This is the sixth day of my participation in the August Text Challenge.More challenges in August
1. Display of background permission control
1.1. Role Model Add permissions
Role and permission relationship: belongsTomany
BelongsTomany (association model, table name of intermediate table, foreign key ID corresponding to this model, foreign key ID corresponding to association model)
// Many-to-many roles and permissions
public function nodes() {
// Parameter 1: correlation model
// Parameter 2: the name of the intermediate table
// Parameter 3: the external key ID corresponding to this model
// Parameter 4: the external key ID corresponding to the association model
return $this -> belongsToMany(Node::class, 'role__node'.'role_id'.'node_id');
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1.2 Adding the Display Permission Route
Route::get('role/node/{role}'.'RoleController@node') -> name('role.node');
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1.3 Displaying node controller methods
// Assign permissions to roles (get)
public function node(Role $role) {
// dump($role -> nodes -> toArray());
// Correlation model
// dump($role -> nodes() -> pluck('name', 'id') -> toArray());
// Read all permissions
$nodeAll = (new Node()) -> getAllList();
// Read the permissions of the current role (node)
$nodes = $role -> nodes() -> pluck('id') -> toArray();
return view('admin.role.node', compact('role'.'nodeAll'.'nodes'));
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1.4 Displaying node Templates
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<title>Assign permissions</title>
<nav class="breadcrumb"><i class="Hui-iconfont"></i>Home page<span class="c-gray en">></span>The user center<span class="c-gray en">></span>Assign permissions<a class="btn btn-success radius r" style="The line - height: 1.6 em. margin-top:3px" href="javascript:location.replace(location.href);" title="Refresh"><i class="Hui-iconfont"></i></a></nav>
<article class="page-container">
<! -- Form validation -->
<form action="{{route('admin.role.node', $role)}}" method="post" class="form form-horizontal" id="form-member-add">
@foreach($nodeAll as $item)
<input type="checkbox" name="node[]" value="{{$item['id']}}" id=""
@if(in_array($item['id'], $nodes)) checked @endif
{{$item['html']}} {{$item['name']}}
<div class="row cl">
<div class="col-xs-8 col-sm-9 col-xs-offset-4 col-sm-offset-3">
<input class="btn btn-primary radius" type="submit" value=" Assign permissions ">
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Second, background allocation permission logic
2.1 Controller Method
// Assign permissions to roles (post)
public function nodeSave(Request $request, Role $role) {
//dump($request -> all());
return redirect(route('admin.role.index'));
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2.2 the effect
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