- It mainly shares the data structure and sorting algorithm that we have learned recently
- The article covers only the function definitions implemented by code for each data structure
- Almost every data structure or algorithm involved is implemented in code
- GitHub code address: data structure and algorithm
The linear table
The list
- A linked list is a linear structure of chained storage where the memory addresses of all elements are not necessarily contiguous
- The following table shows the corresponding class names for the four linked lists and test items
class List<E: Comparable> {
/** * clears all elements */
func clear(a) {}
/** * number of elements * @return */
func size(a) -> Int{}/** * whether is empty * @return */
func isEmpty(a) -> Bool{}/** * contains an element * @param element * @return */
func contains(_ element: E) -> Bool{}/** * add element to end * @param element */
func add(_ element: E) {}
/** * get the element at index * @param index * @return */
func get(_ index: Int) -> E? {}/** * replace the index element * @param index * @param element * @return the original element ֵ */
func set(by index: Int.element: E) -> E? {}/** * Insert an element * @param index * @param element */
func add(by index: Int.element: E) {}
/** * remove the index element * @param index * @return */
func remove(_ index: Int) -> E? {}/** * View the index of the element * @param Element * @return */
func indexOf(_ element: E) -> Int{}}Copy the code
The list | The name of the class |
Singly linked list | SingleLinkList |
Two-way linked list | DoubleLinkList |
Unidirectional cyclic linked lists | CircleSingleLineList |
Bidirectional circular linked lists | CircleDoubleLinkList |
The stack
- A stack is a special kind of linear table that can only be operated on at one end
- The stack follows the Last in First out principle
- Statck
class Statck<E> {
/// Number of elements
func size(a) -> Int {}
/// Is empty
func isEmpty(a) -> Bool{}/ / / into the stack
func push(_ element: E?). {}
/ / / out of the stack
func pop(a) -> E? {}
/// get the top element of the stack
func peek(a) -> E? {}
/ / / empty
func clear(a){}}Copy the code
The queue
- A queue is a special kind of linear table that can only operate at both ends
- Queues follow the last in, First out principle (single-ended queue), First in, First out
- The following table shows the corresponding class names for queues and test items
class Queue<E: Comparable> {
/// Number of elements
func size(a) -> Int {}
/// Is empty
func isEmpty(a) -> Bool {}
/// Clear all elements
func clear(a) {}
/ / / team
func enQueue(_ element: E?). {}
/ / / out of the team
func deQueue(a) -> E? {}
/// get the header element of the queue
func front(a) -> E? {}
func string(a) -> String{}}Copy the code
The queue | The name of the class |
Single-ended queue | SingleQueue |
deque | SingleDeque |
Single-ended loop queue | CircleQueue |
Double-ended circular queue | CircleDeque |
Hash table
- Hash table also called hash table, childhood array storage (not just arrays)
- Use hash function to generate the index value corresponding to the key to store the value of the array index
- Two different keys may have the same index through a hash function, that is, hash conflict
- Common ways to resolve hash conflicts
- Open addressing: probe other addresses according to certain rules until empty buckets are encountered
- Rehash method: design multiple complex hash functions
- Linked address method: test the use of this method in a project by linking the elements of the same index together in a linked list
class Map<K: Hashable.V: Comparable> {
/// Number of elements
func count(a) -> Int {}
/// Is empty
func isEmpty(a) -> Bool {}
/// Clear all elements
func clear(a) {}
/// Add elements
func put(key: K? .val: V?). -> V? {}
/// Delete elements
func remove(key: K) -> V? {}
// query value by element
func get(key: K) -> V? {}
/// Whether to contain Key
func containsKey(key: K) -> Bool {}
/// Whether to include Value
func containsValue(val: V) -> Bool {}
/ / / all the key
func keys(a)- > [K] {}
/ / / all the value
func values(a)- > [V] {}
/ / / traverse
func traversal(visitor: ((K? .V?). - > ())){}}Copy the code
Binary tree
- A binary tree is a finite set of N (n>=0) nodes, which is either an empty set (called an empty binary tree) or consists of a root node and two disjoint left and right subtrees, called root nodes respectively
Binary tree | The name of the class |
Binary tree | BinaryTree |
Binary search tree | BinarySearchTree |
AVL tree and red-black tree are two balanced binary search trees
Balanced binary search tree | The name of the class |
Binary equilibrium tree | BinaryBalanceTree |
Binary balanced search tree | BinaryBalanceSearchTree |
Red and black tree | RedBlackTree |
A collection of
In the test project, linked list, red-black tree and hash table were used to achieve three sets
class Set<E: Comparable & Hashable> {
/// Number of elements
func size(a) -> Int {}
/// Is empty
func isEmpty(a) -> Bool {}
/// Clear all elements
func clear(a) {}
/// Whether to contain an element
func contains(_ val: E) -> Bool {}
/// Add elements
func add(val: E) {}
/// Delete elements
func remove(val: E) -> E? {}
/// get all elements
func lists(a)- > [E] {}}Copy the code
A collection of | The name of the class |
A collection of bidirectional linked lists | ListSet |
Red black tree collection | TreeSet |
A collection of hash tables | HashSet |
Binary heap
A heap is a kind of tree-like data structure, and a binary heap is just one of them
- Many fork heap
- The index of
- The binomial heap
- .
In the test project, the maximum heap and minimum heap are realized by binary heap
class AbstractHeap<E: Comparable> {
// the number of elements
func count(a) -> Int {}
/// Is empty
func isEmpty(a) -> Bool {}
/ / / empty
func clear(a){}/// Add elements
func add(val: E){}/// Add elements to the array
func addAll(vals: [E]){}/// get the top of the heap element
func top(a) -> E? {}
/// delete the heaptop element
func remove(a) -> E? {}
// insert a new element while removing the top element of the heap
func replace(val: E) -> E? {}}Copy the code
Binary heap | The name of the class |
Binary heap | BinaryHeap |
The maximum heap | MinHeap |
The minimum heap | MaxHeap |
Check and set
- A parallel lookup set is also called a disjoint set. It has two core operations: lookup and merge
- Find: Finds the set in which the element is located
- Merge: To combine the set of two elements into a set
class UnionFind {
// find the set (root node) that V belongs to
func find(v: Int) -> Int {}
// merge the set of v1 and v2
func union(v1: Int.v2: Int){}// check whether v1 and v2 belong to the same set
func isSame(v1: Int.v2: Int) -> Bool{}}Copy the code
Check and set | The name of the class |
Quick Find | UnionFind_QF |
Quick Union | UnionFind_QU |
QU is optimized based on size | UnionFind_QU_Size |
QU is optimized based on size | UnionFind_QU_Size |
QU is optimized based on Rank | UnionFind_QU_Rank |
QU Rank based optimization, path compression | UnionFind_QU_Rank_PC |
QU Rank based optimization, path splitting | UnionFind_QU_Rank_PS |
QU Rank based optimization, path half | UnionFind_QU_Rank_PH |
Generic and look up sets | GenericUnionFind |
- A graph consists of vertices and edges. It is divided into directed graph and undirected graph.
Inherited fromGraph
class Graph<V: Comparable & Hashable.E: Comparable & Hashable> {
/// The number of edges
func edgesSize(a) -> Int {}
/// Number of vertices
func verticesSize(a) -> Int {}
/// add vertices
func addVertex(val: V) {}
/ / / add edge
func addEdge(from: V.to: V) {}
// add edges (with weights)
func addEdge(from: V.to: V.weight: Double?). {}
/// delete vertices
func removeVertex(val: V) {}
/ / / remove edge
func removeEdge(from: V.to: V) {}
Our lines can be customized according to our requirements. //
func breadthFirstSearch(begin: V? .visitor: ((V) - > ())) {}
// Depth First Search (non-recursive)
func depthFirstSearch(begin: V? .visitor: ((V) - > ())) {}
/// Depth First Search
func depthFirstSearchCircle(begin: V? .visitor: ((V) - > ())) {}
/* * topology sort * AOV network traversal, all AOV activities into a sequence */
func topologicalSort(a)- > [V] {}
/* * Minimum spanning tree * Minimum weight spanning tree, minimum support tree * Of all spanning trees, the one with the least weight * prim algorithm */
func mstPrim(a) -> HashSet<EdgeInfo<V.E> >? {}/* * Minimum spanning tree * Minimum weight spanning tree, minimum support tree * Of all spanning trees, the one with the least weight * prim algorithm */
func mstKruskal(a) -> HashSet<EdgeInfo<V.E> >? {}/* * Directed graph * Shortest path from a point (least weight) * return weight */
func shortestPath(_ begin: V) -> HashMap<V.Double>? {}
/* * Dijkstra: single-source shortest path algorithm, used to calculate the shortest path from one vertex to all other vertices * does not support negative weight edges */
func dijkstraShortPath(_ begin: V) -> HashMap<V.PathInfo<V.E> >? {}/* * bellmanFord: single-source shortest path algorithm, used to calculate the shortest path from one vertex to all other vertices * supports negative weight edges * supports detection of negative weight rings */
func bellmanFordShortPath(_ begin: V) -> HashMap<V.PathInfo<V.E> >? {}/* * Floyd: multisource shortest path algorithm, used to calculate the shortest path of any two vertices * supports negative weight edges */
func floydShortPath(a) -> HashMap<V.HashMap<V.PathInfo<V.E> > >? {}/// Outputs a string
func printString(a){}}Copy the code
The sorting
The sorting | The name of the class |
Bubble sort | BubbleSorted2 |
Selection sort | SelectedSorted |
Insertion sort | InsertionSorted1 |
Merge sort | MergeSort |
Hill sorting | ShellSort |
Quick sort | QuickSorted |
Heap sort | HeapSorted |
Count sorting | CountingSorted |
Radix sort | RadixSorted |
Bucket sort | BucketSorted |
/// quicksort
let arr = [126.69.593.]
let quick = QuickSorted<Int> ()print(quick.sorted(by: arr))
/ / / bucket sort
let sort = BucketSorted(a)let array = []
print(sort.sorted(by: array))
Copy the code
- Data structure part in addition to the hop table and string other basic implementation
- In addition to sorting, the algorithm part has not been learned
- This part of the study is over for the time being, and then I have to prepare for the exam in November
- GitHub code address: data structure and algorithm