
While visiting a technology website, I came across a comment below an article, which was very different from each other. I put it out separately because he talked about fundamentals. Foundation is an important learning link, in the interview a lot of questions are not difficult, are based on the content, back to see whether you have a firm foundation, the interviewer also know how you learn.


Because of my strong interest in learning, I learned all the way from testing to Java to the front end, and now I am in an awkward situation of knowing everything and having half a bucket of water. I grew to focus on the front end because I liked the front end interface. Guang and Jing, the contradictory and unified brothers, have killed a lot of people at the front end. Some companies I interviewed said that you were not deep enough, and some said that you were too narrow. When I talked, I wanted to hit people.

I settled down and traced the front end development should be the foundation must be fine (three foundations: HTML, JS, CSS), because all the new technology of the front end are based on these three technologies, can not do without them; Other frameworks and technologies based on these extensions can be broad. Commonly used to be familiar with, can not practice to understand, usually can do small projects, even set up a small project, constantly use new technology to achieve this small project. Bottom essence, top wide, this is a solid front-end technology engineer.

For the front-end direction, to tell the truth, any direction can really dig, do CSS, you can delve into a lot of APPLICATIONS of CSS,; With HTML5, there are countless demands. The premise is to survive first, have the capital to stand, and then can go your own direction. The great gods are free because with a living foundation they can spare their time to do the research that interests them.

Xiaobian this article does not talk about basic learning what, how to learn, behind the plan to write a detailed. This article for vUE, JS, CSS these three aspects of the basic arrangement of three sets of interview questions, HTML in the interview asked not much, did not go to arrange but have the need of small partners to tell the small editor comments, xiaobian later updated.

Summary of Vue interview questions

Vue – cli project

  • What technologies are involved in the VUE-CLI project, and what are their roles?
  • What are the common NPM commands used in vuE-CLI projects?
  • Name the purpose of each folder and file in vue-CLI project
  • Please tell us more about the configuration in package.json

Vue core knowledge points

  • Understanding that Vue is a set of progressive frameworks
  • What are the two cores of vue.js?
  • What is the difference between V-IF and V-show
  • Vue is a common modifier
  • Can V-ON listen for multiple methods?
  • The function of the key value in vUE
  • Vue – CLI Project Upgrade vUE version
  • How are event objects used in VUE events?
  • The use of $nextTick
  • Why does data have to be a function in a Vue component
  • Priority of V-for and V-IF
  • The vUE neutron component calls the parent component’s method
  • The role of the keep-alive component in vUE


  • How does vue-Router respond to route parameter changes?
  • Complete vue-Router navigation parsing process
  • What kind of navigation hooks does vue-Router have?
  • Vue-router Transmits parameters in several ways
  • How does vue-router define nested router routes?
  • Components and their properties
  • Vue-router implements lazy route loading
  • Vue-router Indicates the two modes of routing
  • History Route mode and background configuration

The UI style

  • The scoped property of a VUE component
  • How do I make CSS work only in the current component?
  • Library of UI components commonly used in VUE
  • How to adapt to mobile? “Classic”
  • Media query on the mobile terminal
  • Vue content is centered vertically and horizontally
  • Vue-cli method of introducing pictures
  • Common style problems on mobile
  • Text beyond hiding

MVVM design pattern

  • MVC, MVP, and MVVM patterns
  • The difference between MVC, MVP and MVVM
  • The realization principle of MVVM
  • Object. DefineProperty () method
  • Classes and objects defined in ES6
  • Document fragments in JS
  • Deconstruction assignment
  • Array.from
  • Array.reduce()
  • Use of recursion
  • Obj. Keys () and Obj. DefineProperty
  • Vue project optimization, shorten the loading time of the first screen

Vuex, HTTP request, common functions, common functions and other interview questions are not listed. If you need Vue, please click here to get it directly

JavaScript front-end classic interview questions

JS running mechanism/single thread/asynchronous

  • How to understand js single thread?
  • Why is JS single threaded?
  • What is the difference between synchronous and asynchronous? What is an example of synchronous and asynchronous?
  • When do I need asynchrony?
  • What is a task queue?
  • Name the following values?
  • What’s the difference between stack and queue?
  • What’s the difference between stack and heap?
  • What is an Event loop?
  • The event – loop process?
  • Which statements are put into the asynchronous task queue?
  • When is it put into the task queue?

Built-in functions/built-in objects in JS

  • What built-in functions/data encapsulate class objects in JS?
  • What are the built-in objects in JS?
  • What types of js variables are stored and describe their characteristics?
  • String methods/String object methods?
  • Array method/Array object method?
  • An array of API?
  • Object API?


  • What kind of basic data structure is dom?
  • What are the common apis for DOM manipulation?
  • What is the difference between attributes and properties of DOM nodes?
  • Common apis for DOM structure manipulation/how to add, remove, move, copy, create, and find nodes/DOM manipulation?
  • Level of DOM events?
  • Dom event model?
  • Dom event flow?
  • Describe the specific flow of DOM event capture?
  • Common uses of event objects?
  • Custom events/mock events?
  • Common event binding/writing a common event listener function?
  • Render tree/DOM tree/render tree

JS based

  • Understanding of JS?
  • Name the value output by the following code.
  • Rewrite the following code to print 0-9 in sequence
  • How to distinguish array objects from ordinary objects and function objects
  • Object oriented, process oriented
  • Three basic features of object orientation
  • The difference between XML and JSON?
  • Web workers and Websockets?
  • Javascript garbage collection methods?
  • What exactly does the new operator do?
  • What are the ways to lazily load JS?
  • How do WEB applications actively push Data from the server to the client?

100 CSS interview questions

  • Introduce the standard CSS box model? What’s different about the box model for the lower version of IE?
  • What are the CSS selectors?
  • What’s the difference between a double colon and a single colon in ::before and :after? Explain what these two pseudo-elements do.
  • The difference between pseudo-classes and pseudo-elements
  • What properties in CSS can be inherited?
  • How is the CSS priority algorithm calculated?
  • What about pseudo-lvHA?
  • CSS3 new pseudo class has those?
  • How do I center div?
  • What are the values of display? Explain their role.
  • The values of position are relative and absolute. What is the origin of position?
  • What’s new with CSS3? (According to project answers)
  • Please explain the Flex Box layout model of CSS3 and its application scenarios.
  • What is the principle behind creating a triangle with pure CSS?
  • How to design a full screen word layout?
  • How to implement the CSS multi-column height?
  • What are some common browser compatibilities? Why? What is the solution? Common hack skills?
  • What is the cause of the invisible space between Li and Li? What’s the solution?
  • Why do I initialize CSS styles?
  • What is an inclusion block and what is the understanding of an inclusion block?


Length reason each interview questions listed part of the topic, whether you need one or three sets of friends, directly click on this to get vUE, JS, CSS interview questions information. Learning basic content is not difficult, but the foundation of solid learning, this is also a need of time.