

NVM is responsible for managing multiple versions of NodeJS


Github.com/coreybutler…Download the NVM – setup. Zip, NVM – noinstall. Zip

NVM_HOME and NVM_SYMLINK will also be added to Path

To verify the installation, open CMD on the command line

Common NVM commands

  • NVM list Displays all versions of node.js currently installed
  • NVM install Version Number Installs the specified version of Node.js
  • NVM uninstall Version uninstalls node.js of a specified version
  • NVM use Version Specifies the version of Node.js

Command case operation

Install version 7.10.0C:\Users\vagrant> NVM install 7.10.0 Downloading node.js version 7.10.0 (64-bit)... Complete Creating C:\dev\ NVM \ Temp Downloading NPM Version 4.2.0... Complete Installing NPM v4.2.0... Installation complete. If you want to use this version,typeNVM use 7.10.0# Install version 6.10.3C:\Users\vagrant> NVM Install 6.10.3 Downloading node.js version 6.10.3 (64-bit)... Complete Creating C:\dev\ NVM \ Temp Downloading NPM Version 3.10.10... Complete Installing NPM v3.10.10... Installation complete. If you want to use this version,typeNVM use 6.10.3Display the current installed versionC:\Users\vagrant> NVM list 7.10.0 6.10.3 C:\Users\vagrant>Switch to version 7.10.0C:\Users\vagrant> NVM use 7.10.0 Now using node v7.10.0 (64-bit) C:\Users\vagrant> NVM list * 7.10.0 (Currently using The 64 - bit 6.10.3 the executable)Check the current nodeJS version in useC: \ Users \ vagrant > node - v v7.10.0# Switch versionC:\Users\vagrant> NVM use 6.10.3 Now using node v6.10.3 (64-bit) C:\Users\vagrant> NVM list 7.10.0 * 6.10.3 (Currently using 64-bit executable)Copy the code

Switching versions is essentially switching shortcuts