Vue Router was recently used in writing Vue version bookkeeping projects. It is through managing URL, realize component switch and state change. Make a note of some of the features used in the project.

The installation

npm install vue-router
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Basic usage

  • Use the routing functionality explicitly installed via vue.use (VueRouter) in modular projects:
  • Map components to routes and tell the Vue Router where to render them.

For example, make a navigation bar that has two pages handled by the router: a home page and a user page. When different links are clicked, the router displays the corresponding page.

// index.ts: import Vue from "vue"; import VueRouter from "vue-router"; import Detail from "@/views/Detail.vue"; import Account from "@/views/Account.vue"; import NotFound from "@/views/NotFound.vue"; Vue.use(VueRouter); Const routes = [// default to Account component {path: "/", Component: Account}, {path: "/ Account ", component: }, // Render NotFound component {path: "*", Component: NotFound},]; const router = new VueRouter({ routes }); export default router;Copy the code
//  App.vue

  <div id="app" >
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  • Do this with the Routes configuration, redirecting from/to /account:
    path: "/",
    redirect: "/account",
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  • Use the router-link component to navigate
  • By passing intoAttribute specified link
  • The router-link tag is rendered as an A tag by default
  • If a router-link route is successfully matched, the selected class indicates that the route is activated
This.$ <router-link to="/detail" active-class="selected">Copy the code


  • By injecting the router, we can pass through any componentthis.$router To access the router, you can also passthis.$routeTo access the current route:
  • This.$router.back() returns to the previous page
  • This.$router.push(‘/’) locates the page corresponding to the default route
  • This.$ gets the parameter

Route component parameters are transmitted

  • Add the routing
    path: "/record/:id",
    component: Record
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  • Navigate specified components
<router-link :to=" '/record/${xx}' "> Jump to record component </router-link>Copy the code