Who invented HTML
- Sir Lee in 1990
What should I start with in HTML
<! DOCTYPE html>
What are commonly used table chapter labels and what do they mean
- H1 ~ h6 title
- Section section
- P paragraphs
- Header Top/header
- Footer bottom/footstep
- Main Contents
- Aside from the content
- Airticle articles
- Div division
What are the global properties
- class
- contenteditable
- gidden
- id
- style
- tabinex
- title
What are the common content tags and what do they mean
- An item in the ol+ LI list
- Ul + li list
- Dl list +dt a word +dd a description
- Pre keep space
- Hr horizontal divider
- Br Newline/interrupt
- A hyperlink
- Em highlights
- Strong Indicates that the major font is bold
- Quote reference
- Blockquote newline reference