If we have a banner_item table, now we need to find all the data by banner_id.

public class BannerItem {

    private Long id;

    private String name;

    private String img;

    private String keyword;

    private Integer type;

    private Long bannerId;
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  • QueryWrapper

The most basic way to use it is this

// Query the conditional constructor
QueryWrapper<BannerItem> wrapper = new QueryWrapper<>();
wrapper.eq("banner_id", id);
// Query operation
List<BannerItem> bannerItems = bannerItemMapper.selectList(wrapper);
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We can then introduce lambda to avoid having to hardcode banner_id like this in our code

QueryWrapper<BannerItem> wrapper = new QueryWrapper<>();
wrapper.lambda().eq(BannerItem::getBannerId, id);
List<BannerItem> bannerItems = bannerItemMapper.selectList(wrapper);
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  • LambdaQueryWrapper

To simplify lambda use, we can rewrite the LambdaQueryWrapper constructor as follows:

LambdaQueryWrapper<BannerItem> wrapper = new QueryWrapper<BannerItem>().lambda();
wrapper.eq(BannerItem::getBannerId, id);
List<BannerItem> bannerItems = bannerItemMapper.selectList(wrapper);
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We can simplify QueryWrapper

.lambda() again to look like this

LambdaQueryWrapper<BannerItem> wrapper = new LambdaQueryWrapper<>();
wrapper.eq(BannerItem::getBannerId, id);
List<BannerItem> bannerItems = bannerItemMapper.selectList(wrapper);
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  • Chain query

MyBatis-Plus also provides a chained query that works the same as the code above. However, this method tends to be more showy and less readable than the above code, so you can choose your own method if you want.

List<BannerItem> bannerItems = new LambdaQueryChainWrapper<>(bannerItemMapper)
                        .eq(BannerItem::getBannerId, id)
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If you want to query only one record, for example, the details of a record by id, use. One (), for example

BannerItem bannerItem = new LambdaQueryChainWrapper<>(bannerItemMapper)
                        .eq(BannerItem::getId, id)
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