I. Browser fingerprint description

A 2010 study by the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) found that the vast majority of web browsers allow users to leave unique “fingerprints” that can be used to track how they surf the Web. This “fingerprint” is also known as a “browser fingerprint.” Browser Fingerprint The browser type, screen size and color depth, browser plug-in, default time zone Settings, and font installed by the user are used as feature parameters to identify fingerprints using a simple string matching method. At the same time, the browser fingerprint can accurately identify the browser; The browser fingerprint recognition rate was 94.2% for Flash and Java devices.

In Peter Eckersley’s paper, the collection, identification, change tracking and other methods of browser fingerprint are fully described for the first time, which proves that browser fingerprint technology can effectively distinguish and track users without using Cookie and other storage mechanisms.

[1] The emergence of browser fingerprint can not only bring convenience to our life, but also bury hidden dangers to the disclosure of personal privacy: on the one hand, browser fingerprint can be used for identity authentication, helping Web application service providers to better identify user identity and protect user information; Browser fingerprint can also help Web application service providers to better complete statistics, optimize their applications with statistical results, and improve user experience. At the same time, analyzing the behavior of different users can help advertisers target their ads more precisely to help users find what they want.

[2] On the other hand, many researchers have begun to worry about the threat posed by browser fingerprint technology to user privacy [3], and also discussed the impact of browser fingerprint technology on user privacy. Nikiforakis et al., for example, have dissected the technologies and scenarios offered by three browser fingerprinting companies

[3]. Wills et al. demonstrated that if enough browsing history is collected, it is possible to accurately predict the age, gender, marital status and income of each user

[4]. Therefore, browser fingerprints can change life to bring a certain degree of traversal, but also have pitfalls. In the real world, browser fingerprints should not be used unrestrictively, nor should they be completely disabled, or should they be restricted.

Two, browser fingerprint solution principle

The characteristic parameters obtained by browser fingerprint include User Agent, time zone, screen information, language setting, plug-in list installed in browser, fonts installed in system, geographic location, MIME Type list, noise signal of mobile device accelerator and gyroscope, Canvas/Web Font/WebGL implementation

[2]. The easiest way to obtain the browser fingerprint is to use Fingerprintjs[5] : After calculating the browser fingerprint using Fingerprintjs, ajax is used to send the fingerprint information back to the server, so that the server can obtain the browser fingerprint without being noticed by the user. The more complex way also has the traditional Trojan horse implantation, virus software and so on. Although there are many ways to obtain the browser fingerprint, it is difficult to obtain the browser fingerprint from the source by restricting the acquisition of the characteristic parameters related to the browser fingerprint.

First, some information cannot be restricted, such as the required fields in HTTP packets, such as user-agent, accept-encoding, accept-charset, and Host. These parameters are not sufficient to calculate the browser fingerprint, but they are important characteristic parameters of the browser fingerprint. The server needs these parameters to identify the browser, make sure the page looks good, and so on. To some extent, browser fingerprinting is also a reflection of HTTP’s shortcomings

[6]. Secondly, to limit the acquisition of browser feature parameters, the support of corresponding software is required, the most basic is browser support. At present, some researchers have designed FPDetect system to limit the browser fingerprint acquisition

Browser fingerprint recognition, the principle of browser fingerprint camouflage

[7]. The system uses a modified Chromium browser. The browser logs the scripts that exist on the web site to make calls to interfaces that are often used in browser fingerprint detection, such as navigator.plugins. Driven by CasperJS and Selenium, the system can automatically detect whether websites are using browser fingerprinting to track user behavior. Other ways to limit browser fingerprints include using Tor and using the browser’s privacy mode.

At present, some people on the Internet proposed “multi-instance”, “multi-browser”, “multi-VIRTUAL machine”, “dynamic User Agent” and other methods to avoid the impact of browser fingerprint

[8]. These methods prevent browser fingerprints by modifying the User Agent field. Although modifying the User Agent field does not affect the normal use of the browser under normal circumstances, these methods bring great inconvenience to users and affect the normal application of obtaining the browser fingerprint, but do not achieve the purpose of restricting the browser fingerprint.

In the author’s opinion, the most fundamental way to solve the problem is to design a browser like FPDetect system, which can monitor and record the invocation of script related to browser fingerprint in the website, and automatically detect whether the website uses browser fingerprint technology to track user behavior. At the same time, set permission management, a site needs to obtain browser fingerprint, after the user agrees to add the site to the trust list, at the same time, after the user’s browser fingerprint changes can also be corrected in time, improve security.

Of course, you can also modify or disguise your fingerprint using the Giant Fingerprint Browser.

Giant image fingerprint browser fingerprint protection · Exclusive first mask fingerprint, multiple account anti association of the fingerprint browser.

Anti-fingerprint detection: Giant Image fingerprint browser handles browser fingerprints in the strictest way. Instead of preventing websites from reading your real fingerprint, instruct them to read a “mask fingerprint” that is different from your real fingerprint.

2. Cloud synchronization: Giant Elephant fingerprint browser can import and export the configured browser environment through configuration files, and at the same time encrypt and save in the cloud. Through the function of synchronizing browser environment configuration file in the cloud, you can get a complete and secure working experience wherever you log in to the Giant Fingerprint browser account. The login information and even TAB page of the account will be opened for you one by one:)

3 team cooperation: improve efficiency anytime and anywhere, support multiple sub-accounts to share browser configuration files and account data. Not limited by time and space, team work at any time and anywhere, without interference between teams, effectively improve work efficiency.

4 Open more independent browser hardware environments

Creating a browser profile is equivalent to creating a separate virtual browser environment. Cookies, local storage, and other cached files for each browser file will be completely isolated, and each browser configuration file will not leak information to each other.

5 Browser fingerprint isolation protection

By simulating 100% of all computer hardware and software information, the browser fingerprint is processed with the most primitive technology implementation. Allow websites to read hardware fingerprints that are different from your real fingerprint, instead of the old method of preventing websites from reading any fingerprints at all.

6 Convenient multi-account management

Generate multiple unique fingerprint browsers, each isolated from the other. It can also be understood that each browser configuration file is a different computer, combined with the proxy IP, is a different computer in different regions, to achieve more open management of global website accounts.

7 Automatic IP address Settings

Proxy access acceleration, etc