In the past two years, with the popularity of VR, there have also been a lot of house purchase and second-hand housing software small program VR house viewing function, to achieve the experience of staying indoors, so how to achieve such a function?

The 360°×180° photo-sphere-Viewer and its plug-in (only the Markers are used here)


Photo-sphere-viewer is based on three.js and uEvent 2

Download the plugin

Use NPM or YARN to download and install

npm install photo-sphere-viewer

yarn add photo-sphere-viewer
Copy the code

Or manually download and install via Promise-Polyfill


  <div id="viewer"></div>
    import {Viewer} from 'photo-sphere-viewer'
    import 'photo-sphere-viewer/dist/photo-sphere-viewer.css'
    export default {
                viewer:' '.imgurl1:require('.. /assets/1.jpg'),}},mounted(){
            this.viewer = new Viewer({
                size: {width: '100vw'.height: '50vh',}}); }}</script>
Copy the code

Commonly used parameters

Container (required) types: HTMLElement | identifier string contains panorama or elements of an HTML element.

container: document.querySelector('.viewer')
container: 'viewer' // will target [id="viewer"]
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Panorama (required) types: string | string [] | object the path of the panoramic image. For isometric panoramas, it must be a single string (the 720° panorama I used in this article); For a cube map, it must be an array or object (for six faces).

// Equirectangular panorama :
panorama: 'path/to/panorama.jpg'

// Cubemap as array (order is important) :
panorama: [
  'path/to/left.jpg'.'path/to/front.jpg'.'path/to/right.jpg'.'path/to/back.jpg'.'path/to/top.jpg'.'path/to/bottom.jpg',]// Cubemap as object :
panorama: {
  left:   'path/to/left.jpg'.front:  'path/to/front.jpg'.right:  'path/to/right.jpg'.back:   'path/to/back.jpg'.top:    'path/to/top.jpg'.bottom: 'path/to/bottom.jpg',}Copy the code

Plugins type: array List of enabled plugins. (Such as marker plug-in marker, which will be used later)

Markers markersList gyroscope gyroscope to switch to stereo viewsCopy the code

Caption Type: String Displays text in the navigation bar. If the navigation bar is disabled, it will always be displayed, but there is no button. HTML is allowed. Size type: {width: integer, height: integer} Final size (if panorama container). By default, the size used by Container is followed when resizing the window. Navbar Configures the navigation bar.

Zoom: zoomOut+ zoomRange+zoomIn Title fullscreen: Switch to the full-screen viewCopy the code

Custom navigation bar buttons:

 navbar: [
      id: 'my-button'.// The unique identifier of the button, useful when using the navbar.getButton() method
      content: 'Custom'.// Required, button content
      title: 'Hello world'.// A tooltip is displayed when the mouse hovers over the button
      className: 'custom-button'.// The CSS class has been added to the button
      onClick: () = > {
        alert('Hello from custom button');// The required function that is called when the button is clicked
      //disabled:false, initially disables the button
      // Hidden :false, initially hide the button},]Copy the code

Please refer to the official website for more parameters

Markers plug-in

The official plug-ins (listed in the menu on the left) can be found in the main package in the directory Photo-sphere-Viewer. Some plug-ins also have additional CSS files.

The import

import MarkersPlugin from 'photo-sphere-viewer/dist/plugins/markers'
import 'photo-sphere-viewer/dist/plugins/markers.css';
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All plug-ins contain a JavaScript class that must be supplied to the Plugins array. Some plug-ins will also take configuration objects provided in nested arrays.

this.viewer = new Viewer({
    size: {width: '100vw'.height: '50vh',},plugins: [
        [MarkersPlugin, {
            markers: [{id:'circle'.tooltip:'A circle of radius 30'.circle:30.svgStyle : {
                        fill:'rgba(255,255,0,0.3)'.stroke:'yellow'.strokeWidth:'2px',},longitude: -1.5.latitude: -0.28.anchor: 'center right',}],}],],});Copy the code

After initialization, the getPlugin method can be used to get the plug-in instance, allowing methods to be invoked on the plug-in and events to be subscribed to.

const markersPlugin = this.viewer.getPlugin(MarkersPlugin);

markersPlugin.on('something'.() = > {
  / *... * /
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Click to see more parameter methods for tag plug-ins

The final result

The final code

  <div id="viewer"></div>
    import {Viewer} from 'photo-sphere-viewer'
    import MarkersPlugin from 'photo-sphere-viewer/dist/plugins/markers'
    import 'photo-sphere-viewer/dist/photo-sphere-viewer.css'
    import 'photo-sphere-viewer/dist/plugins/markers.css';
    export default {
                viewer:' '.imgurl1:require('.. /assets/1.jpg'),
                imgurl2:require('.. /assets/2.jpg'),
                imgurl3:require('.. /assets/3.jpg'),}},mounted(){
            this.viewer = new Viewer({
                size: {width: '100vw'.height: '50vh',},plugins: [
                    [MarkersPlugin, {
                        markers: [{id:'circle'.tooltip:'A circle of radius 30'.circle:30.svgStyle : {
                                    fill:'rgba(255,255,0,0.3)'.stroke:'yellow'.strokeWidth:'2px',},longitude: -1.5.latitude: -0.28.anchor: 'center right',}],}],],});const markersPlugin = this.viewer.getPlugin(MarkersPlugin);

            markersPlugin.on('select-marker'.(e, marker) = > {
                    longitude: marker.config.longitude,
                    latitude: marker.config.latitude,
                    zoom: 100.speed: '-2rpm',
                }).then(() = >
                    ).then(() = >
                            longitude: -1.8.latitude: -0.28,}).this.viewer.animate({
                            zoom: 50.speed: '2rpm',
                        }).then(() = >
                            this.imgurl2 = this.imgurl3,
                            console.log("Continue operation"))))}); }}</script>
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The final result

GIF is too large, the compression effect is not good, but does not affect the function display, it is recommended to run it once

Material picture

Note: Image source network