Cockpit: Web console for Linux servers

For Ubuntu:

sudo apt-get install cockpit

How to install other Linux distributions


The machine’s IP: 9090

You need to configure a security group for the server

The security level of the browser may be too high, and there is a warning, take FireFox as an example :(you can also directly click

Accept the risk and move on


Refer to this modification method -2

The user name and password are the same as those of the server

Install and use the Linux Cockpit management tool

Gping, the ping command with a graphical interface

Install 💿 Usage 🎷

cargo install gping

Lazykube, K8S terminal visual manager

brew install tnk-studio/tools/lazykube

Duf, disk space usage statistics tool

Broot, a more powerful command line directory tree browsing tool than LS

brew install broot


Vs, Google search term association graph

Cloc, line of code statistics tool

Can be used to compress files (such as zip tar, etc.), including blank lines and special characters processing and statistics, generate results in a variety of formats. Easy to install and lightweight, it is very useful for reading source code and analyzing project code scenarios.

brew install cloc

Git Quick Statistics, a command line statistics tool for Git repositories

brew install git-quick-stats

git quick-stats

I also configured two aliases


gcount='git shortlog -sn'sn='git shortlog -sn'
Copy the code

In a Git repository, execute


, you can get the committer of the warehouse and the number of submitted records

EnvPane – Graphical terminal form for viewing environment variables

Cocoa Rest Client, similar to Postman but simpler

Sloth, graphical interface of lsof command

A Mac desktop application that displays all running processes, open files, and sockets. It is basically a graphical interface for lsof commands.

brew install --cask sloth

Marp, turn the Markdown document into slides


A one-stop platform for redis memory structure analysis by parsing RDB files


Put the Mac’s Dock on the TouchBar

Toch Bar waste recycling series

Convert images to LaTeX

Desktop software that converts the mathematical formula OCR into LaTex code


A desktop download tool, support to download HTTP, FTP, BT, magnetic chain, Baidu network disk and other resources.


When your project Git repository has many branches and you forget which ones are useful and which ones aren’t, this tool can show you the details of each branch and whether it has been merged to help you decide if you should remove it or not


Chrome extension that allows you to customize HTTP request headers or override response headers

Rooster for Chrome

Chrome plugin can display real-time access time statistics chart, similar

Web Timer

git icdiff

Better use of

git diff

brew install icdiff

You can configure an alias

vim ~/.zshrc


alias diff='git icdiff'
Copy the code

source ~/.zshrc



A command line Git user manager for situations where different identities are required to submit code to different repositories.

Git multi-user configuration


A browser plugin that allows cross-browser bookmark synchronization and data storage in GitHub Gist


A web image tool that magnifies images while maintaining the same sharpness.