you wrote CSS like this
  • Write flexible, stable, high-quality CSS code specifications
  • Enumerate CSS pseudo-elements and their usage
  • Summary of CSS text wrap
  • CSS text color gradient 3 kinds of implementation
  • 【Hello CSS】 Prologue – Origins
  • Chapter 1 – Syntax and workflow of CSS
  • Chapter 3 – Browser views and coordinates
  • CSS custom attributes and their usage
  • Parse the CSS formatting context
  • The application of finite state machine in CSS animation
  • [Mobile end adaptation] With VW, VH + media query to create the most perfect mobile end adaptation solution – Nuggets
  • You may not know how CSS hides page elements
  • The CSS text is displayed in two lines, with more than an ellipsis
  • The cliche about vertical centering of CSS
  • Display: Grid Layout tutorial for myself
  • 9 CSS Tricks to Improve Your happiness
  • Commonly used CSS named summary
  • Close reading using CSS Property Selectors
  • CSS and network performance
  • You may not know that CSS can also be programmed.
  • I’m afraid you won’t need it! CSS list item layout tips
  • CSS and JS block DOM parsing and rendering in this way
  • Here’s what you need to know about responsive layouts
  • Learn how to create web response layouts with CSS variables – CSS var()
  • How to write better CSS?
  • Common CSS issues with front-end projects
  • text-fill-color
  • Filter Effects in Web (1) : CSS Filter
  • Understand CSS Linear-gradient in depth
  • Front-end layout artifact display: Flex
  • Summarize common pseudo classes and pseudo elements
  • Complete Guide to Flexbox Layout


  • Intensive reading “Async /await is a double-edged sword”
  • ES6 core features
  • Promise & Generator – Happily write asynchronous JavaScript with synchronous methods
  • ES6 Complete user manual
  • Flow control: Callbacks to Promises to Async/Await
  • The Async Clipboard API is here
  • JavaScript arrow functions: For and not for scenarios
  • Explore the Decorator in ECMAScript
  • Stop, you Promise!
  • See how many of these JS code styles your colleagues have written
  • JavaScript: What’s new in ECMAScript 2018?
  • The shock proof function is debounce
  • Five great uses – digging gold
  • The simplicity of JavaScript
  • Vue 3 source code published
  • 3, Before pseudo-class collocation vertical-align:middle to achieve the principle of vertical middle
  • Do you know how to implement Vue 3.0 responsive data?
  • JS series 5: Call, apply, bind
  • JS foundation – perfect grasp of inheritance knowledge points – nuggets
  • 28 JavaScript Skills that a qualified intermediate front-end engineer must master
  • JS development of common tool functions
  • Common three JS interview questions – nuggets
  • JS assignment · shallow copy · deep copy
  • Do you know the difference between +0 and -0?
  • Q: If you can understand 80%, please give me your resume
  • JavaScript deep closure
  • TTML – The subtitle specification that won the W3C an Emmy award
  • Code Caching Guide for JavaScript developers V8
  • After all these years of development, do you really understand how JS works?
  • Faster asynchronous functions and Promise · V8
  • A blog that every Javascript developer should follow
  • I will write regular nuggets after this one
  • JS synchronous, asynchronous and event polling are closely related
  • Another perspective is very well understood js inheritance
  • Understand and use array methods efficiently by implementing 25 array methods
  • Sliding puzzle verification code implementation
  • 5 bad JS coding habits, how many do you account for
  • How to make your JS write more beautiful
  • Some appreciation of browser “scrolling” behavior
  • GMTC best practices for front-end monitoring in the big front-end era
  • Did you miss the JavaScript features unveiled at Google I/O 2019?
  • Relearn this keyword (advanced knowledge required)
  • Proxy and its advantages
  • This time, understand the Promise principle once and for all
  • JS exception function – arrow function
  • Web page screen recording implementation
  • What new ES2019 features do you know?
  • How does the “data model” help with front-end development
  • How do YOU tell if a property of an object is writable?
  • The reference of this in various scenarios in JS
  • How to improve performance with JavaScript maps
  • Javascript garbage collection mechanism
  • 22 high-frequency JavaScript handwritten interview questions and answers
  • 1 hour to complete card dragging, automatic arrangement of switching positions, dragging data access
  • How do you know an array is an array in JavaScript?
  • Five interesting uses of JS deconstruction
  • Rollup.js Getting started guide
  • Web Components replacing front-end frameworks? !
  • Front-end advancement: In-depth understanding of Web Workers
  • A brief description of JavaScript single threads and browser event loops
  • Close reading of Caches API
  • New ES2018 features every JavaScript developer should know about
  • How to write elegant JS code in ES6 +
  • Analyze JavaScript data types and variables
  • JavaScript for this you don’t know
  • Mastering JavaScript: What’s the difference between Class and stereotype inheritance?
  • Why avoid writing for loops – nuggets
  • Here’s what you should know about JavaScript functions
  • Learn the Event Loop once
  • JavaScript loops: How to handle async/await
  • 8 new features in JavaScript ES2019
  • Three new JavaScript features to look forward to!
  • It’s 9102 years ago and you’re asking the difference between GET and POST
  • Page Visibility API tutorial
  • Seconds to understand this
  • Do what a good front end must know – JS language
  • There are seven inheritance schemes commonly used in JavaScript
  • Complexity analysis of JavaScript algorithms
  • Know the Fetch API
  • Is static typing a burden in JavaScript?
  • Screen Orientation reading and locking: Screen Orientation API
  • Explain in plain English what scopes and closures are
  • Deep analytic new principle and simulation implementation
  • JS interview several different operations on the array
  • What is DOM anyway? !
  • A publish-subscribe native JS plug-in wrapper
  • I never understood JavaScript closures until someone explained it to me this way
  • Do you really use Promise?
  • How to use async and await correctly in JS loops
  • What is the high cost of DOM manipulation?
  • The evolution of asynchronous JavaScript: from callbacks to promises to Async/Await
  • How JavaScript works: Get deep into the V8 Engine & 5 Tips for Writing Optimized Code
  • The difference between Object. Freeze and const in JavaScript
  • Currization of applications of higher order functions
  • Some tips for making JavaScript simpler
  • Under what circumstances is a === a – 1?
  • Tasks, microtasks, queues and schedules
  • 8 JavaScript Ways to Improve Your Skills in Minutes
  • This time, thoroughly understand the JavaScript execution mechanism
  • What you know or don’t know about the JS array
  • Shallow and deep copies of JavaScript
  • An article completely clears up deep/shallow copies of JS
  • Understand MacroTask and microTask in JavaScript
  • Why is the number in JS weird
  • JavaScript Complete Manual (2018 edition)
  • How to understand floating point in JS?
  • Back to basics: Understand the JavaScript DOM
  • A more elegant way to write complex JavaScript judgments
  • New features of ES6, ES7, ES8, ES9, and ES10
  • The difference between ordinary function and arrow function and matters needing attention
  • Microtasks, macro tasks, and Event-loops
  • How to use JavaScript arrays better
  • The ultimate quest for deep copy
  • The fundamental reason why modern JS frameworks exist
  • JS array detailed operation methods and parsing set
  • Web Worker movement of
  • The ultimate React component pattern in TypeScript 2.8
  • How did we port 30,000 code from Flow to TypeScript?
  • Deep understanding of TypeScript | deep understanding of the TypeScript
  • How to improve the reusability of frameworks in different scenarios? The TypeScript to
  • Legacy Vue projects plug into TypeScript
  • Escape from JavaScript, TypeScript is in vogue
  • Exclusive interpretation: Taobao TypeScript multi-scene development and practice
  • Mastering Modular JavaScript
  • Functional programming smells good
  • What exactly are front-end Web Workers?
  • JS is the flathead of the language world
  • JavaScript array method collection and examples
  • 2018, the JavaScript ecosystem inventory
  • Deep understanding of THE JS memory mechanism
  • How many of these JS code styles have you written?
  • JavaScript – Awesomes
  • JavaScript Objects: Do we really need mock classes?
  • The article takes you to understand cookies
  • Is the future of JavaScript modular?
  • JavaScript commonly used tool method encapsulation
  • How much do you know about these little-known JavaScript features?
  • Understand higher-order functions in JavaScript
  • Sort by JavaScript sort(
  • The shallow throttle function is throttle
  • SetTimeout small embarrassing revelation
  • Implement sleep in JavaScript
  • Will it finally: some details about try/catch
  • 12 JS tips that most tutorials won’t tell you about
  • 12 Concepts to Improve your JavaScript Skills!
  • How to write high quality functions – Function basics
  • JS function throttling and anti – shake distinction and implementation details
  • Where exactly is WebAssembly in the build phase?
  • WebAssembly status and practice
  • It serves you right to be asked these Promise questions after reading them
  • You may not be familiar with the JS summary

The service side

  • Brief talk about node. js application in Ctrip
  • Notable new Node 12 features
  • NodeJS and the module system
  • NodeJS and command line programs
  • Easily deploy serverless Node applications with Now
  • Node.js environment performance monitoring
  • Full stack: Node+MySQL implements simple login functions
  • As a front-end engineer also want to master several file path knowledge
  • Implement a CMS full stack project from 0 to 1 based on NodeJS
  • Docker for the front-end combat tutorial
  • Faster asynchronous functions and Promises in V8
  • Node.js project unpacking and engineering
  • Node Trends 2019: How does the big front end integrate with Node?
  • Suning’s Node.js practice: not lower than Java rendering performance, safe, stable and fast iteration
  • Node.js Guide (Overview of Blocking and Non-Blocking)
  • The history of the Node. Js
  • The weakness of Node.js is CPU intensive tasks
  • How does Baidu practice the Node.js architecture under the commercial scenario?
  • How to speed up the startup of Node.js applications
  • Put Docker’s wings on the front end
  • Koa Family – How to write your own Koa middleware
  • Egg.js is basically used
  • Most complete nGINx technology analysis
  • Interview plus Nginx reverse proxy and load balancing
  • Why Docker?
  • Why GraphQL can replace REST apis?
  • GraphQL tools and libraries
  • Graphql-bff: Front-end and back-end data interaction scheme in the context of microservices
  • Get started with GraphQL
  • Get to know GraphQL: Basics
  • Probably the most complete microfront-end solution you’ve ever seen
  • Ali Jiang Hang: Serverless will make the front and back end from separation to fusion again
  • Serverless For Frontend
  • Serverless architecture features
  • What Serverless Brings to the front End
  • Micro front end introduction
  • Server Side Rendering (SSR)
  • Why is Node the core technology stack for the front-end team
  • Serverless with BFF with front-end
  • GraphQL – Front-end development sword and bridge
  • A back-end guide to Web front-end development
  • Thoroughly understand cookies, sessions, and tokens
  • Netflix: Why did we bring GraphQL to the front-end architecture?
  • Node.js 10 years ago, I didn’t know you
  • How did the microservices architecture BFF and gateway evolve

Performance experience

  • Vue-table Table rendering optimized for thousands of data
  • Chrome runtime performance bottleneck analysis
  • Configure Tree Shaking to reduce the size of JavaScript packaging
  • HTTP/2 and WEB Performance Optimization (PART 3)
  • 90% faster loading — First screen performance optimization for Vuecli
  • How do you filter 2 million rows of data without your browser crashing?
  • Rearrangement and redrawing of front-end performance optimizations
  • How does Ant Financial monitor the front-end performance to the extreme?
  • There are so many performance indicators, are you right?
  • Tree shaking for JavaScript performance optimization
  • Unlock image optimization tips for Web apps!
  • HTTP/2 and WEB Performance Optimization (PART 1)
  • HTTP/2 and WEB Performance Optimization (PART 2)
  • Report to the boss, my page is really faster than the competition
  • JavaScript multithreaded programming
  • In-depth understanding of front-end performance monitoring
  • The underlying mechanics of CSS and JS animation & How to optimize their performance
  • HTTP caching strategy for front-end performance optimization
  • Front-end picture optimization mechanism
  • Jd Plus member project front-end performance optimization practice
  • Have an in-depth understanding of the browser caching mechanism
  • Ten minutes to learn how to control and throttle
  • Mobile H5 Front-end Performance Optimization Guide
  • Verification code front-end performance analysis and optimization practice
  • Drill into Web caching policies
  • CSS and network performance
  • Site performance optimization – from 12.67s to 1.06s story
  • Use “BinaryAST” to speed up JavaScript parsing?
  • Stop talking about virtual DOM. You’re gonna get punched in the face
  • Web Performance optimization: The right way to separate data using Webpack
  • It took a year and a million lines of code! Full link performance optimization (PART 1)
  • Write down a web page memory overflow analysis and resolution practice
  • [Issue 1518] 2019 Annual Summary of Front-end Performance Optimization — Part 1
  • Web Performance optimization: Image optimization reduced site size by 62%
  • Application of Throttle and Debounce in React
  • Optimize key render paths
  • Browser caching mechanism
  • Key render path
  • Web performance tuning: Cache React events to improve performance
  • Browser cache mechanism overview
  • Web Performance Optimization: 21 ways to optimize YOUR CSS and Speed up your Website
  • You must understand front-end performance optimization
  • Website performance optimization combat (two)
  • Measurement and optimization of front-end sensory performance
  • Front-end caching best practices – Nuggets
  • Introduction to Performance Analysis
  • Penguin Tutorial Details page ms open secrets – PWA straight out
  • Several solutions to the default picture in the web page
  • Not Design, Just Find.
  • Make your Web pages more silky (1)
  • Front-end black technology: meituan web page first frame optimization practice
  • It’s not your fault. It’s the design
  • React and Vue are compatible with IE
  • Caching best practices and pitfalls of max-age
  • No JS front end: smaller and faster!
  • How to improve Web home page performance by more than 10 times?
  • Make your Web pages more silky (full)
  • How to Be an Obedient input box
  • How can images be optimized in the project
  • Automated Web performance optimization analysis solution
  • Pre-render at build time: optimizing the first frame of a web page
  • Do you really understand reflux and redraw?
  • How do I test the accessibility of a web site
  • Page performance measurement

The React related

  • Functional programming with React advanced components
  • That stuff about this.setstate ()
  • How to source a React component from scratch
  • 21 React developers
  • Context-react is a powerful tool for accessing data across components
  • Nuggets dirtiest react16.x graphic video tutorial
  • React today and Tomorrow
  • Three ways to distribute state across components in React
  • Review the isomorphism (SSR) principle in React
  • The react-router V4 grandson node cannot use history
  • Write resilient components
  • React 16.8: Hooks are finally here!
  • From Mixin to HOC to Hook
  • Take another look at the React lifecycle
  • Introduce the React Hook
  • React Tips
  • Batch Update sc
  • React project structure and component naming
  • React 16.6 Lazily loading (and preloading) components
  • Use the Refs guide in the React component
  • Use closures to improve React performance
  • Redux source code interpretation – Learn Redux from source code
  • React is faster than the REAL DOM.
  • React components
  • The React Native component lifecycle
  • React some thoughts on dealing with data flow problems
  • React Hook Build process: No design is best design
  • React component life cycle function setState call analysis
  • React gracefully handles form linkage
  • The React. The history of js
  • React Test Guide – Tangerine Test Guide
  • React SSR, React server render, React server render
  • Unscramble onChange in Ant Design Form
  • React source code: first heat a body
  • React PureComponent Usage Guide
  • Cache React event listeners to improve performance
  • React Hooks 120 lines of code implement a fully interactive drag-and-upload component
  • Redux Tutorial (Get started quickly)
  • React Hooks
  • Some thoughts on React Hooks
  • SRP for reliable React component design
  • React/Vue cross-end rendering principle and implementation
  • React + Koa server rendering (SSR)
  • How to explain the React lifecycle method in an easy-to-understand way?
  • A React component, react-read-pdf, is released to display PDF files on mobile devices
  • React source code
  • React stateless component Do you really know?
  • React Component Design Practice summary – Component organization
  • 21 tools to make React development more efficient and fun
  • 11 React UI Libraries you should know about in 2019

Vue related

  • Vue Skill Progression: Write elegant front-end code using design patterns
  • Vue component data communication scheme summary
  • Vue core – Abstract components of the actual combat
  • Learn Vue SSR in five steps
  • Vue.ant. Design launched with little fanfare
  • Vue exploration and practice
  • Six ways to Communicate between VUE components (full version)
  • Vue Ecosystem Survey 2019:92% of developers will continue to use Vue
  • Front-end understanding dependency injection (Inversion of control)
  • How to gracefully add permission control to VUE
  • How to use SVG elegantly in a VUE project
  • Vue 2.6 has been released
  • The 45 best Vue Open Source projects of 2018
  • Vue data communication details – Full stack engineer self-cultivation
  • Vue 3.0 Updates
  • Vue server Rendering practice – Optimizing the first screen time for Web applications
  • Explain Vue asynchronous update and nextTick
  • You may not know these tips from Vue
  • Summary of 8 ways of component communication between VUE components
  • Everyone can Vue, what’s your advantage?
  • Vue one page Project SEO complete Guide – Digging gold
  • Vue debug artifact Vue. Js devTools
  • Write a general component guide for SSR support
  • Accelerate the development speed of Vue project
  • How to build a highly available server rendering project
  • Vue. Js dynamic component template
  • The Vue. Js template parser principle
  • Learn how to use Vuex in vue. js
  • Uvu Toronto Presentation: Vue 3.0 Preview
  • Yu’s response: Why is Vue so incompatible with TypeScript?
  • 36 Tips you must Know for Vue development
  • Microelectron – Vue Plug-in System for Field Development (CLI)

The tool

  • What you need to know about Babel
  • VSCode principle parsing – breakpoint debugging
  • Chrome debugging tips
  • Multi-picture early warning, Chrome browser front-end debugging skills revealed
  • Weekly /101. Close reading Continuous Integration vs. Continuous Delivery vs. Continuous Deployment
  • GitHub supports CI/CD for free, development and test deployment is highly automated, and supports a variety of languages
  • Build Tools – What does the React YARN eject build command do
  • Webpack series (2) write a module packaging code | yhlben the front end of the log
  • Parcel start fast
  • NPM is out of date, and the next generation of package manager Tink is incubating
  • A neglected WebPack plug-in
  • 13 NPM Quick Development Tips – Nuggets
  • NPM Advancements – How to have your own package and process automation
  • Which of the 635,000 NPM packages should I use
  • Release and management of NPM packages – users and products
  • Module debugging tips you didn’t know – NPM Link
  • Yarn VS NPM: Everything you need to know
  • NPM Scripts User Guide – Ruan Yifeng weblog
  • NPM EcologyReport React vs. Vue
  • Gracefully Commit your Git Commit Message
  • Improved front-end application quality esLint + Husky + Prettier + Lint-Staged
  • Webpack Bundle Split and Code Split differences and applications
  • JS/CSS volume reduced by 67%. How did we do that?
  • You may be configuring Webpack 4 the wrong way!
  • Webpack5.0 gets a taste of new features
  • How does Webpack work?
  • After going through Webpack 1, 2, 3, and 4, I deeply dismantled Webpack
  • Webapck4 + Babel7 optimized for 70% speed
  • Webpack modularity principle – CommonJS
  • Webpackage 4.x most detailed introduction
  • Understand ESLint in depth
  • React Unit test policy and implementation
  • CI/CD based on Jenkins, Gitlab, Harbor, Helm and Kubernetes
  • An overview of postman advanced usage for good tools
  • Front-end construction: a selection reference for 13 popular tools in 3 categories
  • Fix common ESLint alarms (part 1)
  • Fix common ESLint alarms (2)
  • Fix common ESLint alarms (3)
  • How to improve existing JS code: Fix common ESLint alarms
  • Webpack Optimization – Double your build efficiency
  • Chrome Expert Debugging method – Introduces the best use of Chrome developer tools
  • Flexible use of console makes JS debugging easier
  • Webpack minimizes LoDash
  • Underscore and Lodash Underscore and Lodash
  • Absolutely amazing DevTools tips – console $
  • Use JSON-server and faker.js to simulate the REST API
  • WebPack principle

Project summary

  • Technology-driven: from what aspects does the synergistic efficiency of the front and rear end push forward
  • Learn the difference between a single page app and a multi-page app
  • 2019 Front End Engineer self-check list and thinking
  • If I am the front end team Leader, how can I make the front end collaboration specification?
  • Depth | API design best practices thinking
  • GitHub 60000+ Star: Command line art
  • How is the technology stack planned and evolved
  • Ramble on front-end system construction
  • Why review code?
  • Code Review best practices
  • You may not need a single page application
  • Make a front knowledge architecture diagram | geek
  • From Schrodinger’s cat to Event Loop
  • Don’t memorize regular expressions
  • Medium micro service, and the front end?
  • Close reading of The Front End and BI
  • Data URL Introduction and usage
  • The process by which a browser enters a URL to initiate an HTTP request
  • We reviewed five major cross-end frameworks, and here are the differences
  • Semantic parsing in UI2CODE
  • Deep learning + traditional algorithm application in UI2CODE
  • UI2CODE generates cross-end code based on images
  • Scene centralization helps improve upstream and downstream cooperation efficiency
  • From the evolution of Taobao front-end engineering, how to see the road of engineering “private customization”?
  • Analysis and solution of common problems in front – end middle – platform system
  • An article to understand CORS cross domains
  • Re minimalist tutorial, never learn to forget
  • Why is modern Web development so complex?
  • Build 10000 Star front-end open source project
  • 8 Front-end JavaScript Trends and Tools you should Know about in 2020
  • The front end is invisibly on Bytedance’s way to the ground
  • MNN – Challenges and solutions of end – side inference engine
  • Data burying point scheme and specification determination
  • Thinking about the front end technology selection of data products
  • In the commercial scenario, how to improve the flow realization efficiency from the perspective of large front-end?
  • What are the next trends in the evolution of contemporary front-end architecture?
  • Micro-front-end architecture in big front-end era: incremental upgrade, code decoupling, independent deployment
  • In-depth interpretation of contemporary front-end architecture evolution and trends
  • RGB, HSL, Hex page color, after reading this article all understand
  • Ten years grinding sword | taobao how to establish the homepage hosted hundred million level flow?
  • Basic analysis of Base64 principle
  • Why is the future of Web development in components?
  • How do we code without third-party JS like Vue, React and JQuery?
  • How do I gracefully generate structured initial data
  • This should be the most complete front-end download summary you’ve ever seen
  • Do you really split code?
  • Write a variety of new front-end file upload guide, from small pictures to large file breakpoint continued
  • The front end engineer completely conquered the tree structure component’s secret
  • What you don’t know about localStorage
  • How do I write elegant business code
  • Explain six schemes of front-end asynchronous programming in detail
  • How to extract the theme color of front-end picture?
  • Visual construction system for front-end engineering practice
  • Thinking triggered by an emoji
  • How to export word chart with the backend
  • Demystify ARIA
  • Understand caching from a front-end perspective
  • Handtrack.js open source: 3 lines of JS code to track hand movements
  • Jest + Enzyme front end automated tests
  • Common authentication modes at the front and back ends
  • Nine Cross-domain Implementation Principles (Full version)
  • Life cycle and usage scenarios of Service workers
  • Daily Youxian supply chain front end team micro front end transformation
  • After reading this article, you can also implement a 360 degree panorama plug-in
  • Thinking about front-end componentization and state management standardization
  • Called the “Big Three framework” alternative, how does Svelte simplify Web development
  • Sorting out autoplay restriction policies and schemes in different browsers
  • Five suggestions for the early end of 2019
  • Mvvm front-end data flow framework
  • Front-end file download compatibility solution (compatible with mainstream browsers, including IE and Safari)
  • Commenting those things – Front-end Code Quality series (Part 1)
  • How to use Postman to Mock apis?
  • The design and implementation of Container components
  • Front-end JS string/picture/Excel file download
  • From Graphics to Pixels: An overview of front-end graphics programming techniques
  • Cyclomatic complexity stuff – Front-end Code Quality series (Part 2)
  • Everything you need to know about progressive Web applications
  • How to ensure front-end project code quality
  • Practice of front-end monitoring — Intelligent acquisition algorithm of FMP
  • Single sign-on principle and simple implementation
  • Add dark mode to your web page – crazy techie
  • Close reading how to Build Front-end Projects and Components
  • Ever write “Common front-end components”?
  • Pure front-end JS zip package file and download
  • How To Design Better JavaScript APIs
  • Front end buried point statistical scheme thinking
  • Talk about StorageEvent
  • This paper deals with the automatic deployment of front-end Jenkins
  • Basic principles of front-end route jumping
  • On the first day of work, how did Ali engineers unlock the new posture of morning meeting?
  • How to deal with the API problem of front and back end separation
  • A brief introduction to hot update in front-end development
  • Burn the Bundle’s “calories” together.
  • Simple strategies to make front-end resources highly available
  • From zero to one: Achieve universal one-shot H5
  • What is the difference between PHP, Vue and VUE-SSR?
  • Understanding of cross-domain and common solutions
  • Custom errors and extension errors
  • How efficiently does the front end collaborate with the back end
  • Data Visualization: How to realize thermographs in front end
  • Consider these issues when choosing an open source JavaScript library
  • See the evolution of Ali Web Application architecture from the front and back end
  • Graphics that every front-end engineer should know
  • How do engineers “magically fix” user problems? Idle fish playback technology revealed
  • From IIFE to Babel brings you an in-depth understanding of the front-end modular development system
  • IoC philosophy in the front end
  • On the front-end architecture of large projects
  • From form abstraction to form center
  • Front-end Modular Details (Full version)
  • The front end communicates across pages, and you know how
  • Talk about using open source software to build data analysis platform
  • Kubernetes in awesome practice
  • Top 10 JavaScript animation libraries to watch in 2018
  • An alternative approach to solving “Script Error”
  • Front-end component library development presentation platform compared to Bisheng-VS-Storybook
  • Complex form application decoupling, Taobao airline ticket order practice
  • Summary of Web real-time push technology
  • Discuss Function Component and Hooks
  • Talk about front-end peels
  • Comparison of 5 kinds of implementation methods of rolling top suction effect
  • Perfect implementation of a “Back to the top”
  • Baidu Web front-end development case analysis
  • Container tour of front-end projects
  • 40 + Ali technology classic cases, after reading will be collected
  • List of property methods that trigger browser backflow
  • A look at the 2018 JavaScript ecosystem from the number of star projects
  • Summary of common front-end plug-ins and tool class libraries
  • Front-end team code review CheckList
  • Transformation of enterprise IT architecture: Alibaba in Taiwan strategic thought and structure combat

The browser

  • Firefox Preview is released, the next generation mobile browser
  • Browser related principles (interview questions) detailed summary
  • Chrome 76 Beta features: Dark mode, easy to install PWA, stealth mode is hard to detect
  • Build front-end offline logs (1): IndexedDB
  • Lazy image loading using Chrome’s native LazyLoad property
  • How to monitor web crashes?
  • Chrome72 has nested Flex layout modifications and your site may have layout errors
  • Illustrated how browsers work (most complete ever)
  • Xi Big pu Ben! Chrome 75 will support image lazy loading natively
  • Why is your browser jammed
  • Repaint and Optimization [Browser mechanics]
  • Browser interception summary of opening a new window
  • The art of debugging
  • Browser process and thread details
  • Google is experimenting with the built-in KV Storage module in Chrome 74
  • The Web sends an Ajax request – sendBeacon – when the page is closed
  • What caching is involved from entering the URL to rendering (very detailed)
  • Basic principles of browser rendering

More than a terminal

  • Develop cross-platform desktop application with JS, from principle to practice
  • This is my experience with Flutter after a year of use
  • Common components of flutter to advance the path
  • Why is Flutter the ultimate cross-platform development choice
  • Blockbuster series of articles! UI2CODE intelligently generates the Flutter code
  • Dart Reference tutorial for JavaScript developers
  • Flutter Alipay APP payment (including background)
  • Flutter pits to share
  • Flutter principle and deep practice of idle fish
  • I want to learn Flutter, but I don’t know how to start?
  • Read alibaba senior expert’s share on Flutter Live2018 in 10 minutes
  • Transformation of mediocre front-end code farmers – AST
  • Knowing how to compile really allows you to convert code between different front-end frameworks
  • This article introduces you to all applets
  • H5 will know the pixel level restore design draft
  • Mobile adaptation solution – let the resolution to be more violent!
  • The client Flutter code will be online one day after the logic is cleared
  • Native JS mobile terminal Touch sliding rebound
  • H5 Photo uploading pit filling summary
  • Here’s what you need to know about mobile adaptation
  • Stand on a front end to understand the webView used in the app
  • From SPA to PWA: What’s next for Web Apps?
  • H5 must know and must interact with the App

Safety related

  • Six common Web security attacks and defenses are analyzed
  • NPM packages downloaded over 2 million times a week were injected with malicious code
  • Web security vulnerability file upload
  • Common Security Vulnerabilities of Web applications
  • Latest: what you Have to know about JavaScript behind Lodash’s serious security Flaw
  • Why does Facebook’s API start with a loop?
  • Six common Web security attacks and defenses are analyzed
  • Talk about security
  • XSS attacks for Web security vulnerabilities
  • How far can the imagination of a front end engineer go against a reptile?

HTTP related

  • Understand HTTP, HTTPS, SPDY, HTTP2 all at once
  • What’s new about HTTP/2 and HTTP/3
  • Illustrate HTTPS fundamentals
  • Quickly set up a local development environment based on HTTPS
  • Why should we upgrade to HTTPS as soon as possible?
  • Guidelines for setting the most complete HTTP Security Response header
  • What exactly does HTTPS encrypt?
  • Content-disposition encoding of HTTP headers when downloading files properly
  • WebSocket protocol and WebSocket API application
  • HTTP status code details
  • Here is how HTTPS works
  • In-depth understanding of HOW HTTPS works
  • Here’s what you need to know about the Http protocol
  • Introduction to the HTTP Keep Alive

Professional feeling

  • Pay baoyubo: from the front end to experience, how to make the pattern bigger?
  • Left ear Mouse: Software development years, I learned the truth and lessons
  • In the Internet age, you’re talking about how to do good software testing, and we’re talking about how to “kill” testing
  • The interviewer’s Perspective: What’s the problem? (on)
  • The interviewer’s Perspective: What’s the problem? (below)
  • Chairman of Alibaba Front-end Technology Committee on “Thinking on the Front End Road”
  • An essential skill for a good engineer. Have you unlocked it?
  • Decoding the Evolutionary Path of beginner, Middle and Advanced Programmers (Front End)
  • How to become a failed programmer
  • Yubo: From the front end to experience, how to make the pattern bigger
  • Front-end development has changed for 20 years
  • How to avoid becoming a “screw” of a big company? | SanBanFu independent judgment
  • Technical planning, management and architecture
  • Talk about my understanding of the code – review | Denver annual essay
  • The three years I did the front end of Taobao – the first year
  • I do the front end of Taobao in the three years – the second year
  • I do the front end of Taobao three years – the third year
  • Zhang Xinxu: The end of front-end professional direction
  • Behind the life you admire, there are hardships you can’t endure
  • 5 tips for the 2019 front end
  • 25 Minimalist Design Concepts product Managers must Know
  • Is there an “architecture” to speak of on the front end in 2018?
  • Ali has been promoted three times in five years, and the programmer wants to talk about his choices
  • Be a software engineer, not a front-end engineer
  • What determines life more than diligence is system thinking
  • Is the world flat? — Look at the front end from different angles
  • As an IT industry veteran, what would you like to say to your younger generation?
  • The tech blog thing
  • Why is front-end development so volatile?
  • Want to write a good front, first practice good internal skills
  • Look at the development process of enterprise software from the front end
  • What is the experience of being the front end of Ali Cloud?
  • Habits of mind a good developer should have
  • Hax, 360 Senior Front-end Architect: Past, present and future of front-end development programming languages
  • If I were a first-line technical director…
  • Dry goods | 10 x programmers is how to think?

, recruiting

ZooTeam, more than 50 partners are waiting for you to join the wave ~ If you want to change things have been torturing, I hope to start torturing things; If you want to change, you’ve been told you need more ideas, but you don’t have a solution. If you want change, you have the power to make it happen, but you don’t need it. If you want to change what you want to accomplish, you need a team to support you, but you don’t have the position to lead people. If you want to change “5 years of work and 3 years of experience”; If you want to change the original savvy is good, but there is always a layer of fuzzy window… If you believe in the power of believing, believing that ordinary people can achieve extraordinary things, believing that you can meet a better version of yourself. If you want to be a part of the growth of a front end team that has deep business understanding, technology systems, value creation, and impact spillover as the business takes off, I think we should talk. Any time, waiting for you to write something and send it to [email protected]

Recommended reading

Visual Construction System for Front-end Engineering Practice (PART 1)

Serverless Primer for front-end engineers

Automated Web performance optimization analysis solution